Gallup: More Americans Don't Want Reps To Vote For Raising Ceiling

Income tax is slavery. There's a lot of people who don't pay income taxes, and they're putting $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 and up into their pockets by just lying on their tax form. If they even turn one in. Anyone trying to defend the income tax is short sited, and/or a crazy marxist.

Anybody trying to defend tax cheats is an idiot, Liability.

Anybody who evades taxes is a criminal.

You don't get to decide which laws to obey, you fucking moron.
I wasn't defending tax cheats.

Other than being under-educated, your biggest problem is you assume things.

Nothing you said reflects on what I wrote.
So what you're saying is that those who've worked harder, been at the office 8-5 every day, been more sucessful and suceeded where others have failed need to pay up because obviously they can help others and they don't deserve their cash, the people who work 8:30-4:45 do because obviously its not their fault that they're lazy, its just genetics.
Let the people who work hard and better reap more, let those who do the average work reap the average reward(and as a chronic lazy person I can tell you that its not hard to do the average) and let the lazy pricks get what's coming to them... nothing

No. What I'm saying is that the wealthier of us, can afford to pay their proportionate "fair share", and should. Why should someone making $100K /yr, have the same tax bracket as someone making 30K/year? Who is to say that you work harder or longer than anyone else. You may be the boss's cousin. Or nephew. Or son. Hello, James Murdoch.
Genetics? Oh, so you believe in racial superiority? Typical. White privilege and cronyism on display.
I wasn't defending tax cheats. Other than being under-educated, your biggest problem is you assume things. Nothing you said reflects on what I wrote.

Sure, Liability, sure.

Income tax is slavery. There's a lot of people who don't pay income taxes, and they're putting $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 and up into their pockets by just lying on their tax form. If they even turn one in. Anyone trying to defend the income tax is short sited, and/or a crazy marxist.

You sound rather wistful when you muse on people who don't pay taxes and pocket the additional income.

No. What I'm saying is that the wealthier of us, can afford to pay their proportionate "fair share", and should. Why should someone making $100K /yr, have the same tax bracket as someone making 30K/year? Who is to say that you work harder or longer than anyone else. You may be the boss's cousin. Or nephew. Or son. Hello, James Murdoch.
Genetics? Oh, so you believe in racial superiority? Typical. White privilege and cronyism on display.

Um... They don't...

Oddly enough the top 1% have 25% of the wealth but account for 40% of all revenue. It really comes down to what you consider "fair share" might be. The reality is, even this chart is unrealistic, and a dude making 8250 is a net tax receiver, as are most who only make 30K. The bottom 50% account for 3% of all the revenues.
Maybe you should move to Cuba.

They've got what you want.

I will, if you consider moving to Poland. They got what you want.
It just boggles my mind, seeing that this country was founded upon dissent, and lately, whenever that right is exercised, folk want to be encouraging folk to move somewhere else.
No. What I'm saying is that the wealthier of us, can afford to pay their proportionate "fair share", and should. Why should someone making $100K /yr, have the same tax bracket as someone making 30K/year? Who is to say that you work harder or longer than anyone else. You may be the boss's cousin. Or nephew. Or son. Hello, James Murdoch.
Genetics? Oh, so you believe in racial superiority? Typical. White privilege and cronyism on display.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
- Thomas Jefferson
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
- Thomas Jefferson

Who the fuck is talking about those who will not work? Why must you distort the truth, and change it into what you want it to say? We're talking about inequity and injustice, not tomfoolery.
I will, if you consider moving to Poland. They got what you want.

Actually, I'm not a marxist.

I'll take my chances here.

This is about the last place left that has a chance for liberty.

But there's a lot of places for you to go and enjoy.
Who the fuck is talking about those who will not work? Why must you distort the truth, and change it into what you want it to say? We're talking about inequity and injustice, not tomfoolery.

What injustice?

People paying the same % in income tax?
I will, if you consider moving to Poland. They got what you want.
It just boggles my mind, seeing that this country was founded upon dissent, and lately, whenever that right is exercised, folk want to be encouraging folk to move somewhere else.

lately? it has been happening since the dawn of time....
Actually, I'm not a marxist.

I'll take my chances here.

This is about the last place left that has a chance for liberty.

But there's a lot of places for you to go and enjoy.

Duh. Poland is a democracy. What does that have to do with Marxism?
But you'd have me relocate to Cuba. Why?
I was born in Houston, Tx. ....and I plan on reclaiming my country. Thank you very much.
Yet you complained that they did, asking me "why"...

They don't.

You must have misunderstood me. I thought I was being plain. The Bush tax cuts should be removed. Period. Corporate tax loopholes should be discontinued. Oil subsidies should be halted.
Duh. Poland is a democracy. What does that have to do with Marxism?
But you'd have me relocate to Cuba. Why?
I was born in Houston, Tx. ....and I plan on reclaiming my country. Thank you very much.

I don't want to live in a democracy.

I want to live in a constitutional republic, with a declaration of rights for all.