And McSame did not even vote. Hmmm

Balless old guy.

Please, that’s exactly what Obama would have done if he thought he could have gotten away with it. He pulled that with the Kyl-Lieberman amendment, and then the base rode Hillary for voting yes on it. I did too, but I was always careful to note; at least she showed the fucking nerve to vote at all and take the consequences.
Yeah; I think Obama called it a "good compromise," or something like that.

It's a bummer.

I feel as if he is saying to us, so, what are you going to do about it? Vote for McCain? And then snickering. If he caves on Iran, I’m done with him, and I will go third party, and I don’t give a shit about the courts, I’m real tired of having that held over my head.

He’s making a big mistake. One of the most striking differences between his supporters and McCain’s has been passion. His people were going to make it to the polls, no matter what. McCain’s could be put off by a short rain shower. His people were going to work for him. His people were going to donate to him. All of that, matters.
No president will pull us out of the oil rich middle east. Our country depends on fairly cheap oil to survive. In a way it is a matter of national security.
A nasty little corner our nearsightedness and greed have made.

I will vote for Obama though as I think he will do less bad for America than McSame.
I do not like the guy nor actively support him though.
"I feel as if he is saying to us, so, what are you going to do about it? Vote for McCain? And then snickering. If he caves on Iran, I’m done with him, and I will go third party, and I don’t give a shit about the courts, I’m real tired of having that held over my head. "

I agree with all of that. You can only imagine how disappointing this has been for me.

What's been pretty amazing is how quickly he transitioned to the "screw them - they're voting for me regardess" mindset.
Ahh Darla, Onceler, rejoice in the small gains that we make. We cannot have it all in one lump. Even if that Arab jesus was president.
Ahh Darla, Onceler, rejoice in the small gains that we make. We cannot have it all in one lump. Even if that Arab jesus was president.

What small gains usc? The net is filled with war whores, praying for a war on Iran. We don’t even have any idea of what the cost in human life and human suffering such a thing would bring. We have war whores in DC trying to instigate a war on Iran.

Is Obama going to stand up to them? Who has he stood up to recently? If he is going to support an aerial bombardment of Iran, which though it will look pretty on tv for the droolers, will kill thousands of innocent women, children and men, who will die horribly, for NO REASON, then what good is he to me? I might as well as vote for the Vampiric Kathiann, who needs three pints of brown-skinned toddler blood to get her morning going. Fuck that.
Ahh but we will have someone with a more humanistic view of things in the WH. Perhaps move towards universal or single payor health care, etc.
I do not think Obama is in any way eager to bomb Iran. And I think he does want to get us out of Iraq, but realizes that will not be entirely possible.
Myself ? I would just pull out and say the heck with it. but then I have an idealistic streak, I will liver or die by my morals. Few politicians have those and those that do do not get far.
It is part of the game you see. In this time Obama may be the best we can do.
Remember just yesterday the country was pretty much chnating to nuke Iraq and let god sort em out ?
We are far to primative still to actually have someone like Noam Chomsky for instance as president.

Please pardon my piss poor writing, I hope you got the essence of what I am trying to say.
Hmmmm. I'm going to have to get my French resume....errr, I mean CV together.
Understand that Obama knows he has to look and act a certain way just to get elected, You will see big changes after the votes are counted, the Obama we know and love is there all the time
APPLAUSE for Hillary! :D

SPINELESS for Obama! :(
he isn't showing any strength of his own....he's being played as a pawn for the DNC and being LEAD in his decisions, changing each one of his own stances that got his supporters hooked on the center or really, to the right of center.....even farther center and farther right wing, than Hillary.....

What's left that he can flip flop on....we'll see....


oh yeah, i forgot, he hasn't flipped flopped....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure! ;)
