Ferraro v. 2.0: "I really think they're attacking me because I'm white"

Number one brings up an interesting question.... has she pissed off/embarrased enough New Yorkers to make her vulnerable in her next Senatorial election?

Clinton basically cherry picked a senate opening and said.. ohh im a New Yorker now.. and the star struck people voted her in.
Clinton basically cherry picked a senate opening and said.. ohh im a New Yorker now.. and the star struck people voted her in.

damn.... you just stole the captain obvious award away from Tiana.

The question was... in her next election... would she become vulnerable after this embarassing performance?
well i was hopping that bloomberg was going to run for senate in NY.. but now with the governors role opening up... i think shes safe.. for now.
What I find truly sad is what began as a testament to a changed and more progressive America has been reduced to nonsense about race .. BY THE DEMOCRATS.

For those who wonder why I'm not a democrat .. I offer the obvious.
What I find truly sad is what began as a testament to a changed and more progressive America has been reduced to nonsense about race .. BY THE DEMOCRATS.

For those who wonder why I'm not a democrat .. I offer the obvious.

Hillary's camp is truly pathetic.

I even heard her new campaign managers response to Obama's response.

This retard actually had the balls to say that Obama shouldn't have said anything about Ferrero's comments and that Hillary's camp was dissappointed that he was engaging this. They've lost it.
Hillary's camp is truly pathetic.

I even heard her new campaign managers response to Obama's response.

This retard actually had the balls to say that Obama shouldn't have said anything about Ferrero's comments and that Hillary's camp was dissappointed that he was engaging this. They've lost it.

The character of the Clintons is on display for the entire world to see.

I wonder what Toni Morrison is thinking about her "black president" bullshit.

I wonder what the women who thought Toni Morrison was speaking to and for them are thinking now.
Hillary's camp is truly pathetic.

I even heard her new campaign managers response to Obama's response.

This retard actually had the balls to say that Obama shouldn't have said anything about Ferrero's comments and that Hillary's camp was dissappointed that he was engaging this. They've lost it.

lol shes been doing this for months.. last week after all that vp talk and obama responding saying its rediculous for her to think someone in first place would want to be VP.. the Hillary camp said something to the effect of.. its to early to talk about VP.
"The character of the Clintons is on display for the entire world to see. "

So why is over half of the Dem world in PA still saying that they're going to vote for Hillary?

Who are these people? I have long supported some sort of intelligence test/requirement for the right to vote.
"The character of the Clintons is on display for the entire world to see. "

So why is over half of the Dem world in PA still saying that they're going to vote for Hillary?

Who are these people? I have long supported some sort of intelligence test/requirement for the right to vote.

They are most probably the same people who thought Joe Liberman would make a great Vice President and eventual president for the Democratic Party.
A Ferraro flashback

"If Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race," she said.

Really. The cite is an April 15, 1988 Washington Post story (byline: Howard Kurtz), available only on Nexis.

Here's the full context:

Placid of demeanor but pointed in his rhetoric, Jackson struck out repeatedly today against those who suggest his race has been an asset in the campaign. President Reagan suggested Tuesday that people don't ask Jackson tough questions because of his race. And former representative Geraldine A. Ferraro (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that because of his "radical" views, "if Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race."

Asked about this at a campaign stop in Buffalo, Jackson at first seemed ready to pounce fiercely on his critics. But then he stopped, took a breath, and said quietly, "Millions of Americans have a point of view different from" Ferraro's.

Discussing the same point in Washington, Jackson said, "We campaigned across the South . . . without a single catcall or boo. It was not until we got North to New York that we began to hear this from Koch, President Reagan and then Mrs. Ferraro . . . . Some people are making hysteria while I'm making history."

Ferraro has been down the racist road before.
in the past black people have simply been 'tools' that the Clinton's have used to seize power... they never really cared about them or they would have fixed the levees in New Orleans during the 90's when it was apparent it was just a matter of time... LOL
in the past black people have simply been 'tools' that the Clinton's have used to seize power... they never really cared about them or they would have fixed the levees in New Orleans during the 90's when it was apparent it was just a matter of time... LOL

Welcome to the choir my brother.

HIGH on the agenda of issues most important to African-Americans is the injustice of the JUST-US System and the disparities in arrests and sentencing. It's an injustice that is devastating black communities.

Under Bill Clinton the prison/industrial complex exploded and more blacks were sent to prison that under any administration in American history.

Clinton literally RAN away from signing legislation to deal with th disparity in crack and powder cocaine sentncing . and it was his Justice Department that moved to enact criminal penalities for non-violent crimes.

Now America is the greatest prison nation in human history.
Welcome to the choir my brother.

HIGH on the agenda of issues most important to African-Americans is the injustice of the JUST-US System and the disparities in arrests and sentencing. It's an injustice that is devastating black communities.

Under Bill Clinton the prison/industrial complex exploded and more blacks were sent to prison that under any administration in American history.

Clinton literally RAN away from signing legislation to deal with th disparity in crack and powder cocaine sentncing . and it was his Justice Department that moved to enact criminal penalities for non-violent crimes.

Now America is the greatest prison nation in human history.

that something I would like to see changed. I have no problem with putting away big time drug dealers. But for the young kids selling small amounts? I'm not for that.

I have several high school friends that came from inner-city Oakland that dealt drugs when they were young. They stopped after a short period of time and have gone on to be very product people in the community. I'd hate to think that if they got caught with a little bit of any drug that they would have been in prison for five or however many years and obviously not be where they are today.

I don't condone the drug dealing but all the arrests and prison time for small time dealers is tremendously hurting the black community.
She's in trouble. Even if she does manage to weasle her way into winning the nomination, she's not going to win in the general. She's pissed off a huge portion of her black base and she'll never get them back.

Not just black people.
"The character of the Clintons is on display for the entire world to see. "

So why is over half of the Dem world in PA still saying that they're going to vote for Hillary?

Who are these people? I have long supported some sort of intelligence test/requirement for the right to vote.

The rural part of the state, between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh is basically like Alabama. It’s the Alabama of the north, In terms of culture and racial attitudes. The old, rust belt “Reagan democrats” aren’t exactly the most enlightened crowd. I’m sure not all of Clinton’s support is coming from the working class Reagan democrats, and I’m not saying that all of clinton’s supporters are racially prejudiced. But, the fact is that there are a lot of older, working class union and “Reagan” democrats who aren’t comfortable voting for a black guy. And, that’s one problem for Obama, in terms of a general election. Because it’s the Reagan democrats who gave Reagan his victories in the 80s.