First voter fraud arrest made in Ontario

Surely Mr. Election Law expert is familiar with the holding of California Democratic Party, et. al. v. Jones decided by the Supreme Court of the United States of America in June of 2000 which declared that the California "open" primary violated the Constitution of the United States of America. Right?

Here's a link:

And he had the balls to call me "Dumbo" on top of it.

And yes, I actually came back to mention that ruling and to mention that I forgot about that and to give you information about Provisional Ballots and how it is a Federal requirement that is present in all the States.

Surely you will admit to your ZOMG!!1 They'll Be Republicans forever!!!1q is total bullpucky.
Surely you know about the Federal requirement of Provisional Ballots?

That requirement is uniform throughout all the states. And the Election Judges would count her Provisional as well. Do you know why?

They'd see that the person did not vote the regular ballot and only changed affiliation on the form, then they'd cast the ballot. There would be no cause to not count the ballot.

But heck, you can keep speaking out your behind on this one and pretend that they'd be somehow magically disenfranchised by this.

They won't be. It just won't happen because of an affiliation letter. Too often mistakes can be made, even without fraud, so corrections are built in.

And yes, experience helps. Such provisions are built in at every place I ever voted, including CA (Yes, in the Navy I worked as an election judge too. I've done it since I have been able.)

Damocles - Just admit that you are wrong. Please. So we can all move on. California doesn't have an open primary. To vote in the primary you have to be registered with the party or be unaffiliated. If they are fraudulently registered as Republicans they won't be able to vote in the Democratic primary. That's disenfranchisement.

It's very simple.

Again, you may be able to speak with some expertise as to Colorado election law but for these other states you have little idea what you are talking about.
And yes, I actually came back to mention that ruling and to mention that I forgot about that and to give you information about Provisional Ballots and how it is a Federal requirement that is present in all the States.

Surely you will admit to your ZOMG!!1 They'll Be Republicans forever!!!1q is total bullpucky.

Uh, that ruling directly contradicts your assertion that California is an open primary. You're a full of shit backtracking son of a bitch if I ever seen one.
Honestly, the most likely disenfranchisement would occur with those with duplicate registrations done by ACORN. At the very least these people could cast Provisional Ballots that would be counted so long as they didn't try to cast their regular ballot as well.

Honestly, you don't know what you are talking about.
Damocles - Just admit that you are wrong. Please. So we can all move on. California doesn't have an open primary. To vote in the primary you have to be registered with the party or be unaffiliated. If they are fraudulently registered as Republicans they won't be able to vote in the Democratic primary. That's disenfranchisement.

It's very simple.

Again, you may be able to speak with some expertise as to Colorado election law but for these other states you have little idea what you are talking about.
I am not wrong.

Your assumption that they would somehow not be able to vote in a Primary is Bull. Total fabrication. An attempt to pretend that they would somehow be negatively impacted by this guy, when the reality is there is little to no victimization in this at all as there are ways, several I've listed, that they can vote as they wish regardless of this guy's activity.
Honestly, you don't know what you are talking about.
Rubbish. Repeating this doesn't make it any more "right". You are talking out your butt because you want everybody to think these people were somehow victimized in a way that would truly effect them.
Uh, that ruling directly contradicts your assertion that California is an open primary. You're a full of shit backtracking son of a bitch if I ever seen one.
yes, hence my post that said, "I was actually coming back here to say that I had forgotten about this ruling." then provide you with information regarding provisional ballots.

Keep up.

Again, what this guy did was wrong, but in reality it will only minimally effect those he changed affiliations on. He got caught being criminally stupid.

While ACORN's duplicates can get people removed from the roles in many places, thus actually disenfranchising them.

If you cast a Provisional Ballot when not registered, they do not usually count the ballot as you must be registered 30 days before the election (in CO again, laws of time limits differ slightly in other places, and in some places they have same-day registration) in order to vote. They would then use your Provisional Ballot to register you to vote, but would not count the ballot.

While a person simply changing their affiliation would count so long as they did not cast their regular ballot and were registered 30 days before the election. (except those who turn 18 within that 30 days, they can register at their birthdate and vote in the election even within the 30 day limit).
yes, hence my post that said, "I was actually coming back here to say that I had forgotten about this ruling." then provide you with information regarding provisional ballots.

Keep up.

Again, what this guy did was wrong, but in reality it will only minimally effect those he changed affiliations on. He got caught being criminally stupid.

It will effect those with changed affiliations by barring them from voting in the primary of their choice. I mean, if you could simply vote in whatever primary you want on a provisional basis on the grounds that you really are a Democrat it would be an unworkable system. It just doesn't work that way. Provisional ballots are for people that do not appear on the voting rolls, not for people that are registered under the wrong party.

Also, given all that you know about provisional ballots and assuming that many states purge voters based on duplicate registrations why doesn't the provision ballot protect them?
It will effect those with changed affiliations by barring them from voting in the primary of their choice. I mean, if you could simply vote in whatever primary you want on a provisional basis on the grounds that you really are a Democrat it would be an unworkable system. It just doesn't work that way. Provisional ballots are for people that do not appear on the voting rolls, not for people that are registered under the wrong party.

Also, given all that you know about provisional ballots and assuming that many states purge voters based on duplicate registrations why doesn't the provision ballot protect them?
Rubbish. Again, they can choose to vote a Provisional Ballot which would serve to vote the ballot of their choice and change their affiliation at the same time.

You really are out of your league here and don't even know it.

Provisional Ballots are a whole different ball of wax than a duplicate registration. They allow for many things, including affiliation change or even those refusing to vote at their precinct in those places that still use precinct voting. Those people who refuse to vote their party affiliation at a Primary certainly do vote Provisional.

We can't refuse to take a ballot from somebody who wishes to vote. They are not always counted though, or sometimes only portions count (Like Presidential votes) but others like local items won't because they were in the wrong precinct.... No state can refuse somebody a Provisional Ballot or reject them out of hand, that is one of the things that came from Florida.
Since a "Copy of a utility bill" is accepted as ID, somebody made up could definitely show up. You and I could make a realistic utility bill with a couple minutes and a bit of photo shopping, show on up, vote. All we'd have to have is a bit of information.

any fraud is too much fraud

seems both sides have dirty hands

not to mention ballot box stuffing and uncounted ballots

a national id would work towards a solution but it is a cure worse than the disease

i seem to recall an article about rep registers throwing away registration forms not marked rep and only forwarding forms marked rep

seems some voters were a bit suspicious and checked to see if they were registered...

oh well
any fraud is too much fraud

seems both sides have dirty hands

not to mention ballot box stuffing and uncounted ballots

a national id would work towards a solution but it is a cure worse than the disease

i seem to recall an article about rep registers throwing away registration forms not marked rep and only forwarding forms marked rep

seems some voters were a bit suspicious and checked to see if they were registered...

oh well
Yeah, that's happened before. In the last election there was a democratic group that did that in CO. It forced the Secretary of State to create rules for emergency registrations for those effected.