Florida is a MOE race? Wow.

Because science says no such thing. I assume you are opposed to exceptions and IVF and oppose any abortion in any situation. You cannot reconcile any other position.
I suggest you read up on DNA......it will rock your world......not only can you tell whether a living creature is human or a donkey, but you can actually tell the difference between men and women.......
???.....obviously a fertilized human egg is a human being........why do you deny science?......

Pmp claims to be a lawyer, but doesn't understand the law just like ExLax claims to be a doctor but doesn't understand medicine.

Pmp is as much a lawyer as he is a Christian. LOL

In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the words “person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”, shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.

time until a MAGAt is triggered: 10...9...8.....
I suggest you read up on DNA......it will rock your world......not only can you tell whether a living creature is human or a donkey, but you can actually tell the difference between men and women.......
Pmp still doesn't understand the definition of a human being. He thinks a human being is the DNA he flushed down the toilet this morning.
A national poll of likely voters by The New York Times and Siena College found Mr. Trump leading Ms. Harris, 48 percent to 47 percent, within the poll’s three-percentage-point margin of error and largely unchanged from a Times/Siena poll taken in late July just after President Biden dropped his re-election bid.

When the NYT's has Trump ahead, you can be sure that he is far ahead.

And remember, Jarod lies, about everything - always.


Most states (38) think it is a human being. Since it has the same chromosomes as you or I have (well half of them do) It directs its own growth and development like you or I do . I tend to agree it is a human being and most states agree with me.

Did you have a good Uber Eats dinner run? Did you make any tips. You do know Trump won't be taxing those tips .
That's odd, if you read any biology text where it states the 4 or 5 requisites to be a mammal, the unborn fail. All humans breath oxygen, the unborn don't until they are born and take that first breath. Until then they are a parasite living off of the mother.

The petri dish in the refrigerator at the IVF lab have those same chromosomes, are they human beings too?