Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut

And yet you offer no evidence of any voter fraud. None. So you are just making things up. State legislators authorized all of those things, dimwit. They passed authority to county officials. Because they are LEGALLY allowed to do so. You aren’t very well educated are you?
hey cunt.....I'm educated enough to know that no state legislators authorized it......outright bald faced lie.....suck it up and admit Biden took the Oval Office in an unconstitutional up for a change......
hey cunt.....I'm educated enough to know that no state legislators authorized it......outright bald faced lie.....suck it up and admit Biden took the Oval Office in an unconstitutional up for a change......
What exactly is 'it'. Be specific. What counties violated state law in managing their elections, and how.
So it shows they WILL cheat to win.
It wasn’t cheating at all. It was failing to follow certain procedural rules. No suggestion a non qualified person voted or that a ballot was shifted to another candidate.

That this is the crap you have to support a claim of tens of thousands fraudulent votes is the helpful significance of this thread.
read my posts if you want to debate with me you sorry-assed lib'riul....
If you read them you would find none worth spit. Trumpers have theories, they have claims, they have religious like beliefs that the election was
Unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. What they don’t have is a court of law with a final decision that agrees with them.

Still they keep embarrassing themselves by not shutting up.
You kidding, more Republicans in the Florida’s Villages alone have been caught at election fraud
Of course we all recognize the difference between committing election fraud and getting caught. Republicans have not perfected election fraud to anywhere near the degree that Democrats have. The extremely rare times that Republicans engage in such activities, they get caught like the rookies they are. Democrats, on the other hand, are pros, making the fraud brazenly obvious with nonetheless no way to prove it in court, even one that isn't rigged!

Democrat Motto: It's not voters who determine the outcome of the elections; it's the Democrat vote-stuffers-counters, Democrat voting machines and Democrat circuit courts that determine the outcome of elections.
Unless it is Republican election fraud, then there's lots of fraud... Democrat fraud? That doesn't happen... :devilish:
Always been election fraud. Nineteenth Century elections were riddled it. Today’s elections are virginal by comparison. Trump and his cry babies would be scorned and laughed at by the victims of yesteryear who sometimes had true claims of fraud on a scale to turn an election but saw no practical alternative to accepting their fate and moving on.

A problem we didn’t have then is Americans, in living on the Internet, have lost touch with their history.
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I accept your unconditional surrender
and we accept your complete and total stupidity......after I fully described in this thread what was unconstitutional about the election, you lied and said that the state legislators had authorized voting officials to use unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting in the 2020 election......I challenged you to prove it and instead of doing so you asked "WHAT WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL?"........why not just admit there was no chance you could back up your idiotic lie.........we all accept the fact you've been caught with your pants around your ankles and you are nothing but a bare assed liar.......
Of course we all recognize the difference between committing election fraud and getting caught. Republicans have not perfected election fraud to anywhere near the degree that Democrats have. The extremely rare times that Republicans engage in such activities, they get caught like the rookies they are. Democrats, on the other hand, are pros, making the fraud brazenly obvious with nonetheless no way to prove it in court, even one that isn't rigged!

Democrat Motto: It's not voters who determine the outcome of the elections; it's the Democrat vote-stuffers-counters, Democrat voting machines and Democrat circuit courts that determine the outcome of elections.
demmycrats say nuh-uh and think they've disproved claims.......look what happened when the Michigan State Police discovered voter fraud in Muskegon County and the FBI "took over" the investigation......TWO YEARS LATER NONE OF THE WITNESSES HAVE EVEN BEEN CONTACTED!........
and we accept your complete and total stupidity......after I fully described in this thread what was unconstitutional about the election, you lied and said that the state legislators had authorized voting officials to use unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting in the 2020 election......I challenged you to prove it and instead of doing so you asked "WHAT WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL?"........why not just admit there was no chance you could back up your idiotic lie.........we all accept the fact you've been caught with your pants around your ankles and you are nothing but a bare assed liar.......

In order to "fully describe" how the election was Unconstitutional you would need to describe how Biden received 33 or more electoral votes that belonged to Trump and that not you but a court in one or more final decisions made that determination. You can't of course so you've made the
argument by avoiding specifics when specifics are what it's about.
In order to "fully describe" how the election was Unconstitutional you would need to describe how Biden received 33 or more electoral votes that belonged to Trump and that not you but a court in one or more final decisions made that determination.
Totally Incorrect. We the People are the victims and We have the DNC on trial in Our court of public opinion. The DNC has some serious explaining to do.

We the People went to the polls and overwhelmingingly elected Trump. We the People flooded Trump's rallies from all surrounding States wherever he held one, and none of Us went anywhere near any Biden rally, no matter what incentives were offered.

Yet the election was stolen before Our eyes while We watched, and We the People were arrested and/or executed for merely protesting, by a tyrannical government that immediately set about destroying Our country.

We the People need to prove nothing, We need only to cast off the current deep state tyranny and regain control of Our country.
Always been election fraud. Nineteenth Century elections were riddled it. Today’s elections are virginal by comparison. Trump and his cry babies would be scorned and laughed at by the victims of yesteryear who sometimes had true claims of fraud on a scale to turn an election but saw no practical alternative to accepting their fate and moving on.

A problem we didn’t have then is Americans, in living on the Internet, have lost touch with their history.
But today it's not for want of trying. Things today that make elections open to mass fraud:

All mail-in balloting
Election 'seasons' where you have weeks to over a month to vote.
Ballot harvesting
Same day voter registration
No voter ID required
No continuous purge of voter registration rolls
Automatic voter registration at DMV et al.
Voting systems that don't produce a 'paper trail.'
Ballot drop-boxes
501(c)3 voter registration and politically related activity "non-profits."
But today it's not for want of trying. Things today that make elections open to mass fraud:

All mail-in balloting
Election 'seasons' where you have weeks to over a month to vote.
Ballot harvesting
Same day voter registration
No voter ID required
No continuous purge of voter registration rolls
Automatic voter registration at DMV et al.
Voting systems that don't produce a 'paper trail.'
Ballot drop-boxes
501(c)3 voter registration and politically related activity "non-profits."

There are reasons this bogey man of "mass fraud" doesn't occur. If it did occur we would have found by now 'mass" cases of where and when and not still be dealing in hypotheticals and things like "four Democratic...".
and we accept your complete and total stupidity......after I fully described in this thread what was unconstitutional about the election, you lied and said that the state legislators had authorized voting officials to use unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting in the 2020 election......I challenged you to prove it and instead of doing so you asked "WHAT WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL?"........why not just admit there was no chance you could back up your idiotic lie.........we all accept the fact you've been caught with your pants around your ankles and you are nothing but a bare assed liar.......
I don't have the burden of proof. You do. You claimed that county and municipal voting officials broke the law. I asked you for one specific instance, and you cannot provide it. My proof is that no one was charged with anything, no investigation revealed anything, and the election was certified by every state legislature. You claim the election was stolen, and you think I'm obligated to prove to you that it wasn't? Okay, here's a link.

Your problem is that you have come to this board to troll and insult, and I am now calling you on it. You are a one trick pony. You say cunt. An demycunt. And stupid cunt. Wow, must have been really difficult to master that. I'm impressed.
I don't have the burden of proof. You do. You claimed that county and municipal voting officials broke the law. I asked you for one specific instance, and you cannot provide it.
I did provide fucking didn't read it or perhaps you were just too fucking stupid to understand it......the fucking unsupervised drop boxes and the ballot harvesting, you dense bitch......
I did provide fucking didn't read it or perhaps you were just too fucking stupid to understand it......the fucking unsupervised drop boxes and the ballot harvesting, you dense bitch......
That's not in the least bit specific. What county, what state, and what was done contrary to state law. But you can't, because you are just a parrot, you can't think for yourself. Which is why no one here takes you seriously. You are a laughing stock.
That's not in the least bit specific. What county, what state, and what was done contrary to state law. But you can't, because you are just a parrot, you can't think for yourself. Which is why no one here takes you seriously. You are a laughing stock.
good lord you're an me ANY state which had unsupervised drop boxes authorized by a state legislature or admit you haven't got a brain.....
good lord you're an me ANY state which had unsupervised drop boxes authorized by a state legislature or admit you haven't got a brain.....
They are absolutely authorized by many state legislatures. So your task is really easy. Show evidence of unsupervised drop boxes in a state that doesn't allow them. For the record, I dropped my ballot in an unsupervised drop box in Florida. Because I could. So, tell me where that happened contrary to state law. I'll wait.