Fed announces: "This is a good economy"

1. I had a hell of a lot more fun in the 1960s than I'm having now.
The 1990s were better yet.
I was older, yes, but had more money.

2. Economically.
Not compared to any other point in time.
Compared to how it should be right now.

All horseshit


Oh he always trashes groups of voters on the Dem side

Like the youth
Another poster that played a liberal and then said utterly stupid shit all the time


I called him out and he fled too
The U.S. economy got an unusually blunt endorsement from an unexpected source Wednesday: Federal Reserve

“This is a good situation. Let’s be honest. This is a good economy,” Fed chair Powell told reporters Wednesday.

"The labor market, 3.7% unemployment, indicates that the labor market is strong. We’ve had just about two years now of unemployment under 4%. That hasn’t happened in 50 years. So it’s a good labor market. And we’ve seen inflation come down.”

The Fed announces?

The Fed announces?


Well, that - and an incredibly low unemployment rate, over 14 million jobs added since the worst jobs President in American history, wages are going up, and the stock market is breaking records.

But sure - Fox & Trump are better sources, no doubt.
^^^ Gets all her information from Trump and FOX.
:rofl2: :rofl2: Crypress seriously thinks that I am a 'she', that I can't think for myself, and that FOX isn't managed by Democrats :rofl2: :rofl2:

The Federal Reserve are not only world class experts macroeconomics, they are about the most non-partisan source on economics one can realistically hope to get
You're kidding, right?
Yes, because I am not confused about my gender in any way.

I am glad to hear that you are certain of your gender. I am not certain why it is so important you tell everyone what gender you feel you are, but it is good you are living your best life.
I am glad to hear that you are certain of your gender. I am not certain why it is so important you tell everyone what gender you feel you are, but it is good you are living your best life.

did you have the same ideology when bruce jenner came out as caitlyn? or dylan mulvaney celebrated his anniversary of being a woman?
did you have the same ideology when bruce jenner came out as caitlyn? or dylan mulvaney celebrated his anniversary of being a woman?

Yes, actually I did. I am happy that all three of you are living your best life. Do not know why it is so important that you announce it, but you do you. It is not my business.
I am glad to hear that you are certain of your gender.
Thank you, and I'd be glad to be of assistance to anyone who happens to be confused about their gender.

I am not certain why it is so important you tell everyone what gender you feel you are,
You were the one who asked me that question. Remember?

but it is good you are living your best life.
Thank you. That's what I aim for.
It's interesting that the forum Debbie Downer MAGATs, on the other hand, insist that the economy is crap, people are starving and can't even afford Taylor Swift tickets, and that things were so much better under #TRE45ON, even during the pandemic. The presentation of actual facts from credible (i.e. nonpartisan) sources cannot sway them. I will never understand why on Earth anyone would choose to listen to media that lies to them and fills them with fear and anxiety. I understand even less why they would want to spread that gloom to everyone else. It's sick.

Under a Democratic president Democrats think the economy is good while Republicans think it is bad. Under a Republican president Republicans think the economy is good and Democrats think it is bad.

Obviously, partisanship rather than knowledge of the facts is determining their opinions.
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Under a Democratic president Democrats think the economy is good while Republicans think it is bad. Under a Republican president Republicans think the economy is good and Democrats think it is bad.

Obviously, partisanship rather than knowledge of the facts is determining their opinions.

A retrospective look back at the economy by presidential term, on the other hand, shows that overall (Carter's term being an exception), we fare better under (D) presidents, opinions aside.