Feminists like Darla Get Their Way: Kennedy Annointed Choice, Like it or not


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When a powerful labor leader picked up the phone this week, he was surprised to hear the voice of a top aide to New York City Mayor Bloomberg. The aide made it clear: Caroline Kennedy [lose the Schlossberg] is going to be senator, "so get on board now!"

Buttons are being pushed and strings pulled by the mayor, the NEW YORK TIMES plans to front on Thursday.

The involvement has helped immediately elevate and coordinate the debut of Kennedy, who lacked an experienced political staff of her own.

But now, it is setting off an intense backlash among Democrats.
Amazingly, on the short list in Colorado...

Cary Kennedy, State Treasurer.

(Not even kidding folks.)
Pissing people off is an inevitable by-product of a system of appointments.

Is there some wonder candidate who commands loyalty from all citizens of New York State? If people don't like her, i understand it's only 2 years until they can vote the appointed candidate out anyway.

If i were the governor i'd make history and appoint someone guaranteed to piss everyone off - an openly gay Islamic transsexual who wears fur and enjoys burning car tyres and American flags in his spare time, perhaps?
Pissing people off is an inevitable by-product of a system of appointments.

Is there some wonder candidate who commands loyalty from all citizens of New York State? If people don't like her, i understand it's only 2 years until they can vote the appointed candidate out anyway.

If i were the governor i'd make history and appoint someone guaranteed to piss everyone off - an openly gay Islamic transsexual who wears fur and enjoys burning car tyres and American flags in his spare time, perhaps?
I was thinking about that... If I didn't care about a political future, I'd appoint somebody picked randomly by birthdate and social security number. Well... Unless it pulled up another lawyer, they are overrepresented in government.
I was thinking about that... If I didn't care about a political future, I'd appoint somebody picked randomly by birthdate and social security number. Well... Unless it pulled up another lawyer, they are overrepresented in government.

What about Madonna? She's just moved back to New York after divorcing her mock-cockney beau.

Or someone professionally qualified to hold such a position, such as a pork butcher?
Yah its pretty pathetic shes going to be appointed. She is no different then Paris Hilton.

First, "feminists like Darla" weren't married to Caroline Kennedy. What "feminists like Darla" wanted was to ensure that one of the 16 woman-held seats in the US Senate stayed that way. We knew we were getting that from this governor.

Most active feminists that I know and know of, are coming around to Kennedy. They are taking the chance that she is going to be a powerful voice for women. They think it's a good bet.

As to your comment Chap, it's sexist. And it's a good example of exactly why I'd be even happier if the woman appointed was Kennedy. First, it infuriates the batshit right as we see here on this board. Secondly, it pisses off sexists. Your comment reminds me a lot of what Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake, a "liberal blog" wrote. She said that she guessed it was either become a senator or get her nails done. Hamsher is the same nasty, seething, big mouth who put Joe Lieberman in black face during the Lamont primary fight, and as far as I know, never bothered to explain herself. Now she is on a jihad against Kennedy, and she sounds like Maureen Dowd, another asshole.

So, for me, there is no bad here. Screw you all. That's how I view it.
First, "feminists like Darla" weren't married to Caroline Kennedy. What "feminists like Darla" wanted was to ensure that one of the 16 woman-held seats in the US Senate stayed that way. We knew we were getting that from this governor.

Most active feminists that I know and know of, are coming around to Kennedy. They are taking the chance that she is going to be a powerful voice for women. They think it's a good bet.

As to your comment Chap, it's sexist. And it's a good example of exactly why I'd be even happier if the woman appointed was Kennedy. First, it infuriates the batshit right as we see here on this board. Secondly, it pisses off sexists. Your comment reminds me a lot of what Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake, a "liberal blog" wrote. She said that she guessed it was either become a senator or get her nails done. Hamsher is the same nasty, seething, big mouth who put Joe Lieberman in black face during the Lamont primary fight, and as far as I know, never bothered to explain herself. Now she is on a jihad against Kennedy, and she sounds like Maureen Dowd, another asshole.

So, for me, there is no bad here. Screw you all. That's how I view it.

Darla would vote for a retard for president if the retard was a woman. Identity politics breeds this myopia of thought.
Im sure there are plenty of qualified woman in NY to take the Senate seat. She does the opposite for you cause.. ala Sarah Palin. Its a joke.
What about Madonna? She's just moved back to New York after divorcing her mock-cockney beau.

Or someone professionally qualified to hold such a position, such as a pork butcher?
I heard that Fran Dreschner (sp?) from "Nanny" wants the job.
Im sure there are plenty of qualified woman in NY to take the Senate seat. She does the opposite for you cause.. ala Sarah Palin. Its a joke.

Chap, you're incoherent. There is no comparison between Kennedy & Palin, or Paris Hilton.

If you're trying to make some sort of logical argument, it is severely undermined by exaggeration.