Feminists like Darla Get Their Way: Kennedy Annointed Choice, Like it or not

Chap, you're incoherent. There is no comparison between Kennedy & Palin, or Paris Hilton.

If you're trying to make some sort of logical argument, it is severely undermined by exaggeration.

I know. Palin has much more experience than Kennedy. :)
I hold a different view of her experience, knowledge, and qualifications.

Because she is a woman YOU like, you ignore the fact that she has little experience or qualifications.

She is just another hooters girl hiking up her skirt and shaking her pom poms. Showing a little leg to get herself a position she doesn't deserve. Of course she was then embarrassed upon being told that Patterson couldn't actually see her. So she then turned to the political elite and got them to force Patterson into annoiting her.
Chap, you're incoherent. There is no comparison between Kennedy & Palin, or Paris Hilton.

If you're trying to make some sort of logical argument, it is severely undermined by exaggeration.

Actually, Paris and Kennedy are authors. So there is that.

But as for experience, you are correct. Palin completely outclasses Kennedy when it comes to experience.
Chap, you're incoherent. There is no comparison between Kennedy & Palin, or Paris Hilton.

If you're trying to make some sort of logical argument, it is severely undermined by exaggeration.

Do you believe Kennedy holds higher qualifications than Palin does?
Chap, you're incoherent. There is no comparison between Kennedy & Palin, or Paris Hilton.

If you're trying to make some sort of logical argument, it is severely undermined by exaggeration.

I think its laughable that people are actually happy shes being appointed. Im not taking anything away from her charitable work and shes a lawyer so shes probably not an idiot (tho I do think lawyers are highly over-rated on the intelligence scale). I do make the exaggerated comparison to Paris to make a point about her being born into "American Royalty"

Its easy to be a charitable servant when you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and dont have to work 50hours a week at a real job.
It is like we live in fuedal times.......Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton, Kennedy. I'm ready for someone named Jones to take office of some sort.

Yeah bingo, she comes with automatic name recognition and bearing the dynastic name of Kennedy is automatically assumed to be legitamite for any privileged position she desires.
People keep talking about "qualifications" yet I still haven't seen anyone set out what "qualifications" they deem sufficient to become a Senator. It's really weird.
Waaaaaa my dick hurts They are going to appoint another Kennedy to the Senate. Waaaaa she is less qualified than the certifiable retard we let McCain pick who didn't fucking know Africa was a continent. Someone get me something for my aching burning dick. I am sooooo mad that picked a woman and a Kennedy. I just woke up today and found out how politics works and I am sooooo mad. Ohhhh it burns especially right at the tip of the head. Waaaaaaaaaaa!
Do you believe Kennedy holds higher qualifications than Palin does?

I think she'll be a better Senator than Palin would be, but I'm on the left.

"Qualifications" - you guys are a joke. Clinton didn't exactly have a ton on her resume when she was elected, and many - including Republicans - think she was an excellent Senator for NY.

Everyone here should do a little research & see what our founding fathers had to say about what kind of "qualifications" people needed to serve in the House & Senate.
People keep talking about "qualifications" yet I still haven't seen anyone set out what "qualifications" they deem sufficient to become a Senator. It's really weird.
I posted the qualifications, 35, US citizen for at least 9 years, resident of the state in which they seek the office.
"Its easy to be a charitable servant when you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and dont have to work 50hours a week at a real job"

Chap - there are VERY few in the Senate who did not grow up millionaires. The only reason you're pissed about Kennedy is the last name.
People keep talking about "qualifications" yet I still haven't seen anyone set out what "qualifications" they deem sufficient to become a Senator. It's really weird.
Basically I would wonder if they would be elected rather than selected.

For instance, Cary Kennedy (Colorado State Treasurer). She was elected in a statewide election. Yeah, I would call her more qualified than Caroline Kennedy (NY State, No government position ever held, nobody has ever cast one vote for her in her lifetime).

There is a reason she didn't run for the office and sought to be appointed. It is far easier to be elected when running as an incumbent.

However, I do believe that Caroline could get elected if she ran for the office, if she were the winner of the primary. I just don't know if she would win the primary based on the qualifications listed for her. It's entirely possible, but forever now will be the question... was she appointed just because of name recognition over more qualified candidates who have held a public office or two and been instrumental in the passage and/or writing of a law or two at a lower level?
Wow tons of Senators and Reps were elected without EVER holding a government job or position. All the members of the First Congress were. They did fair to middling. Funny how when you conservatives really want to complain about a congress not controlled by you, you whine about the fact that congress is full of carreer politicians. NOW she has done things OTHER than political office and THAT sucks. Just admit you HATE the Kennedy's, and you abhor the thought of one more Kennedy in the Senate till they decide to leave.
Really? Bingo? Who would she run against? Schumer? Clinton? Not likely. She's seeking to be appointed because she can and she didn't run previously because it would have been a shitty decision to do so.
Because she would likely lose a hard-fought primary?

That would be about the only reason it would be a "sh***y" decision to do so.