Fit as a fiddle?

What’s inside is way more hot upping to me

For instance

I would have dated John Candy if he asked for a date

I always thought he was handsome

Yes he was overweight

That’s fixable

Do you usually access the hotness of men in their seventies?
There you go misrepresenting TDS again when we know it is people like you, who start a thread about 'fitness' mention Biden as the 'bad' and use Trump as the 'good', in the opening post.

Biden looks very much like a good shape 80+ year old, even in the most unflattering pic you can find of him. No one expects an 80 year old to be buff. Skinny is best you get at those ages. Ever seen Arnold Schwarzenegger without a shirt these days?

Trump is simply obese and also requires an adult diaper.

BUT TRUMP!!!!!!! Look up TDS in the dictionary and we get QPI and his brother Mr. Tiny Penis.
BUT TRUMP!!!!!!! Look up TDS in the dictionary and we get QPI and his brother Mr. Tiny Penis.


Says the guy who decides to make fun of Fitness of a POTUS by using Biden as the bad and Trump as the good in the OP.

There is no one more TDS riddled than you Lyingfish. Your lens faces in only one direction.

Says the guy who decides to make fun of Fitness of a POTUS by using Biden as the bad and Trump as the good in the OP.

There is no one more TDS riddled than you Lyingfish. Your lens faces in only one direction.

Where do you see me comparing Trump and Brandon?
The only person I see bringing Trump to this thread is QPI/Mr. Tiny Penis.

You really should start trying to be smarter.

Park your TDS
Park your arrogance.
Where do you see me comparing Trump and Brandon?
The only person I see bringing Trump to this thread is QPI/Mr. Tiny Penis.

You really should start trying to be smarter.

Park your TDS
Park your arrogance.

Man you are hopelessly dumb.

You created an OP that has a twitter post that is making fun of Biden's fitness while trying to contrast with that Trumps, as if saying Biden is worse.

Like if Trump said, 'you think i am fat, whatabout a Chris Christie'. that is an attempt to not just say Christie is worse but also that Trump is better.
That is the point of that Twitter post.

If you were not riddled with TDS you would see it but you are so blind to anything Trump.
Man you are hopelessly dumb.

You created an OP that has a twitter post that is making fun of Biden's fitness while trying to contrast with that Trumps, as if saying Biden is worse.

Like if Trump said, 'you think i am fat, whatabout a Chris Christie'. that is an attempt to not just say Christie is worse but also that Trump is better.
That is the point of that Twitter post.

If you were not riddled with TDS you would see it but you are so blind to anything Trump.

I thought you were going to try to be smarter.

Where is Trump in that video? I find you and Mr. Tiny Penis to be just angry old men that spend their day complaining about anything and everything.

We are done here. Your constant TDS is more than I can comprehend although it does say a lot about your overall mental acuity.

Have a nice rest of your week.
I thought you were going to try to be smarter.

Where is Trump in that video? I find you and Mr. Tiny Penis to be just angry old men that spend their day complaining about anything and everything.

We are done here. Your constant TDS is more than I can comprehend although it does say a lot about your overall mental acuity.

Have a nice rest of your week.

Holy crap you are dumb.

From the OP in the very header of what you posted.

In fact, you lying rightys can find out exactly what condition Joe is in. His physical, like other presidents was released to the people. You can go over it line by line. There was ONE president who refused to release his. He had his hair painted orange. I wonder why he hid his.
When Trump was finally leaving the Whitehouse, he still thought to send sent someone to take all the physical information on the way out. Trump is hiding something bad and rightys do not care.
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If Joe Biden was one tenth this senile, Trumptards would lose it.

Trump : They say a wall is medieval. So is a wheel. A wheel is older than a wall.

Trump : army in 1775 took over the airports

Trump : disinfectant ... injection inside, almost a cleaning