From Tiana


Tiana emailed me and asked me to post this for her. She said she thought about JPP as soon as she read it.

"There's a whole world of people out there, and boy, are they pissed off.
On political blogs, the invective flies. Posters respond to the latest celebrity gossip with mockery or worse. Sports fans set up Web sites with names that begin with "fire," hoping coaches, athletic directors and sportscasters lose their jobs.

And though there are any number of bloggers and commenters who attempt to keep their postings and responses on a civil level, all too often interactive Web sites descend into ad hominem attacks, insults and plain old name-calling. Indeed, there are even whole sites devoted to venting, such as (one screed there was titled, "I don't give a flying f***, so f*** you") and
This is not a world Emily Post would want to be caught in after dark.

"The Internet can be a great tool," said Sara Black, a professor of health studies at St. Joseph's University who takes a particular interest in online bullying. "Like any tool, it can also be misused
One reason for the vitriol that emerges on the Web, experts say, is the anonymity the Internet provides. Commenters seldom use their real names, and even if they do, the chance for retaliation is slim.

"In the [pre-Internet era], you had to take ownership [of your remarks]. Now there's a perception of anonymity," said Lesley Withers, a professor of communication at Central Michigan University. "People think what they say won't have repercussions, and they don't think they have to soften their comments."

Contrast that with a face-to-face conversation, or even a phone conversation, where you can judge people's moods from facial movements or vocal inflections, observes University of Texas psychology professor Art Markman.

"It's hard to be aggressive when you're face to face," he said.
Moreover, he points out, aggression often carries a subtext of power.
I’m actually much sweeter and more charming. People love me, like, seriously. I can be a bitch off line, but I really, really, have to be pushed. I take out most of my aggression on line.
Just not quite the same. I do not get to feel the satisfaction of my knuckles hurting as I hit an asshole in the jaw....
She has to tell email a friend to tell the friend to post a message on a political board for her....


I am pretty much the same in person. I'm a little less wordy, but the same smilin nice guy.

Cause your a fucken pussy that only talks tough on the Internet....



And I am sure you get in people's faces and call them names in real life like you do on here?

LMAO! Yeah, I am sure we would all believe that.
I dance with glowsticks.... so f all of your made up real-life stories.

I agree... everybody on here is basically a fraud....except for robdawg, CK, desh and uscitizen....

Whenever I hear Topspin and Chapdog with their $250k/yr jobs I laugh out loud....

When I hear Watermark and his supposed exploits with underage girls i think to myself we have some sick fucks making up stories....

When I hear of Tiana and Darla pretending to be attractive, i shudder.

When I hear of Care4all having the "hots" for Dixie I puke out my coffee....
