First Annual Fake News Awards

You played the same game with Trump’s wiretap Tweet where your lie accusation only stands because it interpreted ‘wiretap’ to mean only a literal wiretap. The [your] problem is ‘wiretap’ can and does have a colloquial meaning.

Aka snooping.
I went over this last night with Thing...finally to advance the conversation I agreed Krugman wasn't reportage.
So if one says news is ONLY reportage, then Krugman wasn't fake news.

But Krugman appears in the NYTimes as a feature writer,and the NYTimes is surely newz..
And Krugman has influence over people's attitudes towards the economy.

Krugman himself said he was wrong to let his bias influence his writing, so that's fake news (or writing) .
Trump hate destroyed his objectivity, and he turned out crappy work because of it.