fyi, about me

Yaya, the others do the same, so please don't be hypocritical about it. The only ones that try to avoid the Top Drama is me, Controlled Opposition, and Tranquillis In Exile. Can you honestly say Top didn't start this crap up here, by taking stuff from Mason's Goodreads discussion, and posting it here? If you want to complain about the drama being brought here, please put blame were it belongs, with those that started things here. Owl's isn't even bring this issue up right now, and your jumping on her back about it. I started by mentioning something about Amazon, because it put what this discussion is about into perspective.

You are so sweet to leap to my defense, Jade, much appreciated. But don't worry about Buttyurt Yoyo. I don't read his sniveling drips and don't care what his latest Whine Du Jour is about. He's nothing but Toxic with a penis. Micro, but still a penis.
What happened to him? Did he escape?
Or is he in Leavenworth penitentiary?

He sound like a fine upstanding poster.

I would have loved to have seen GROOT debate him.

US Citizen is a message board icon, who is sorely missed by his buddies here.
Like Desh, he was mercilessly mocked by the reich wing, but on the major issues of our generation he turned out to not only be generally correct.... but even prescient.

Sidebar: I have never seen Owl claim that others who use thread ban are cowardly or lame. Sounds to me like another message board lie...false claims about liberal seems to be all the rage in the reich wing contingent!
US Citizen is a message board icon, who is sorely missed by his buddies here.
Like Desh, he was mercilessly mocked by the reich wing, but on the major issues of our generation he turned out to not only be generally correct.... but even prescient.

Sidebar: I have never seen Owl claim that others who use thread ban are cowardly or lame. Sounds to me like another message board lie...false claims about liberal seems to be all the rage in the reich wing contingent!

He was smart and funny. I liked him.
average 73 posts per day 1800 posts so far and you say I got no life.:rolleyes:

anybody come close to that?

list yours.

I think when I hit twenty thousand posts... I might feel like a bit of a loser!
I possibly may have to take a sabbatical at 19,999 posts.......
You are so sweet to leap to my defense, Jade, much appreciated. But don't worry about Buttyurt Yoyo. I don't read his sniveling drips and don't care what his latest Whine Du Jour is about. He's nothing but Toxic with a penis. Micro, but still a penis.

Jade or Christiecrite?

Lemme guess, not a single condemnation over this vulgar insult.

You are so sweet to leap to my defense, Jade, much appreciated. But don't worry about Buttyurt Yoyo. I don't read his sniveling drips and don't care what his latest Whine Du Jour is about. He's nothing but Toxic with a penis. Micro, but still a penis.

Naw, it's an optical illusion done with mirrors and smoke.
US Citizen is a message board icon, who is sorely missed by his buddies here.
Like Desh, he was mercilessly mocked by the reich wing, but on the major issues of our generation he turned out to not only be generally correct.... but even prescient.

Sidebar: I have never seen Owl claim that others who use thread ban are cowardly or lame. Sounds to me like another message board lie...false claims about liberal seems to be all the rage in the reich wing contingent!

Lots of people on this board make the declaration. Not sure if Owl has.
Lots of people on this board make the declaration. Not sure if Owl has.

Nope, I have not made the claim that those who thread-ban or who use the ignore list are cowardly. They are useful tools to screen out the sludge, the stupid, the sick, the skunks, and the skanks. OTOH I have been accused of being cowardly for my proudly-acclaimed use of both JPP tools. Since I'm not a coward (unless it's the dentist or a clown or worst of all a dentist dressed as a clown), machts nicht.