From the desk of Newt :)


American solutions

To his credit, President Obama said this weekend that "the American people know that our challenges are great. They don't expect Democratic solutions or Republican solutions - they expect American solutions." We agree with that sentiment.

But this big government, pork-laden spending bill is not a solution. It is not change we can believe in. It is debt we can count on and wasteful spending we will have no control over.

Of course, Washington will never change unless we demand something different. We must present a clear and decisive alternative that contrasts starkly with the 778 page, almost $1 trillion debt package being voted on in the U.S. Senate.

So today, we offer our "12 American Solutions for Jobs and Prosperity." Please read it by clicking on the image below.

The job creation engines of our economy are our small business men and women, our innovators and entrepreneurs. The consolidation of money and power in Washington will only make their job harder.

Mark S. from Marietta, GA wrote to me yesterday wondering what he could do to help our cause. Unfortunately, he recently lost his job, but he has not given up. And nor should you.

Here is what you can do: Read and understand this plan. If you support it, endorse it and become an advocate now. If you don't, then let us know how we can improve it.

Our jobs, our prosperity and our place in the world are at stake. We cannot afford to cripple future generations with massive debt.


P.S. If you have not already called your Senators to oppose the stimulus bill, it's not too late. You can still make your voice heard.
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Translation: Apply for work at the pizza parlor or the gas-n-go Not at the manufacturing plant.
And do not get sick.
If you make it long enough then die poor.
This is the story of a double digit number of America's workers whom we upper middle class could not live without their contribution.
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Translation: Apply for work at the pizza parlor or the gas-n-go Not at the manufacturing plant.
And do not get sick.
If you make it long enough then die poor.
This is the story of a double digit number of America's workers whom we upper middle class could not live without their contribution.

there must be something wrong with your translator because I didn't read any of that at all.
My translation algorthym is working fine.

that is what the majority of small business jobs translate to.
Ok how does the majority of small business jobs pay? Benefits?
I can see this will be a long process of eddicating you.

with politicians the truth usually lies in what they avoid saying.
lets try educating you first.

why do small companies pay lower salaries?

Usually because they offer lower profit margin products. Mainly because anyone can offer the same products and the competition is high.

How many small businesses make automobiles? TV's? appliances?
lets try educating you first.

why do small companies pay lower salaries?

Depending on the business, because they have a smaller profit than larger companies. The average cost per employee for a small business is $5,300 in addition to the wage they are paid. This is why an AMT is both fair and neccesary for this income bracket.
I will not dispute that the AMT does hurt some small businesses.
If you totally eliminated all taxes on small businesses they would still not be able to give the pay and benefits that manufacturing jobs that are moving offshore provide.

However I am looking deeper and farther than just what reducing small businesses tax liability.
What the long term effects of America's increasing relaince on small business for jobs is.

Welcome to the classroom Student #2.
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Usually because they offer lower profit margin products. Mainly because anyone can offer the same products and the competition is high.
OR, the case could also be that the competition uses unethical, but legal still, pricing tactics that drive out the smaller companies because they can't compete. Wal-mart as a prime example.

How many small businesses make automobiles? TV's? appliances?
If the smaller companies wouldn't be deprived of materials, probably a lot.
I know I would have LOVED to start a computer manufacturing company years ago, but found myself bricked in by walls over alot of things, including materials.
I had the know how to do motherboards from an earlier manufacturing job, but as a small company, I would have had to pay a higher price for my materials because I couldn't afford to buy bulk like dell and hp.
However I am looking deeper and farther than that.
What the long term effects of America's increasing relying on small business for jobs is.

as it currently stands, not good in any way. If small business could get the same opportunities that big business has, it could be great.
OR, the case could also be that the competition uses unethical, but legal still, pricing tactics that drive out the smaller companies because they can't compete. Wal-mart as a prime example.

Ohh that brings up another basic business rule. The economies of scale and bulk purchasing.

Lets say I started a company making riding mowers. I could buy engines from Briggs and Stratton for lets say $600 for a 14 hp engine in quantities of 100. Since I am small I could not buy too many at once.

Now MTD makes a purchase contract with Briggs to get the same engine for $300 in quantities of 5,000 or so.

Begin to understand?

Or are you saying that discount pricing for bulk purchasing should be illegal?
Lets say I started a company making riding mowers. I could buy engines from Briggs and Stratton for lets say $600 for a 14 hp engine in quantities of 100. Since I am small I could not buy too many at once.

Now MTD makes a purchase contract with Briggs to get the same engine for $300 in quantities of 5,000 or so.

Begin to understand?

Or are you saying that discount pricing for bulk purchasing should be illegal?

no, it should not be illegal, so long as the bulk pricing is not made with the clause of not providing bulk pricing for competitors, because that order for 5,000 could be adjusted upwards to 6,000 to offer those small business' a competitive deal. Walmart sets up deals so that their suppliers must not offer competitive pricing to competitors and THAT is what I think should be illegal.
USC just got pwned again, but kudos to him for arguing that corporate jobs are better for the worker. Most people simply think big business is plain evil...
USC just got pwned again, but kudos to him for arguing that corporate jobs are better for the worker. Most people simply think big business is plain evil...

Ahh looks like I have a 3rd student.

Could you be a bit more specific for the benefit of the class?
Ahh looks like I have a 3rd student.

Could you be a bit more specific for the benefit of the class?

Who are my two classmates? If I don't like them, I refuse to stay in your classroom!!!

I personally enjoy my big business community, but that doesn't mean I'm going to praise Sears and then diss Dicks Drive-Ins...
American solutions

To his credit, President Obama said this weekend that "the American people know that our challenges are great. They don't expect Democratic solutions or Republican solutions - they expect American solutions." We agree with that sentiment.

But this big government, pork-laden spending bill is not a solution. It is not change we can believe in. It is debt we can count on and wasteful spending we will have no control over.

Of course, Washington will never change unless we demand something different. We must present a clear and decisive alternative that contrasts starkly with the 778 page, almost $1 trillion debt package being voted on in the U.S. Senate.

So today, we offer our "12 American Solutions for Jobs and Prosperity." Please read it by clicking on the image below.

The job creation engines of our economy are our small business men and women, our innovators and entrepreneurs. The consolidation of money and power in Washington will only make their job harder.

Mark S. from Marietta, GA wrote to me yesterday wondering what he could do to help our cause. Unfortunately, he recently lost his job, but he has not given up. And nor should you.

Here is what you can do: Read and understand this plan. If you support it, endorse it and become an advocate now. If you don't, then let us know how we can improve it.

Our jobs, our prosperity and our place in the world are at stake. We cannot afford to cripple future generations with massive debt.


P.S. If you have not already called your Senators to oppose the stimulus bill, it's not too late. You can still make your voice heard.

Isn't this the same shill that came up with the Contract with America? That was the beginning of the end of my being a Republican. This nation needs Newt's imput right now like we need a hole in the head.

He has about as much credibility on this as he does on fidelity.
Isn't this the same shill that came up with the Contract with America? That was the beginning of the end of my being a Republican. This nation needs Newt's imput right now like we need a hole in the head.

He has about as much credibility on this as he does on fidelity.

What problem(s) did you have with the Contract With America?