fyi, about me

Jade or Christiecrite?

Lemme guess, not a single condemnation over this vulgar insult.


I'm not going to condemn someone for going back at people. I ignore both sides now, for the most part. Sure it might start a :yurtandpoet: but I don't expect one to take a high road, like some kind of saint. Your involvement in this feud only makes it worse. Stand back, don't pick sides, and let them figure things out, or the drama will just double, if not triple. If you have to condemn, do it for all of them. Things in this are too fucked up for you to even understand. Even RB 60, and Eagle Eye don't have an understanding in it, and got involved because of how much they dislike Mason, and Owl's. Even I didn't see the worst of it, and considering what I did see being bad enough, that's saying something. The drama will never go away if you stick your nose in, and point fingers. You're better off ignoring them.
Nope, I have not made the claim that those who thread-ban or who use the ignore list are cowardly. They are useful tools to screen out the sludge, the stupid, the sick, the skunks, and the skanks. OTOH I have been accused of being cowardly for my proudly-acclaimed use of both JPP tools. Since I'm not a coward (unless it's the dentist or a clown or worst of all a dentist dressed as a clown), machts nicht.

Mox nix?
I'm not going to condemn someone for going back at people. I ignore both sides now, for the most part. Sure it might start a :yurtandpoet: but I don't expect one to take a high road, like some kind of saint. Your involvement in this feud only makes it worse. Stand back, don't pick sides, and let them figure things out, or the drama will just double, if not triple. If you have to condemn, do it for all of them. Things in this are too fucked up for you to even understand. Even RB 60, and Eagle Eye don't have an understanding in it, and got involved because of how much they dislike Mason, and Owl's. Even I didn't see the worst of it, and considering what I did see being bad enough, that's saying something. The drama will never go away if you stick your nose in, and point fingers. You're better off ignoring them.

True story, er partly. I had to put postmodern prophet on ignore today while he finished his whoring in south miami beach where I was pimping for him. Holy cow, he's been on ignore too long. I forgot. Poor baby.
Nope, I have not made the claim that those who thread-ban or who use the ignore list are cowardly. They are useful tools to screen out the sludge, the stupid, the sick, the skunks, and the skanks. OTOH I have been accused of being cowardly for my proudly-acclaimed use of both JPP tools. Since I'm not a coward (unless it's the dentist or a clown or worst of all a dentist dressed as a clown), machts nicht.


I was the one that said it was messed up. Not to do it, but to complain about it, and do a 180 on it. Or to literally ban just about everyone, but a select few. Don't you remember that? Owl's has been in favor of it, and never said anything's wrong with it.
I'm not going to condemn someone for going back at people. I ignore both sides now, for the most part. Sure it might start a :yurtandpoet: but I don't expect one to take a high road, like some kind of saint. Your involvement in this feud only makes it worse. Stand back, don't pick sides, and let them figure things out, or the drama will just double, if not triple. If you have to condemn, do it for all of them. Things in this are too fucked up for you to even understand. Even RB 60, and Eagle Eye don't have an understanding in it, and got involved because of how much they dislike Mason, and Owl's. Even I didn't see the worst of it, and considering what I did see being bad enough, that's saying something. The drama will never go away if you stick your nose in, and point fingers. You're better off ignoring them.

You have no clue what you are spewing.
Lots of people on this board make the declaration. Not sure if Owl has.

Right, but the false accusation is that Owl has stated thread bans are lame or cowardly.

I have never seen her say that, and would be completely shocked if she did. I think she is quite clear about the value of the thread ban, which is to keep racists, trolls, dunces, and belligerent bigots from polluting the inter-webs. Rather than cowardly, I consider it a service to humanity!
Right, but the false accusation is that Owl has stated thread bans are lame or cowardly.

I have never seen her say that, and would be completely shocked if she did. I think she is quite clear about the value of the thread ban, which is to keep racists, trolls, dunces, and belligerent bigots from polluting the inter-webs. Rather than cowardly, I consider it a service to humanity!


I recall not too long ago when Angry Bird got all butthurt over being excluded from a thread I started, for the reasons you just stated. He whined and moaned on various threads about what a chickenshit I am, then he started a thread to mock my college degree plans and -- wait for this!! -- thread banned me on it. Trumpanzees are a dumb breed all their own, aren't they?

I recall not too long ago when Angry Bird got all butthurt over being excluded from a thread I started, for the reasons you just stated. He whined and moaned on various threads about what a chickenshit I am, then he started a thread to mock my college degree plans and -- wait for this!! -- thread banned me on it. Trumpanzees are a dumb breed all their own, aren't they?

Wait, that Eagle loser? I do not think I have read more than two of his boring posts.

I am always actually amazed at how many people who know you do not read them, will still follow you around, read your posts, spend time responding to you ....and begging for your attention! Same thing happens to me, probably on a smaller scale.... Its almost creepy, I tell ya!

There are maybe a dozen and a half people here worth reading....I do not think I could respect myself if I actually spent time reading the gibberish of barely educated racists, mediocre trolls, or resentful losers.
Of course, some people feel the need to ban a community troll handle that only exists in the Off Topic forum from all of their threads. :cof1:
Wait, that Eagle loser? I do not think I have read more than two of his boring posts.

I am always actually amazed at how many people who know you do not read them, will still follow you around, read your posts, spend time responding to you ....and begging for your attention! Same thing happens to me, probably on a smaller scale.... Its almost creepy, I tell ya!

There are maybe a dozen and a half people here worth reading....I do not think I could respect myself if I actually spent time reading the gibberish of barely educated racists, mediocre trolls, or resentful losers.

Yeah, that was the culprit. He's started several threads about me, actually, but that one was the funniest. Imagine someone being so eaten up with envy about someone else getting a scholarship and going back to college for another degree, that they'd start a thread bashing them. Says a lot more about him than it did about me. I guess what makes the irony even richer is that he claims to be part Native American. My BS is in Native American Studies.

There are some great posters here on both sides; there's no need to waste our time reading or responding to the low-quality ones.
Right, but the false accusation is that Owl has stated thread bans are lame or cowardly.

I have never seen her say that, and would be completely shocked if she did. I think she is quite clear about the value of the thread ban, which is to keep racists, trolls, dunces, and belligerent bigots from polluting the inter-webs. Rather than cowardly, I consider it a service to humanity!

False accusation? What else do you want to lie about?

Ding ding ding ding ding! And we have a winner.

She tells it like it is, and she doesn't take any shit off anyone. Even if you're a fellow leftie, if you say something she takes issue with, she'll sure as hell let you know.

Add that to the fact that Reichwing males in general fear and dislike strong assertive females, and there you go.
False accusation? What else do you want to lie about?

This lie

YaYa, aka real name Yurt: "Owl is a huge hypocrite. She actually calls people cowards who thread ban because she claim they are afraid of opposing viewpoints,"
This lie

YaYa, aka real name Yurt: "Owl is a huge hypocrite. She actually calls people cowards who thread ban because she claim they are afraid of opposing viewpoints,"

Yeah you are lying it is a false allegation. I cited her post.

And you thanked the post. So, yes you did lie.

False accusation? What else do you want to lie about?

Owl has been consistent on thread bans. She was even the one that suggested banning you from the recipe exchange, because of your bickering after my warnings. Let's just bury all this stuff though, and leave it in the past. It's not worth going after Owl for it. Acting this way over simple matters prevents someone from being able to make friends. I mean no offense, but it might help you to know, that this is why so many call you a spazz, and have trouble interacting with you.
Owl has been consistent on thread bans. She was even the one that suggested banning you from the recipe exchange, because of your bickering after my warnings. Let's just bury all this stuff though, and leave it in the past. It's not worth going after Owl for it. Acting this way over simple matters prevents someone from being able to make friends. I mean no offense, but it might help you to know, that this is why so many call you a spazz, and have trouble interacting with you.

You're incredible. This is something she just said and nothing to do with the past. You're making stuff up. But it might help you to know this is why so many people call you a liar and a two faced lackey of Owl.

She flat out agreed righties thread ban because they are afraid of the truth and they are afraid of a strong woman.

And you actually want to claim that is not her calling someone a coward? Really?

You haven't changed and obviously don't want peace. I tried. Again.
You're incredible. This is something she just said and nothing to do with the past. You're making stuff up. But it might help you to know this is why so many people call you a liar and a two faced lackey of Owl.

She flat out agreed righties thread ban because they are afraid of the truth and they are afraid of a strong woman.

And you actually want to claim that is not her calling someone a coward? Really?

You haven't changed and obviously don't want peace. I tried. Again.

You forgot something yaya. here, this is for you to use. Your slipping gears yaya. sima down.

Here you go, boy. :rofl::rofl:

One for you and one for me.