For you idiots, the alleged crimes!

You are utterly insane.

You actually want a world where the party can convict enemies without so much as stating the alleged crime they supposedly committed?

In your world, anyone can be nabbed off the street, convicted - sent to prison or executed - and the party prosecutor need not prove the person committed a crime, or even state what crime.

Comrade @Jarod - what say you?

Do you agree with your fellow Third World Stalinist that { he does not have to isolate or disclose (robbery, rape, murder, election interference, etc)}? An accusation, however vague from a party member is all that is needed to imprison or execute enemies of the party?
The alleged crime has been spelled out in detail. Why are you such an idiot?
According to KEWPEE, in the banana republic of New York, one doesn't need to commit a crime, be charged with a crime, or even be informed of what the crime is to be convicted.
Since there is no effective constitution in New York, the Oligarchy there can do what it wants. They convict without a trial, they take your property without compensation, there is no effective police force, elections are a farce (only the Elite can hold office!) and they can persecute on made up shit.

And quite a few people in New York are pissed off about it.
Civil war is coming to New York, and nowhere in the territory will escape the effects of it.
Only if this were a court of law. It isn't, it's a lynching. Trump is an enemy of the party - no other facts or evidence are needed..

Merchan will instruct the jury that the reelection of Joe Biden depends on convicting his opponent, Donald Trump; therefore they MUST convict.
Part of Merchan's hours long instructions (which they cannot see a written version of) were that the jury could decide what crime(s) Trump committed to make the charges rise to a felony, and they didn't have to agree on those so long as they all decided he committed them...

Lynchings are more kind to the defendant. At least they're up front about what's coming...
Part of Merchan's hours long instructions (which they cannot see a written version of) were that the jury could decide what crime(s) Trump committed to make the charges rise to a felony, and they didn't have to agree on those so long as they all decided he committed them...

Lynchings are more kind to the defendant. At least they're up front about what's coming...
Finally what i have been hammering in to the stupid Terry's head, sticks after i quote it to him 10 times.

it parallels EXACTLY my misdemeanor Trespassing to Felony Trespassing example.

Congrats, man.

But you still get it wrong. The Jury can SEE the jury instructions. They can read them. They just cannot take them in to the deliberation room with them.

And this is the normal application of NYS law, but just as you guys did with the Letisha James case, acting as if a 'Bread and Butter' documents fraud case was something novel and new and never done before Trump, you were wrong (and stupid) then, just as you are wrong (and stupid) now.
That is EXACTLY what the law says.
The law says, "intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof." You removed the part about intent, and claimed, "Only when used to conceal or further ANOTHER CRIME (which you Stalinists can't manage to come up with) would it be charged as a felony."

The specific law says there just needs to be an intent.
Since there is no effective constitution in New York, the Oligarchy there can do what it wants. They convict without a trial, they take your property without compensation, there is no effective police force, elections are a farce (only the Elite can hold office!) and they can persecute on made up shit.

And quite a few people in New York are pissed off about it.
Civil war is coming to New York, and nowhere in the territory will escape the effects of it.

New York has fallen to a third world banana republic. There is no law, only the Junta.
Part of Merchan's hours long instructions (which they cannot see a written version of) were that the jury could decide what crime(s) Trump committed to make the charges rise to a felony, and they didn't have to agree on those so long as they all decided he committed them...

Lynchings are more kind to the defendant. At least they're up front about what's coming...

That's pretty upfront. Merchan ordered the jury to convict, regardless of the facts and evidence.
The law says, "intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof." You removed the part about intent, and claimed, "Only when used to conceal or further ANOTHER CRIME (which you Stalinists can't manage to come up with) would it be charged as a felony."

The specific law says there just needs to be an intent.

What is this {another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof}?

Where did the kangaroo court prove beyond a reasonable doubt this {another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof}?

When did the lynching even state what this {another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof} is?
The law has been cited dozens of times by now. It does say intent. Your argument is pointless, and a waste of time.

Right, and it says {another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof} which none of you Stalinists - particularly not the Soros team of Merchan/Bragg can manage to even name, much less prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

But proof has no place in a lynching - which is all this is.