Now this is laughable from our resident race hustler

She is a clintonite through and through

I can’t wait for Damo to announce your ass cancer killed you. I will dance around JPP in fucking joy. Get on with it. The best news is that your ass cancer is genetic and you probably passed it off to your spawn and they will get it too. That gives me immense joy.

Who here thinks that ILA is gonna die of cancer one day?
"Police: Black woman declares 'I hate white people' before attacking Ride On bus passengers

Still sucking on the big one I see hoping it was your masters dick. Should we start posting every time one of your White Nationalists spouts off about Whitey?

Then too, why do cowards like you hate Veterans?

Why do you lie so much?
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The world is so mad, the slogan might work. A friend in New Jersey had her son dinked by his school for cyberbullying for unfriending a drama queen. Didn't say anything to them. They just got tired of their drama and unfriended them but didn't unfriend the other people she was starting shit with at the same time so that was deemed as targeting her. A friend in Raleigh had her 13 year old daughter dinked by her school for homophobia because she told another girl she knew not to come over to her house because she was tired of the girl trying to kiss her all the time despite friend's daughter repeatedly saying she was straight and not into that.
Poor Republicans.

Poor American Conservatives.

Poor defenders of the abomination, Donald Trump.

Desperation at work here.

Kinda funny to see.


I'm not a liberal...

...but I can see that Donald Trump is a miserable human being...a grotesque abomination who mostly appeals to the extremely stupid among us.

The people who continue to support him are even more miserable as human beings than he is...and are grotesque abominations in their own right.

I may have mentioned that before, RB...but thanks for giving me that opportunity to say it again as part of a response.
Liar is being kind. If only you could throw the book at these types, for their physical abuse of the human genome. For being called Bigdog, my dog has way more intellectual integrity.

I haven't seen any intellect or integrity from you, ... Proud Parasite.

The world is so mad, the slogan might work. A friend in New Jersey had her son dinked by his school for cyberbullying for unfriending a drama queen. Didn't say anything to them. They just got tired of their drama and unfriended them but didn't unfriend the other people she was starting shit with at the same time so that was deemed as targeting her. A friend in Raleigh had her 13 year old daughter dinked by her school for homophobia because she told another girl she knew not to come over to her house because she was tired of the girl trying to kiss her all the time despite friend's daughter repeatedly saying she was straight and not into that.

Institutionalized racist bigoted Identity Politics.
I'm not a liberal...

...but I can see that Donald Trump is a miserable human being...a grotesque abomination who mostly appeals to the extremely stupid among us.

The people who continue to support him are even more miserable as human beings than he is...and are grotesque abominations in their own right.

I may have mentioned that before, RB...but thanks for giving me that opportunity to say it again as part of a response.

What exactly did President Trump do that has made you soooo angry, Frankie?

And what makes you think you're not a Leftist?