Florida is a MOE race? Wow.

That is not what the majority of states say.
But you disagree, because YOU stated that the Constitution is silent on the rights of a fertilized egg. If that egg is a human being, the Constitution is NOT silent on the rights of the egg. So rather than waste your time cutting and pasting all that bullshit, just answer the question. Is it a human being, or is it not. Stop dodging.
And here we go with even more evidence that you aren't a dude and you aren't a physician. Maybe a bag lady janitor in a preschool, where you pick up all your insults. :laugh:
You have never been in an operating room. There are lots of great insults there.

When I was a resident I was in the Operating Room physicians break room and heard a thoracic surgeon explaining abrasions on his face. He had been in a fender bender and a the airbag hit him and abraded his face and broke his glasses. I went to the OR nurses lounge where the community coffee pot was. This was in the morning before surgeries started the room was packed with doctors and nurses getting coffee.. In walks the Thoracic Surgeon and someone said "Bill what happened to your face?" Bill: "I had some wild sex last night" Me: "It must have been to get rug burns on your face like that." The place exploded in laughter. Bill: Extended the double barrel FU salute. Me: You know that is like applause. The Room: More laughter.

I get called into my bosses office. My Boss: " Did you say Bill had rug burns on his face." Me: "Yes I did:D." MY Boss: "That was a good one he is such an asshole. Oh by the way you can't do the anesthetics on his surgeries anymore." Me: "That's great with me."

Bill was an insecure asshole that when he got in a surgical jam he started screaming at anyone and everyone. Once we were in the middle of open heart surgery on a female patient. And all of a sudden there was a geyser of blood shooting about a foot high out of her chest. Bill looks at me and screams : 'DO SOMETHING!!" I was the anesthesiologist not even the pump tech. There was nothing I could do. :dunno: I wasn't even scrubbed in. The OR tech then discovers one of the cross clamps had broken. They replaced the clamp and got the bleeding under control. They used a cell saver and reused most of the blood. The patient survived the surgery.
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But you disagree, because YOU stated that the Constitution is silent on the rights of a fertilized egg. If that egg is a human being, the Constitution is NOT silent on the rights of the egg. So rather than waste your time cutting and pasting all that bullshit, just answer the question. Is it a human being, or is it not. Stop dodging.
Most states (38) think it is a human being. Since it has the same chromosomes as you or I have (well half of them do) It directs its own growth and development like you or I do . I tend to agree it is a human being and most states agree with me.

Did you have a good Uber Eats dinner run? Did you make any tips. You do know Trump won't be taxing those tips .
But you disagree, because YOU stated that the Constitution is silent on the rights of a fertilized egg. If that egg is a human being, the Constitution is NOT silent on the rights of the egg. So rather than waste your time cutting and pasting all that bullshit, just answer the question. Is it a human being, or is it not. Stop dodging.
AGAIN the Constitution is SILENT on the rights of the unborn. The states say killing unborn HUMAN BEINGS at any stage of development is murder. Murder is generally a state crime not a federal crime most of the time.
Maybe the coup was not a great idea.
Because of all the seditionists that got locked up after Trump failed to pardon them?

You have never been in an operating room. There are lots of great insults there.
*snipped a bunch of bullshit*
Actually, I have been in an OR as patient, student, and as team member. This is how I know that you are no physician or any sort of medical professional. Cleaning crew member works though. I'm sure you've seen some stuff. :laugh:
AGAIN the Constitution is SILENT on the rights of the unborn. The states say killing unborn HUMAN BEINGS at any stage of development is murder. Murder is generally a state crime not a federal crime most of the time.
Therefore you agree that a fertilized egg is not a human being. Thank you for that concession.
No they cannot. Goddamn you are a dunce. Let me explain it to you very simply. If your position is that a fertilized egg is a full human being, then that egg is entitled to due process, and any state statute that allows the egg to be aborted without due process would be unconstitutional.
I think you have accurately described the issue we've been arguing about for the last fifty years.......during that time your party killed 60M......the law has changed.....it is now up to the various states.......many have decided you are wrong......now you want the federal government to step in and prevent them from doing so.......our response is simple.....fuck off......
I think you have accurately described the issue we've been arguing about for the last fifty years.......during that time your party killed 60M......the law has changed.....it is now up to the various states.......many have decided you are wrong......now you want the federal government to step in and prevent them from doing so.......our response is simple.....fuck off......
Yes. But states cannot pass a law that violates the constitution. Every state law with exceptions is, according to you, unconstitutional. Checkmate.
???.....obviously a fertilized human egg is a human being........why do you deny science?......
Because science says no such thing. I assume you are opposed to exceptions and IVF and oppose any abortion in any situation. You cannot reconcile any other position.
I don’t need to. There is no evidence for a negative. Someone attempted to bolster that bullshit claim. It didn’t go well.
Well if something equivalent to a fertilized egg was found on mars you idiots would cream your shorts. STFU