Ferraro v. 2.0: "I really think they're attacking me because I'm white"


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Go to hell Ferraro.


Geraldine Ferraro today defended comments she made to the Daily Breeze last week saying the media was biased against Hillary Clinton and that Barack Obama would not be where he is today if he were not black. Today, Ferraro said her company had been deluged with vicious e-mail messages accusing her of racism.

But far from backing off from her initial remark, Ferraro defended it and elaborated on it.

"Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let's address reality and the problems we're facing in this world, you're accused of being racist, so you have to shut up," Ferraro said. "Racism works in two different directions. I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?"

isnt she hillary Clinton's finance manager?

hillary being racist thru her segregates. I was wondering when she would play the race card and divide the country on race in her attempt to seize power...

Fuck you America
Wow. I'm starting to see why conservatives have hated Hillary all these years.
I heard that the Hillary camp is defending her. I don't think there is much doubt that part of their "kitchen sink" strategy includes appealing to racism, especially in the rural parts of PA.

My favorite part of Ferraro's comments were the protests about people being accused of racism anytime they criticize Obama's campaign, when her original comments were about Obama succeeding only because he's a black man.
Discrimination on whites, I know, is getting pretty bad here in Mississippi. We're like second class citizens. Can't even get a job or vote. It's horrible.
She's in trouble. Even if she does manage to weasle her way into winning the nomination, she's not going to win in the general. She's pissed off a huge portion of her black base and she'll never get them back.
shes a cartoon character at this point. her choices as it stands now:

1) drop out and rally behind obama - chance she could step up in 8 years or just play the ted kennedy role in the party as a senator for the rest of her life.

2) Fight on and try to seize power irregardless of how badly she hurts the dems.. lose in the general and be taken out back and shot by the dem party.
I hate how this election is now being defined by race.

Yeah - the Mrs. & I were just talking about that this morning. I can't remember any campaign where the elections were so scrutinized in terms of the ethnicity of voters.

The party should be extremely afraid of this. If Hillary does somehow weasel out the nomination, it's going to drive a wedge in the party that will last long beyond just this election, which she will likely lose, anyway.
Yeah - the Mrs. & I were just talking about that this morning. I can't remember any campaign where the elections were so scrutinized in terms of the ethnicity of voters.

The party should be extremely afraid of this. If Hillary does somehow weasel out the nomination, it's going to drive a wedge in the party that will last long beyond just this election, which she will likely lose, anyway.

I'm convinced that she's wanted this since the mid nineties and has been crafting her career and marriage arrangement to facilitate this bid, hence the desparation. Obama is the dark horse she never counted on and now she's in the last throws of her campaign.
Throes.. she's in the last throes.

Mostly you can tell this by her push to be on his ticket as VP. You don't really think all this mention of a dual ticket really meant she thinks she still has a real shot do you?
shes a cartoon character at this point. her choices as it stands now:

1) drop out and rally behind obama - chance she could step up in 8 years or just play the ted kennedy role in the party as a senator for the rest of her life.

2) Fight on and try to seize power irregardless of how badly she hurts the dems.. lose in the general and be taken out back and shot by the dem party.

Number one brings up an interesting question.... has she pissed off/embarrased enough New Yorkers to make her vulnerable in her next Senatorial election?
I'm convinced that she's wanted this since the mid nineties and has been crafting her career and marriage arrangement to facilitate this bid, hence the desparation. Obama is the dark horse she never counted on and now she's in the last throws of her campaign.

First sentence gets the Captain Obvious award of the day.

The bolded part of the second.... purely racist commentary... why does he have to be the "dark" horse.... damn. ;)
Throes.. she's in the last throes.

Mostly you can tell this by her push to be on his ticket as VP. You don't really think all this mention of a dual ticket really meant she thinks she still has a real shot do you?

Is it really "Throes"? I've been writing "throws" this whole time.