First Annual Fake News Awards

He's being polite, I'd call you far worse than that.

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Well, you certainly have in the past.

I used to do that, as well - but honestly, it's much more enjoyable posting on this board without those kinds of petty insults. What's the point of them, anyway? I'd really encourage everyone to give it a go. It would be cool to change the overall tenor of the board.
My problem with it is with the witch hunt aspect. And the fact everything is so Trump-o-centric when there was EASILY more suspicious activity with the FISA court and within the IC more generally—than is of Trump colluding with Russians.

And no, I don’t buy the ‘we Don’t know what Mueller knows’ bit. The way the IC has leaked if Trump was guilty—we’d all know it by now.

We’d known it last year, in fact. Mueller is clearly fishing. ‘Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime’ is the old Soviet mantra.

How ironic is that.
Wow...where to start? FISA court....your foil hat is wearing thin. You'd better put on another layer. IC leaks? There aren't any. Any info that has been released, was done so by those who were interviewed, not by Mueller.
I asked you politely to stop responding to me. Are you unable to do that?

And I'd also ask that you stop calling me little buddy. It's just strange.

Relax little buddy. It is all good. We can still be friends. You don't have to be so mad that I inadvertently made you break your new years resolution within only a few weeks. Quite honestly, that was not my intention, at all.
Relax little buddy. It is all good. We can still be friends. You don't have to be so mad that I inadvertently made you break your new years resolution within only a few weeks. Quite honestly, that was not my intention, at all.

I'm relaxed, and I don't think you're telling the truth there. But regardless, I would appreciate it if you didn't respond to me, reference me in other threads & start threads about me. I'd only reiterate that if "grow up" is as bad as I've been, I've done well, and I remain committed to keeping the discourse at a higher level.
Collusion ‘is just an opinion’?

Really? Well, that ‘opinion’ was used to get an SP appointed in order to overturn the election results. Oddly, collusion has sort of dropped off the radar in favor of money laundering but that doesn’t mitigate the fact the media was in literal lockstep for over a year breathlessly broadcasting ‘Russian collusion’, in spite of the fact there was no evidence of it.

Just suspicion, hearsay from anonymous sources and a fake Dossier—-the stuff of Fake News.
money laundering is bogus,unless I see a direct quid pro quo. If you do business in Russia with Russian banks you are going to handle dirty money. Simply getting money from oligarchs/banks is not "money laundering" no mater where the money originally comes from
We have no idea where this is leading, it may vindicate Trump, why are you guys so nervous about this investigation? Afraid your guy is dirty? I would think you would welcome the investigation to clear him?
you act like this hasn't already taken a political toll against Trump and having an endless investigation by an SC is just fine and dandy.

In 2017, the Russia investigation became a convenient storyline to discredit Trump’s electoral victory. The public has no idea what findings Mueller will ultimately reveal, but the involvement of Papadopoulos in many ways offers a window into Trump’s chaotic, unlikely, and historic political triumph as an outsider in 2016. Too bad the press is not spending more time studying that.
link above
I'm relaxed, and I don't think you're telling the truth there. But regardless, I would appreciate it if you didn't respond to me, reference me in other threads & start threads about me. I'd only reiterate that if "grow up" is as bad as I've been, I've done well, and I remain committed to keeping the discourse at a higher level.

Why do you keep telling me not to respond to you, while you continue to respond to me? You can ask me a thousand times and I will continue to respond to any post I want. Well so long as drunken Billy doesn't take that away.

Anyhoo, let's be friends. I'll do my best to avoid insulting you. And I'll try not to call you little buddy. Even though I feel like you are my little buddy.

Lets see if we can make it one month.

Why do you keep telling me not to respond to you, while you continue to respond to me? You can ask me a thousand times and I will continue to respond to any post I want. Well so long as drunken Billy doesn't take that away.

Anyhoo, let's be friends. I'll do my best to avoid insulting you. And I'll try not to call you little buddy. Even though I feel like you are my little buddy.

Lets see if we can make it one month.


I ask you to stop responding to me because you keep responding to me. Of course, you have the right to respond to any post you want.

You can do what you want to do. I will not be engaging much with you going forward.
First time I mentioned it to Annoise on FB, he said...unbelievably...'I haven't seen anything about that'.

Maybe you need to look at other sites than Infowars for your information?
3x I asked you for examples..but you'd rather rant then discuss *clik* *disconnect*
I ask you to stop responding to me because you keep responding to me. Of course, you have the right to respond to any post you want.

You can do what you want to do. I will not be engaging much with you going forward.

Your loss. I tried to make amends and friendship with you. Unfortunately you're not at that level yet.
Maybe he was just wrong. But again - we're only a year in, and he did say "probably" in his article, and even qualified that we might "get lucky."

I'm not really one to address Krugman specifically. I really don't read his stuff for the most part. But that's all really beside the point. What he said isn't a "lie," and it isn't "fake news."

It. Was. An. Opinion. Piece.

Are you really going with that? Krugman created the news: He's a liar. It's not "lucky" to see an increase in economic activity when you put forth a pro-business, low tax policy.

It's. Basic. Economics.

Are you really going with that? Krugman created the news: He's a liar. It's not "lucky" to see an increase in economic activity when you put forth a pro-business, low tax policy.

It's. Basic. Economics.


Still just his opinion. Economists are wrong quite often, you know.

Opinions can create news, but they're still just opinions. I really don't know what to tell Trump & his supporters when they try to portray them as "fake news." The marketplace of ideas benefits from diverse opinions; these should not be discouraged because some are occasionally wrong.
Are you really going with that? Krugman created the news: He's a liar. It's not "lucky" to see an increase in economic activity when you put forth a pro-business, low tax policy.

It's. Basic. Economics.


Shit fer Brains ;
money laundering is bogus,unless I see a direct quid pro quo. If you do business in Russia with Russian banks you are going to handle dirty money. Simply getting money from oligarchs/banks is not "money laundering" no mater where the money originally comes from

Sophomoric sophistry
You should be ashamed.
Still just his opinion. Economists are wrong quite often, you know.

Opinions can create news, but they're still just opinions. I really don't know what to tell Trump & his supporters when they try to portray them as "fake news." The marketplace of ideas benefits from diverse opinions; these should not be discouraged because some are occasionally wrong.

That's not just wrong, as stated earlier. Several times now.