For our conservative voters

A plannedemic can't cause inflation, moron. It was caused in part by "COVID" spending bills that Democrats passed early on after Biden's installation, along with Biden economic/energy policies since Day 1 of his installation.

It is the wind/solar chasing countries that are seeing the worst of it (that includes the former USA).

Many countries have lower inflation rates than the former USA.

Under no part of the Trump-era was runaway inflation ever an issue. It was always at a very low rate. Wages were increasing at a much faster rate than inflation. That's no longer the case nowadays, thanks to Democrats.

Nope, Biden kept our inflation rates 3-5 times less than other countries. The inflation we are seeing today has nothing to do with our president.
Now you are saying the right is pro choice? The right telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her body is the largest case of a political party taking away someones rights that this country has ever seen.

just what "choice" has Biden taken away from industry?

No they are saying the child in the womd should have right to life. A Mother should not kill her Child
How come someone does not sue them like Dominion did FOX? They haven't because they have no case. The credible media is not and has not been lying to you. Just what lie are you talking about.

They also show they are not journalist they are nothing more than Democrat opertives spewing Democrat lies and propaganda
Amazing how fucking brainwashed the right is today. You are no different than nazi's in 1938 Germany that swallowed all the bullshit Adolf was feeding them. you cannot give me an example of "liberal medias" lies you just like using those stupid fucking words. your media just lost a 780 million dollar defamation and lying case yet you still worship them.

Somebody from the Democrats is going to spew this lie when Democcrats are no information voters that look for the D it does not matter whose name it ti. Biden is proof of that
Amazing how fucking brainwashed the right is today. You are no different than nazi's in 1938 Germany that swallowed all the bullshit Adolf was feeding them. you cannot give me an example of "liberal medias" lies you just like using those stupid fucking words. your media just lost a 780 million dollar defamation and lying case yet you still worship them.

This explains it

From the conservative National Review in 2018

‘Trump’s Appeal to the Cognitively Challenged’

I have long said that it’s important to study intelligence — IQ, cognitive ability, whatever you want to call it. For one thing, in a knowledge-based economy this trait powerfully affects where people end up in life, and you have to understand intelligence if you want to understand, say, economic mobility or inequality.

And the importance of studying IQ doesn’t magically stop at the borders of politics. Indeed, there’s a fair amount of research on whether more intelligent people tend to have different political views.
A plannedemic can't cause inflation, moron. It was caused in part by "COVID" spending bills that Democrats passed early on after Biden's installation, along with Biden economic/energy policies since Day 1 of his installation.

It is the wind/solar chasing countries that are seeing the worst of it (that includes the former USA).

Many countries have lower inflation rates than the former USA.

Under no part of the Trump-era was runaway inflation ever an issue. It was always at a very low rate. Wages were increasing at a much faster rate than inflation. That's no longer the case nowadays, thanks to Democrats.

If inflation was due to biden why do so many other countries have much higher inflation rates? The pandemic caused a huge drop in demand for goods and as that pandemic ended and the demand came roaring back, supply for those goods could not keep up hence the cost for those goods increased. Supply and demand and simple economics and it struck the entire world and no one in the whitehouse could have prevented it. Only a partisan fucking moron seems to think Trump could have prevented it or Biden caused it.

Below are inflation rates in percent around the world and there are a few lower than the US but only a few. If you blieve that Democratic bills under Biden caused inflation to spike around the world you truly are a fucking moron.
Australia 7.02
Austria 9.72
Belgium 5.60
Canada 4.41
Chile 9.91
Colombia 12.8
Denmar 5.82
Europe 8.66
Finland 7.92
France 5.88
Germany 7.17
Iceland 9.89
India 5.79
Ireland 7.23
Israel 5.05
Italy 8.16
Mexico 6.25
Netherlands 5.17
New Zealand 6.65
Norway 6.44
poland 15.25
Russia 16.22
South Africa 7.12
Sweden 10.47
United Kingdom 7.82
United States 4.93
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This explains it

From the conservative National Review in 2018

‘Trump’s Appeal to the Cognitively Challenged’

I have long said that it’s important to study intelligence — IQ, cognitive ability, whatever you want to call it. For one thing, in a knowledge-based economy this trait powerfully affects where people end up in life, and you have to understand intelligence if you want to understand, say, economic mobility or inequality.

And the importance of studying IQ doesn’t magically stop at the borders of politics. Indeed, there’s a fair amount of research on whether more intelligent people tend to have different political views.

It is obvious where the intelligence is located. All the states with the highest education rates are blue. all the cities and towns where higher education resides vote blue. The vast majority of University professors and those with higher education degrees vote blue. The ignorant shitheads with no education all say none of that matters only highlighting their ignorance that much further.
No they are saying the child in the womd should have right to life. A Mother should not kill her Child

How does an embryo have the right to negate a persons constitutional rights? Everyone has rights and we cannot pass laws taking anyones constitutional rights away. Therefore, you cannot logically refuse to give a woman her constitutional rights because she is pregnant. Either she has those rights or the embryo inside her has them, it can't be both. It is obvious to any logical thinker that once born you have two individuals with constitutional rights and not before.

There are countless fertilization clincs around the country with fertilized eggs waiting to be implanted in women. If they expire and are not used and disposed of are they cases of mass murder?
They also show they are not journalist they are nothing more than Democrat opertives spewing Democrat lies and propaganda

Not interested in your meaningless babble. Answer the question with an intelligent reply or shut the fuck up. FOX was just sued for lying to the public and lost a 787 million dollar lawsuit. How come none of your "liberal media" are being sued for lying if all they do is spew lies?

I think you believe the fucking stupid shit you do because you are a fucking moron and cannot tell the difference. Now lets have another fucking stupid reply that does not answer the simple question.
Nope, Biden kept our inflation rates 3-5 times less than other countries. The inflation we are seeing today has nothing to do with our president.

They literally don't even understand supply and demand. The very basic fundamental of economics. They couldn't pass a first grade econ class.
Not interested in your meaningless babble. Answer the question with an intelligent reply or shut the fuck up. FOX was just sued for lying to the public and lost a 787 million dollar lawsuit. How come none of your "liberal media" are being sued for lying if all they do is spew lies?

I think you believe the fucking stupid shit you do because you are a fucking moron and cannot tell the difference. Now lets have another fucking stupid reply that does not answer the simple question.

He's a chatty cathy doll. He repeats the same ten phrases over and over again. Most parrots do have a limited vocabulary.
How does an embryo have the right to negate a persons constitutional rights? Everyone has rights and we cannot pass laws taking anyones constitutional rights away. Therefore, you cannot logically refuse to give a woman her constitutional rights because she is pregnant. Either she has those rights or the embryo inside her has them, it can't be both. It is obvious to any logical thinker that once born you have two individuals with constitutional rights and not before.

There are countless fertilization clincs around the country with fertilized eggs waiting to be implanted in women. If they expire and are not used and disposed of are they cases of mass murder?

What has the Child in the womb done to deserve capital punishment?
Not interested in your meaningless babble. Answer the question with an intelligent reply or shut the fuck up. FOX was just sued for lying to the public and lost a 787 million dollar lawsuit. How come none of your "liberal media" are being sued for lying if all they do is spew lies?

I think you believe the fucking stupid shit you do because you are a fucking moron and cannot tell the difference. Now lets have another fucking stupid reply that does not answer the simple question.

So you will not look at the facts or truth. You are a typical arrogant Democrat elitist