First Annual Fake News Awards

It is not an investigation, it is a witch hunt. Or have you forgotten the emails saying go after Trump?

The cretinous parrots NEVER fail to provide!

The SAME WORDS over and over and over.

Uranium One
Nothing Burger
Fake News
Deep state
Witch hunt
The cretinous parrots NEVER fail to provide!

The SAME WORDS over and over and over.

Uranium One
Nothing Burger
Fake News
Deep state
Witch hunt

You keep adding new words to your supposed "same words", moron.

And your one trick post is boring.
We have no idea where this is leading, it may vindicate Trump, why are you guys so nervous about this investigation? Afraid your guy is dirty? I would think you would welcome the investigation to clear him?

My problem with it is with the witch hunt aspect. And the fact everything is so Trump-o-centric when there was EASILY more suspicious activity with the FISA court and within the IC more generally—than is of Trump colluding with Russians.

And no, I don’t buy the ‘we Don’t know what Mueller knows’ bit. The way the IC has leaked if Trump was guilty—we’d all know it by now.

We’d known it last year, in fact. Mueller is clearly fishing. ‘Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime’ is the old Soviet mantra.

How ironic is that.
You keep adding new words to your supposed "same words", moron.

And your one trick post is boring.

I sure don’t, moron.

And I realize this is going over your head, dumbfuck, but that SAME LIST identifies one trick ponies. You included, lemming.

My problem with it is with the witch hunt aspect. And the fact everything is so Trump-o-centric when there was EASILY more suspicious activity with the FISA court and within the IC more generally—than is of Trump colluding with Russians.

And no, I don’t buy the ‘we Don’t know what Mueller knows’ bit. The way the IC has leaked if Trump was guilty—we’d all know it by now.

We’d known it last year, in fact. Mueller is clearly fishing. ‘Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime’ is the old Soviet mantra.

How ironic is that.
So, you are afraid he is guilty. Thanks


Honestly, this was another one of those things that I thought, "Surely, they won't defend this." Not that it was a big deal, but I thought most on the right would leave it alone.

Instead, we see them going to the lengths they have on this thread - arguing vehemently that opinion pieces and personal tweets are hard news, claiming that economics is an exact and 100% predictable science, and in general praising this kind of immature behavior out of a world leader.

It really does make me kind of sad. I voted for Obama in 2008, but was disappointed with many things that he did, and didn't hesitate to talk about that on JPP. I just don't understand the mode of defending every little thing, just because you voted for a guy.
Honestly, this was another one of those things that I thought, "Surely, they won't defend this." Not that it was a big deal, but I thought most on the right would leave it alone.

Instead, we see them going to the lengths they have on this thread - arguing vehemently that opinion pieces and personal tweets are hard news, claiming that economics is an exact and 100% predictable science, and in general praising this kind of immature behavior out of a world leader.

It really does make me kind of sad. I voted for Obama in 2008, but was disappointed with many things that he did, and didn't hesitate to talk about that on JPP. I just don't understand the mode of defending every little thing, just because you voted for a guy.

I see the meds kicked in. I'm relieved for you little buddy. :hug: