
Sane, intelligent and educated people know that Israel is a strategic military interest essential to US national security in the heart of the ME. For 75 years, they've been the only democracy in the ME and, like Britain in WWII, they were an unsinkable aircraft carrier in an area hostile to democracy and the United States. For decades, many ME nations were supported by the USSR. Those days are changing, but much of it is still true.

That said, the IDF seems to have targeted the World Central Kitchen truck in the picture below since the logo is clearly visible. As such, without some major changes in Bibi's war strategy, I support a partial restriction on arms and political support. He needs to answer for this attack.


As for your antisemitism, Fredo, it's another reason why I know you are stupid and bigoted enough to be manipulated by your militia "friends". The best thing you could do for yourself and your family is to turn yourself in for help and give up all the names of your WSE terrorist "friends".

Yea, sure...

That logo isn't going to be visible from like 2 to 4 miles--MILES--where the firing aircraft / helicopter launched against it. All that crew would see is a vehicle with men in it moving in a combat zone and not identified as friendly troops. The willful stupidity and ignorance of those aid workers (who were also dressed all in black with body armor on) in moving into an active combat zone is on them and nobody else. They should never have expected to NOT become a target once in that area of combat.

They looked like a target, were identified at range as a target, and got the fuck blown out of their vehicle as a result.
Given how young the Iranian population is, it can easily raise an army of 10%, which would be 9 million.
Given the savagely tyrannical overbearance of the Ayatollah's regime, the 10% would join the Israelis in toppling the government.

Make that 20%.

If Israel were to invade Iran today, the Ayatollah wouldn't stand a chance.

Or put another way, Israel was unable to completely defeat Lebanon, which was one 20th the population, and was mired in a civil war.
It's absurd to predict warfare results based on population and not on a comparison of weapons.

Syria is the easier one of the three,
Nope. Syria and Hezbollah represent essentially 100% of the resistance Israel would face. Bypass them and Israel's invasion of Iran would be a walk in the park.

Jordan would not be OK with being invaded,
Of course not ... but they would allow the IDF to cruise right on through if they just make their way directly to Iran. Jordan is not going to scrap with the IDF when they can just avoid it altogether.

Iraq could not be negotiated with, because there are so many different powerful parties within it.
Iraq doesn't want to scrap with the IDF either, and if they can just avoid it today and complain about it later, they'll take that option, especially if the IDF is making a beeline for Iran.

And do not forget that all those parties are heavily armed.
Not well enough to consider getting in the way of the IDF. Everybody will decry Israel's incursion, but any such discussions will invariably come down to angry finger-pointing "You should attack first! No, you should attack first! No you! No, you! " ... ad infinitum, until Israelis are no longer there.

If invading Iran was easy, Iraq would have easily won the Iran-Iraq War.
Nope. Iraq never had all the toys that Israel has had, and Iraq never had the US providing all necessary intelligence to ensure victory.

If invading Iran was easy, Saudi Arabia would have invaded Iran.
False. Since when did Saudi Arabia somehow become a force with which to be reckoned?

Let's not forget, the Arabs have been trying to get rid of Iran for centuries.
Let's not forget that the Arabs would be more than happy, even if they will never admit to it, to facilitate Israel attacking Iran.

Iran would be extremely difficult for the US to successfully invade.
Do your research first. Find out if STRATCOM has an existing plan to invade Iran, i.e. would it actually be a piece of cake? [hint: go with the "piece of cake" option]
Hamas gave you those figures,
You don't get to declare anything about what I know. The reason you can't show that my information is somehow inaccurate is that you know that it's spot on the money.

Hamas is responsible for EVERY death in this war.
You say this because you are a racist, antisemitic, immoral shit who cheers on genocide as well as every single atrocity committed by Israel, precisely because it is being committed by Israel.

Your team is perpetrating Holocaust 2.0 and you applaud. You're on the wrong side of this genocide.

these figures include at least 13,000 Hamas fighters,
There are no Hamas fighters. There is only the Al Qassam brigade and virtually none are anywhere to be found in Gaza because they left before the IDF began the 2nd Nakba. Your insistence that Arabs should be slaughtered just because they are Arabs is really shitty.

Iran attacked Israel.
Given the savagely tyrannical overbearance of the Ayatollah's regime, the 10% would join the Israelis in toppling the government. Make that 20%.

I cannot imagine Iranians greeting Israelis as liberators. They would be outside invaders, and almost all Iranians would come together to kill them.

Israel's invasion of Iran would be a walk in the park.

The alt right is deep into delusions.

Iraq doesn't want to scrap with the IDF either, and if they can just avoid it today and complain about it later, they'll take that option, especially if the IDF is making a beeline for Iran.

You do not seem to know how supply lines work. Supply lines do not mean that you just pass through a country once. Instead, you need a constant presence in the country. It means blocking Iraq's roads with traffic, and setting up bases to protect that traffic.

Not to mention, that Iraq does not have a unified country that can provide protection for the IDF's. There are thousands of different militias, each wanting to prove themselves by killing Israelis. And none afraid of retaliation that would be against other Iraqis, and would get them more recruits.

At least with Syria, there is a possible supply line that avoids population centers. With Iraq, you are stuck going right through the population centers to get to Iran.

False. Since when did Saudi Arabia somehow become a force with which to be reckoned?

Since Nixon set them up as one of the two pillars of Persian Gulf security 50 years ago.
I cannot imagine Iranians greeting Israelis as liberators.
You think Iranians are all clones of the Ayatollah. Newsflash: Any force that is trying to topple the current regime will have the support of the people.

You do not seem to know how supply lines work.
You don't seem to know how to establish forward operating bases.

Supply lines do not mean that you just pass through a country once.
Supply lines don't have to be on the ground.

At least with Syria, there is a possible supply line that avoids population centers.
Israel doesn't want to stir the Syrian hornets' nest.
Yea, sure...

That logo isn't going to be visible from like 2 to 4 miles--MILES--where the firing aircraft / helicopter launched against it. All that crew would see is a vehicle with men in it moving in a combat zone and not identified as friendly troops. The willful stupidity and ignorance of those aid workers (who were also dressed all in black with body armor on) in moving into an active combat zone is on them and nobody else. They should never have expected to NOT become a target once in that area of combat.

They looked like a target, were identified at range as a target, and got the fuck blown out of their vehicle as a result.

It was a drone, son. Not an air-to-ground missile as seen by the damage.
It was a drone, son. Not an air-to-ground missile as seen by the damage.

That was a missile hit like a Hellfire or the like. One that was designed to take out a single vehicle, armored or not from a range of somewhere between 2,500 and 6,000 yards. The strike on top of the vehicle like that shows it was designed to attack the top of the target, which in the case of tanks is necessary to avoid their heavy frontal and side armor. The same thing is evident in the Ukraine-Russian war.

That there is little or no evidence of fragmentation, shows the warhead was a shaped charge and blast killed the vehicle occupants as evidenced by their lack of visible wounds on their bodies.

Whether it was fired from a plane, helicopter, or drone, the launch vehicle would have been tracking the target on optical sensors not by eyeball.
That was a missile hit like a Hellfire or the like. One that was designed to take out a single vehicle, armored or not from a range of somewhere between 2,500 and 6,000 yards. The strike on top of the vehicle like that shows it was designed to attack the top of the target, which in the case of tanks is necessary to avoid their heavy frontal and side armor. The same thing is evident in the Ukraine-Russian war.

That there is little or no evidence of fragmentation, shows the warhead was a shaped charge and blast killed the vehicle occupants as evidenced by their lack of visible wounds on their bodies.

Whether it was fired from a plane, helicopter, or drone, the launch vehicle would have been tracking the target on optical sensors not by eyeball.
That was a missile hit like a Hellfire or the like. One that was designed to take out a single vehicle, armored or not from a range of somewhere between 2,500 and 6,000 yards. The strike on top of the vehicle like that shows it was designed to attack the top of the target, which in the case of tanks is necessary to avoid their heavy frontal and side armor. The same thing is evident in the Ukraine-Russian war.

That there is little or no evidence of fragmentation, shows the warhead was a shaped charge and blast killed the vehicle occupants as evidenced by their lack of visible wounds on their bodies.

Whether it was fired from a plane, helicopter, or drone, the launch vehicle would have been tracking the target on optical sensors not by eyeball.

The IDF report will be released this morning.
You don't get to declare anything about what I know. The reason you can't show that my information is somehow inaccurate is that you know that it's spot on the money.
You say this because you are a racist, antisemitic, immoral shit who cheers on genocide as well as every single atrocity committed by Israel, precisely because it is being committed by Israel.
Your team is perpetrating Holocaust 2.0 and you applaud. You're on the wrong side of this genocide.
There are no Hamas fighters. There is only the Al Qassam brigade and virtually none are anywhere to be found in Gaza because they left before the IDF began the 2nd Nakba. Your insistence that Arabs should be slaughtered just because they are Arabs is really shitty.
Iran attacked Israel.

More gibberish. :palm:
What war crimes halfwit? No one has argued or supported evidence of any war crime. The only one's committing war crimes are the Hamas terrorists' morons like you defend.

Even if I were a Half-Wit- I would be twice as smart as you- as you demonstrate you have no WIT WHAT-SO-EVER!

Now back up your lie and show the forum readers the proof where I personally ever defended Hamas for anything!

You are the one who is like HAMAS because you have no respect for decency or the lives of anyone.

You just want Muslims to die period!
Even if I were a Half-Wit- I would be twice as smart as you- as you demonstrate you have no WIT WHAT-SO-EVER!

How so mental case? Because you say so? You sad, shrill, worthless, uneducated piece of human excrement. Sad that you have no intelligence or self-awareness.

Now back up your lie and show the forum readers the proof where I personally ever defended Hamas for anything!

You are the one who is like HAMAS because you have no respect for decency or the lives of anyone.

I don't need the respect of terrorist loving, American hating leftists like you. I just hope you all kill yourselves on Trump's re-election in November.

You just want Muslims to die period!

Another moronic lie from the triggered mental case.
