Fit as a fiddle?


He rides bikes and works out.

“As commander-in-chief, I was proud to have ended the ban on transjester Americans — transgender Americans serving in the United States military,” Biden said.

“I signed historic executive orders strengthening civil rights protections for –” Biden continued, before being distracted by something. “He’s running from me; I don’t know where he is going,” the president said. “Do that again, man. You’re a sprinter. I can — you can — I don’t know if he’s running to something or from something. I don’t know.”
Obesity at these advanced ages is far more of a risk factor than the years difference between Trump and Biden.

Trumps belief the human body is like a battery, born with a set amount of energy and thus the more exercise you do the shorter you will live, has led him to develop in his old age the more typical body of a obese older woman, whereas Biden has the very typical old man, wiry and strong body.




Trump has already entered the adult diaper stage...

Could you imagine how difficult Joe Biden's sign language interpreter's job must be?
Word on the street is that 14 of them have quit the job (some complaining of BIS -
or 'brain implosion syndrome') since he took office.
Two have been reported to have left the White House sobbing uncontrollably.
Juss' sayin'...
