Fixing Granny's house

Leon the pussy? I don't entertain trolls.

So are you going to man-up here and admit defeat? Or should I continue to beat you about the head and neck with facts, pesky facts?

hahaha ... you can keep digging yourself ... further down the 'Vortex of No Return'. (I'll try to post Leons' contribution here if I can)
Leon the pussy? I don't entertain trolls.

So are you going to man-up here and admit defeat? Or should I continue to beat you about the head and neck with facts, pesky facts?

From Leon the Cat:

"The foundation and abutments are rock of volcanic origin geologically called "andesite breccia." The rock is hard and

very durable.

What construction work was necessary before operations started at the dam site?

(I) Construction ofBoulder City to house both Government and contractor employees} .
(2) construction of7 miles of 22-foot wide, asphalt-surfaced highway from Boulder CIty to the dam SIte; .
(3) construction of22.7 miles ofstandard-gauge railroad from the Union Pacific main line in Las Vegas to Boulder CIty

and an additional 10 miles from Boulder City to the dam site;

(4) construction of a 222-mile-Iong power transmission line from San Bernardino, California, to the dam site to supply
energy for construction.
What were the principal divisions ofwork? .
More than 5,500,000 cubic yards ofmaterial were excavated, and another 1,000,000 CUbIC yards of earth and rock fill
placed. By feature, this included:
Excavation for the diversion tunnels, 1,500,000 cubic yards
For the foundation ofthe dam, power plant, and cofferdams 1,760,000 cubic yards;
For the spillways and inclined tunnels, 750,000 cubic yards
For the valve houses and intake towers, 410,000 cubic yards
Earth and rock fill for the cofferdams, 1,000,000 cubic yards.
In addition, 410,000 linear feet of grout and drainage holes were drilled, and 422,000 cubic feet of grout were placed
under pressure.
When did construction begin?
Construction on Hoover Dam began September 30, 1930.
What were the quantities of principal materials used in the dam?
The principal materials, all ofwhich were purchased by the government, were:
Reinforcement steel, 45,000,000 pounds
Gates and valves, 21,670,000 pounds
Plate steel and outlet pipes, 88,000,000 pounds
Pipe and fittings, 6,700,000 pounds or 840 miles
Structural steel, 18,000,000 pounds
Miscellaneous metal work, 5,300,000 pounds.
How much steel and metal work was used to build the dam?
There are 96,000,000 Ibs of steel and metalwork used by the dam - but none of it in the dam.
What type of dam is Hoover?
Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity type, in which the water load is carried by both gravity action and horizontal arch action."

DS, if you missed it:

"There are 96,000,000 Ibs of steel and metalwork used by the dam - but none of it in the dam."
"Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity type, in which the water load is carried by both gravity action and horizontal arch action."

DAMN, you really are triggered!!

Judging by that picture of you and your boyfriend Dark Stool, you two are the ones who are triggered.

By each other from the looks of it.

Isn't "our" picture; but instead appears to be one that has been saved in your "portfolio", for reasons only known to yourself. :D
Isn't "our" picture; but instead appears to be one that has been saved in your "portfolio", for reasons only known to yourself. :D

I don't have it saved anywhere. I merely did a Google Image search for Dark Stool and USFAGGOT911 and that picture of you two slobs sucking each other's faces appeared.
I don't have it saved anywhere. I merely did a Google Image search for Dark Stool and USFAGGOT911 and that picture of you two slobs sucking each other's faces appeared.

And now you try to hide your desire to down load pictures, by saying you did a search that is known to be a lie; but at least your consistent in your delusions. :good4u:
From Leon the Cat:

"The foundation and abutments are rock of volcanic origin geologically called "andesite breccia." The rock is hard and

very durable.

What construction work was necessary before operations started at the dam site?

(I) Construction ofBoulder City to house both Government and contractor employees} .
(2) construction of7 miles of 22-foot wide, asphalt-surfaced highway from Boulder CIty to the dam SIte; .
(3) construction of22.7 miles ofstandard-gauge railroad from the Union Pacific main line in Las Vegas to Boulder CIty

and an additional 10 miles from Boulder City to the dam site;

(4) construction of a 222-mile-Iong power transmission line from San Bernardino, California, to the dam site to supply
energy for construction.
What were the principal divisions ofwork? .
More than 5,500,000 cubic yards ofmaterial were excavated, and another 1,000,000 CUbIC yards of earth and rock fill
placed. By feature, this included:
Excavation for the diversion tunnels, 1,500,000 cubic yards
For the foundation ofthe dam, power plant, and cofferdams 1,760,000 cubic yards;
For the spillways and inclined tunnels, 750,000 cubic yards
For the valve houses and intake towers, 410,000 cubic yards
Earth and rock fill for the cofferdams, 1,000,000 cubic yards.
In addition, 410,000 linear feet of grout and drainage holes were drilled, and 422,000 cubic feet of grout were placed
under pressure.
When did construction begin?
Construction on Hoover Dam began September 30, 1930.
What were the quantities of principal materials used in the dam?
The principal materials, all ofwhich were purchased by the government, were:
Reinforcement steel, 45,000,000 pounds
Gates and valves, 21,670,000 pounds
Plate steel and outlet pipes, 88,000,000 pounds
Pipe and fittings, 6,700,000 pounds or 840 miles
Structural steel, 18,000,000 pounds
Miscellaneous metal work, 5,300,000 pounds.
How much steel and metal work was used to build the dam?
There are 96,000,000 Ibs of steel and metalwork used by the dam - but none of it in the dam.
What type of dam is Hoover?
Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity type, in which the water load is carried by both gravity action and horizontal arch action."

DS, if you missed it:

"There are 96,000,000 Ibs of steel and metalwork used by the dam - but none of it in the dam."
"Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity type, in which the water load is carried by both gravity action and horizontal arch action."

A UK site lol? Pictures don't lie.
A UK site lol? Pictures don't lie.

I'm gonna' cut you loose, DS. This is no longer about 'Granny's House', it's turned into a debate about 'reinforcing steel in Hoover Dam'. Which really is irrelevant in your complete and utter downfall as "I'm an Engineer" ruse. YOU fail to understand the quality of concrete, 'compression'. YOU refuse to even entertain the possibility that a Dam could be built using the 'Roman Arch' design concept. THIS failure on YOUR part is what destroys YOUR credibility.

I'll give you some more info that you can chew on. The Dam was built by the ... Government (Socialism). And the Government did 'Central Planning' (Socialism?) It was built to solely benefit one part of the Country, the Southwest ... (and people in PA. helped pay for it through taxation). And this is the really fun part, ... it's MAIN objective was 'irrigation'. It turned parts of the Southwest desert into a Garden of Eden. Electricity generation is only a secondary consideration.

Nice talking to you, DS. Good Luck.
I'm gonna' cut you loose, DS. This is no longer about 'Granny's House', it's turned into a debate about 'reinforcing steel in Hoover Dam'. Which really is irrelevant in your complete and utter downfall as "I'm an Engineer" ruse. YOU fail to understand the quality of concrete, 'compression'. YOU refuse to even entertain the possibility that a Dam could be built using the 'Roman Arch' design concept. THIS failure on YOUR part is what destroys YOUR credibility.

I'll give you some more info that you can chew on. The Dam was built by the ... Government (Socialism). And the Government did 'Central Planning' (Socialism?) It was built to solely benefit one part of the Country, the Southwest ... (and people in PA. helped pay for it through taxation). And this is the really fun part, ... it's MAIN objective was 'irrigation'. It turned parts of the Southwest desert into a Garden of Eden. Electricity generation is only a secondary consideration.

Nice talking to you, DS. Good Luck.

This is like, the third time that you've taken your bat and ball and tried to walk home. LOL

What you fail to recognize is that modern arch construction with concrete always uses reinforcing steel to manage unbalanced forces, since those forces can cause tension in certain areas. The arch shape simply reduces the overall amount of steel. Reinforcing is also used in the base and sides to distribute shear loads, the upper portions which are not in constant compression by hydraulic forces, the exposed faces to manage daily and seasonal temperature stresses, and transition points to attached and internal structures. All this adds up to a significant portion of the 45 million pounds of reinforcing used in the construction of the Boulder Dam.

Pictures don't lie. Details of much of this are freely available from both private and government sources.

Thanks for playing Jack. Say hello to your obsessed, unemployed loser friend LeonPussy.

And now you try to hide your desire to down load pictures, by saying you did a search that is known to be a lie; but at least your consistent in your delusions. :good4u:

I can see why you're embarrassed by the pictures of you and your butt buddy.

I'd be embarrassed to have them made public too.
I don't have it saved anywhere. I merely did a Google Image search for Dark Stool and USFAGGOT911 and that picture of you two slobs sucking each other's faces appeared.

Wow that was an easy lie to disprove.


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I can see why you're embarrassed by the pictures of you and your butt buddy.

I'd be embarrassed to have them made public too.

But you continue to ignore the fact that you lied about how you "discovered" the pictures, which would lead to a possible conclusion that you have a desire to seek out such pictures, for your viewing pleasure.

Not that there's anything wrong with you pursuing that which makes you happy. :good4u: