Ferraro: Obama camp 'did it to hurt Hillary'

First of all, you really need to learn to read more closely.

Second, start with Rod Parsley.
And has McCain become a member of his church? What about the past 20 years, was he a member?

Again, you do too.

If Obama was simply trying to get this guy's support I couldn't care less. However being a member, making him his personal spiritual adviser. Actually having to be convinced by aides to remove him from the announcement ceremony lineup...

There are many things that will make it difficult for Obama to distance himself.

Saying "I don't support everything he says." isn't enough. What he says is important enough to not support him at all if you were working to actually bring people together.
Yep, Parsley is a hack and he is extreme and I would consider him to be a nut. And he is associated with McCain in what way?
I like your update. It's nice arbitrary line-drawing that allows you to give McCain a pass. I expect as much from you.
Right. And you aren't giving a pass to another?

Look. I don't like religious candidates on the R side. I wish they'd dump that part of it.

As far as it goes, I'm glad that these people have to hold their nose to support McCain, that they didn't like him at all when he was running against Huckabee. That Huckabee never got much support. All of these are good signs.

However, I have already stated I will not vote for somebody that doesn't support a balanced budget amendment and plan on getting rid of the War Powers Act as parts of their platform. McCain has supported the Amendment but has nothing in his platform about the WPA. He won't secure my vote without that.
Yep, Parsley is a hack and he is extreme and I would consider him to be a nut. And he is associated with McCain in what way?
This ^^

I've been looking for a link.

Here it is:


Not very smart on McCain's part, IMO. The guy actually advocates the obliteration of Islam and says that Christians and Islam are at war. Talk about "jihadspeak". Bad idea to promote him as an adviser.
Thanks for the info on that. I had not heard. That being the case then you are correct in your assertion that they deserve equal attention in the press.
Thanks for the info on that. I had not heard. That being the case then you are correct in your assertion that they deserve equal attention in the press.
Well, they'll get it from me.

It will be far easier for McCain to distance himself from that guy though, considering he hasn't shown his support by being a member of his church for 20 years.
Yep, Parsley is a hack and he is extreme and I would consider him to be a nut. And he is associated with McCain in what way?

McCain sought Parsley's endorsement, and he is considered mccains "spiritual advisor" whatever that means. And he and Hagee are absolute nut jobs who have specifically promoted war, and the destruction of one of the world's three great monotheistic religions.

I wasn't in Obama's church. But, from what I saw, the pastor was talking about the institutions of america that lead to oppression and hate: like the drug war, our prison culture, and our foreign policy. I happen to think those are legitimate concerns. I didn't hear anything about destoying anyone, or attacking anyone.
Addressed this already cypress.......few posts up.

very good.

I'm sure that Parsley's comments are more harmful to america, by ten orders of magnitue, than anything obama's pastor said.

While, McCain will get a pass in this country on this, people in the muslim world and the muslim media will be well aware of it. They will see a presidential candidate, who's spiritual advisor promotes the destruction of islam. And, as Ron Paul says, the don't "hate us for our freedoms". They hate us because we have for decades, been mucking around in their affairs. And McCain's association with this nutjob will only reinforce their perception that america is not only anti-muslim, but is actively trying to oppress - even destroy - islam. And that can only add fuel to the fire.