Ferraro v. 2.0: "I really think they're attacking me because I'm white"

"The character of the Clintons is on display for the entire world to see. "

So why is over half of the Dem world in PA still saying that they're going to vote for Hillary?

Who are these people? I have long supported some sort of intelligence test/requirement for the right to vote.

The Govenor of the state is backing Hillary.
I'm convinced that she's wanted this since the mid nineties and has been crafting her career and marriage arrangement to facilitate this bid, hence the desparation. Obama is the dark horse she never counted on and now she's in the last throws of her campaign.

I agree on all, except I would add that she is maneuvering herself so that if she does lose this nomination, she throws the general to McCain, and becomes, in her mind, the front runner for the Democratic nomination in 2012. So, in effect, she considers 2012 her last chance, or last throes.
""If Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race," she said."


Hillary doesn't care about the black vote in the primaries, because she is losing it badly, but her advisors should know that if they succeed in stealing the nomination, that isn't a constituency they can write off on the general.

I'm really surprised they're defending Ferraro, and not "rejecting/denouncing" her....
""If Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race," she said."


Hillary doesn't care about the black vote in the primaries, because she is losing it badly, but her advisors should know that if they succeed in stealing the nomination, that isn't a constituency they can write off on the general.

I'm really surprised they're defending Ferraro, and not "rejecting/denouncing" her....

Ferraro is old. And she's a New York Italian.

Not a big shock that she's a racist. And she definitely is one.
The rural part of the state, between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh is basically like Alabama. It’s the Alabama of the north, In terms of culture and racial attitudes. The old, rust belt “Reagan democrats” aren’t exactly the most enlightened crowd. I’m sure not all of Clinton’s support is coming from the working class Reagan democrats, and I’m not saying that all of clinton’s supporters are racially prejudiced. But, the fact is that there are a lot of older, working class union and “Reagan” democrats who aren’t comfortable voting for a black guy. And, that’s one problem for Obama, in terms of a general election. Because it’s the Reagan democrats who gave Reagan his victories in the 80s.

I think that you're right, but my question is, arent' those fucker ever going to just die?

I am so ready for their poisonous mind set to leave this world for good. I feel like this country needs a really good spring cleaning.
that something I would like to see changed. I have no problem with putting away big time drug dealers. But for the young kids selling small amounts? I'm not for that.

I have several high school friends that came from inner-city Oakland that dealt drugs when they were young. They stopped after a short period of time and have gone on to be very product people in the community. I'd hate to think that if they got caught with a little bit of any drug that they would have been in prison for five or however many years and obviously not be where they are today.

I don't condone the drug dealing but all the arrests and prison time for small time dealers is tremendously hurting the black community.

Exactly .. and those archaic laws rest at the feet of William Jefferson Clinton.
I think that you're right, but my question is, arent' those fucker ever going to just die?

I am so ready for their poisonous mind set to leave this world for good. I feel like this country needs a really good spring cleaning.

Indeed. I'm waiting for them to die off. I know a lot of those old, rust belt reagan democrats in pennsylvania. And they are as nearly bigoted as the people I met in Texas.
The rural part of the state, between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh is basically like Alabama. It’s the Alabama of the north, In terms of culture and racial attitudes. The old, rust belt “Reagan democrats” aren’t exactly the most enlightened crowd. I’m sure not all of Clinton’s support is coming from the working class Reagan democrats, and I’m not saying that all of clinton’s supporters are racially prejudiced. But, the fact is that there are a lot of older, working class union and “Reagan” democrats who aren’t comfortable voting for a black guy. And, that’s one problem for Obama, in terms of a general election. Because it’s the Reagan democrats who gave Reagan his victories in the 80s.

My boyfriend is from a Philly suburb and he always says that. Apparently there are some rough red neck towns between the two major cities.
Not just black people.


As great as the opportunity to expand and define the Party is today, democrats have still managed to blow it.

I can't imagine that this is all circumstantial.

There seems to be something deeper afoot.
A few elections ago? Whose choice?

Not only did I not vote in that election, I don't remember it, was not in any way involved in it, and certainly did not make a "choice".
You don't remember 1984 then? It isn't the 60s, can't be youthful indiscretion. As for "your" it was the collective "your" as in the Party which you are a member of.
Indeed. I'm waiting for them to die off. I know a lot of those old, rust belt reagan democrats in pennsylvania. And they are as nearly bigoted as the people I met in Texas.

They won't die off. They believe in children before lifestyle, unlike you metrosexual, nihilist, me me me types.
You don't remember 1984 then? It isn't the 60s, can't be youthful indiscretion. As for "your" it was the collective "your" as in the Party which you are a member of.

1984! I wasn't old enough to vote, hello.

Do I remember that year? Yeah, what I remember most is Josh, the soccer player. Do you want to hear about it?
My boyfriend is from a Philly suburb and he always says that. Apparently there are some rough red neck towns between the two major cities.

He would know! It's pretty red necky. I think the younger generation is getting a little more enlightened. But, I had this aunt, who was freaking out when one of my cousins married a gal who was from thailand.

When I told her I was appalled at her attitude, she tried to backtrack and whine that it "wasn't about race". It was the fact that the gal wasn't "christian". she was budhist, or something.

yeah, riiiight.

As great as the opportunity to expand and define the Party is today, democrats have still managed to blow it.

I can't imagine that this is all circumstantial.

There seems to be something deeper afoot.

Honestly bac, I think it's just that they are ruthless, bad people, who don't care about anything or anyone but themselves.
She was your choice for VP just a few elections ago.

Wow, thanks for the history lesson damo. Do tell!

I was a starry eyed college student in 84, with naive and idiotic visions of "supply side" economics in my head, and voted for reagan.
Honestly bac, I think it's just that they are ruthless, bad people, who don't care about anything or anyone but themselves.

I think they are part of something larger .. I always have.

The Clintons are plutocrats and it wasn't just bad judgement that drove Hillary to support the war on Iraq and sign onto saber-rattling against Iran.

They are part of the same corporate machine that George Bush is part of.
I think they are part of something larger .. I always have.

The Clintons are plutocrats and it wasn't just bad judgement that drove Hillary to support the war on Iraq and sign onto saber-rattling against Iran.

They are part of the same corporate machine that George Bush is part of.

Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, I don't doubt it.