For you idiots, the alleged crimes!

on the other hand, you've gambled the entire election on the assumption people will ignore Biden's incompetence because you can call Trump a felon for a few've already seen that will win you votes from the ladies on the View but nothing else.....
I haven't done anything but observe.

What Ive seen is a Felon who thought he was above the law, get held to it.

Trumppers should be embarrassed, Trump tricked you into supporting him, and committed felonies to get it done.
I haven't done anything but observe.

What Ive seen is a Felon who thought he was above the law, get held to it.

Trumppers should be embarrassed, Trump tricked you into supporting him, and committed felonies to get it done.
lol......and starting seven threads last night cheering the results of an unconstitutional trial.......poser rhymes with loser.....
Ill start 7 more if the mood hits me. You call our nation names, you are very unpatriotic and hate our beautiful nation.
and certainly it will, you start at least seven meaningless threads a week........shits like you who want to destroy our constitution have nothing to say about the beautiful nation you have set out to destroy.......kindly go back to your shit hole and fuck yourself.....
and certainly it will, you start at least seven meaningless threads a week........shits like you who want to destroy our constitution have nothing to say about the beautiful nation you have set out to destroy.......kindly go back to your shit hole and fuck yourself.....
For meaningless threads, they sure get a lot of discussion.
and certainly it will, you start at least seven meaningless threads a week........shits like you who want to destroy our constitution have nothing to say about the beautiful nation you have set out to destroy.......kindly go back to your shit hole and fuck yourself.....
Your the one who hates everything in the constitution
Amazing how Trump was convicted of the 34 crimes I told you he was charged with.
I find it amazing you can still be stupid enough to believe your own lies.......
We had three years of the best economy in decades........Covid hit.......Demmycrats insisted we had to totally shut down the this day the most successful states were those that DIDN'T shut everything down......places like NY and California where the shut down was the worst STILL have the worst unemployment........inflation was under 2%, gas cost less than $2 a gallon.....we had the vax for Covid.......then we got Biden........EVERYTHING GOT WORSE.........fuck your lies......

what do you have?......foreign policy is in shambles, the border is open, crime is rampant, inflation is still over 3% and everything costs 20% more than it did in 2020......and your fucking platform is "ankle bracelets" wonder James Carville thinks you're shit.......
33%. Everything costs 33% since Biden was installed. Source: Federal Reserve
Considering the circumstances, Biden was handed a mess,
DEMOCRATS caused that mess. Biden was part of it!
unemployment was around 7% when he took over and supply of just about everything was scarce due to the pandemic.
You mean the Covid Hoax created by the DEMOCRATS.
after 4 years unemployment is less than 4%, the market is at record highs,
Inflation is not profit, dope.
oil production is at record levels,
Not because of Biden or the Democrats. Despite them. A federal court nullified Biden's executive order that shut down oil well drilling.
consumer confidence is booming,
Blatant lie. An economic depression is not a 'booming economy'.
inflation from that pandemic has done nothing but drop.
The dollar has been devalued by 33% since Biden was installed. Source: Federal Reserve.
That performance is stellar
Blatant lie.
and you think I'm the idiot for thinking an incumbent with that record
You are lying again.
can't beat a twice impeached shithead
Once. You can't impeach someone that is not in office. The Senate threw it out because you idiots couldn't even come up with a reason to impeach.
rated this countries worst president ever
Your personal opinion.
that was just convicted of 34 felonies?
What crime? No, you can't just say 'falsification of business records'. You must specify the related crime. You cannot defend a kangaroo court.