fyi, about me

average 73 posts per day 1800 posts so far and you say I got no life.:rolleyes:

anybody come close to that?

list yours.

You have way more life than many I've seen. Mishima did close to that on a weekly basis, while living overseas in Japan. He was a wannabe political radio host, from back on Amazon Forums.
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You have way more life than many I've seen. Mishima did close to that on a weekly basis, while living overseas in Japan. He was a wannabe political radio host, from back on Amazon Forums.

Oh yeah, Mish quite often hit over 100 posts/day. What made it especially admirable was that he was posting on our money, since he was a U.S. govt. employee who posted from work. In fact, often the only 8 hours out of 24 when he wasn't posting, was his bedtime. Remember Brunette aka The Catfish? She claimed to be the homeschooling mother of five kids, all under 10 years old. But she often gave Mish a run for his money in the posts-per-day category, often well over 100 posts/day.
Oh yeah, Mish quite often hit over 100 posts/day. What made it especially admirable was that he was posting on our money, since he was a U.S. govt. employee who posted from work. In fact, often the only 8 hours out of 24 when he wasn't posting, was his bedtime. Remember Brunette aka The Catfish? She claimed to be the homeschooling mother of five kids, all under 10 years old. But she often gave Mish a run for his money in the posts-per-day category, often well over 100 posts/day.

More Amazon drama?
There's an awesome troll thread that someone posted about USCitizen, where there's a graphic that counts upward a handful of seconds, and then says "Post!" I can't seem to locate the damn thing, so, I'll just link-up this thread:

Okay, perhaps this is the one. I can't see the image on the computer I'm currently using...
Oh yeah, Mish quite often hit over 100 posts/day. What made it especially admirable was that he was posting on our money, since he was a U.S. govt. employee who posted from work. In fact, often the only 8 hours out of 24 when he wasn't posting, was his bedtime. Remember Brunette aka The Catfish? She claimed to be the homeschooling mother of five kids, all under 10 years old. But she often gave Mish a run for his money in the posts-per-day category, often well over 100 posts/day.

More old board gossip.

Washer woman
Owl is obsessed with the old board and wants to bring every single drama trauma there to here. How many tones does this obsessive woman post posts from Amazon.

Truly bizarre.

Yaya, the others do the same, so please don't be hypocritical about it. The only ones that try to avoid the Top Drama is me, Controlled Opposition, and Tranquillis In Exile. Can you honestly say Top didn't start this crap up here, by taking stuff from Mason's Goodreads discussion, and posting it here? If you want to complain about the drama being brought here, please put blame were it belongs, with those that started things here. Owl's isn't even bring this issue up right now, and your jumping on her back about it. I started by mentioning something about Amazon, because it put what this discussion is about into perspective.
How do you know he has a life? Because he insults the people you don't like?

Um, numbers. Basic, and simple numbers. He has more life than those other people by that alone. Mishima had no life outside his obsessions. It was mind numbing the time he wasted purposely distorting things, and spreading information he knew was bullshit. The guy even wrote a book, and made several Amazon accounts just to review it. He was a total nut.
Yaya, the others do the same, so please don't be hypocritical about it. The only ones that try to avoid the Top Drama is me, Controlled Opposition, and Tranquillis In Exile. Can you honestly say Top didn't start this crap up here, by taking stuff from Mason's Goodreads discussion, and posting it here? If you want to complain about the drama being brought here, please put blame were it belongs, with those that started things here. Owl's isn't even bring this issue up right now, and your jumping on her back about it. I started by mentioning something about Amazon, because it put what this discussion is about into perspective.

How am I being hypocritical? Look at you blaming only Top. I did not blame only Owl. But when I made that post she was the only one to bring up Amazon, Top was no where around.

Take your own advice. Owl is a huge hypocrite. She actually calls people cowards who thread ban because she claim they are afraid of opposing viewpoints, yet she has over half the board on ignore.
Owl is obsessed with the old board and wants to bring every single drama trauma there to here. How many tones does this obsessive woman post posts from Amazon.

Truly bizarre.

What's bizarre is your complete disregard of TOP's posts which are probably in the 95% range of slamming people.
What happened to him? Did he escape?
Or is he in Leavenworth penitentiary?

He sound like a fine upstanding poster.

I would have loved to have seen GROOT debate him.

USC is/was an elder statesman who was in declining health (not sure how he's doing, or if he's still with us). He still had a presence over on USMB, but, it's been a while. Fun fact, his beverage of choice is/was Mountain Dew.

Watching Groot debate anyone is a spectacle.
What's bizarre is your complete disregard of TOP's posts which are probably in the 95% range of slamming people.

I have called her out and proved it. And that was just one example that you asked for.

Can you try and be honest for once, thanks.

Tell me Christiecrite, have you ever called out Owl?
USC is/was an elder statesman who was in declining health (not sure how he's doing, or if he's still with us). He still had a presence over on USMB, but, it's been a while. Fun fact, his beverage of choice is/was Mountain Dew.

Watching Groot debate anyone is a spectacle.

usmb is creepy, imao.
I have called her out and proved it. And that was just one example that you asked for.

Can you try and be honest for once, thanks.

Tell me Christiecrite, have you ever called out Owl?

Christiecrite earned her moniker by giving a pass to people she likes while slamming others for the same behavior. She is the indisputable doyenne of double standards.