For aquaholics and salt lifers

Is there anything better than the sea? What about mountains? What if you have the sea *and* mountains?

Sitka Sound, 2013.


Icebergs born of the Columbia Glacier, out of Valdez, 2011.


Gorgeous photos. Always loved the scenery up in the NW with mountains and sea.
I'm sorry Jack spewed all over your nice thread. You see, he HATES women. Hates us something fierce. Once there was a Mrs. Jack. But she ran off with the trash man and took Jack to the cleaners. Now he lives under a rotting bridge at the edge of NOLA. He gets spare change by doing "favors" for the shrimping fleet. Now and then he sneaks into the library to post pornographic fantasies about the JPP women, and tries to muck up nice threads.

Here, have a nice sunrise that includes a large body of water (Lake Superior). Bet you know the seafarer's name for this cloud formation.


Mackerel sky? :thinking:
Stretch says she used to work in a Bar on Bourbon St.. Pretty sure she knows where 'The Dungeon' is. Again, I doubt Stretch started a Thread on 'water sports' and actually meant Water Sports.
I'm waiting for Stretch to go into her 'Bathtub Adventures' ... 'Christian by Daylight ... Dark Angel Deboucher' at night.

You ain't right. :palm:
This forum is for "sports, hobbies and pictures', right?
I'm not much into boats, but if I were I'd want something like this with a high revving smallblock. Old wooden speedboats are cool

Daar in het kleine café aan de haven (Dutch) sung by Vader (pronounced 'Vahder') Abraham

Down in the little café in the harbor,
Nobody cares who you are or what you do.
Down in the little café in the harbor,
You'll find a warm welcome for you.
