Gary Johnson: The Best Candidate for the United States.

We need to highjack the Republican primary system for the good of America. .

for clarification, are you doing this for the good of America or the good of Democrats?.....we already had crossovers give us McCain and we can all see what that did for the "good of America" about if moderate and centrist Democrats vote in the primary and give us a candidate other than Obama instead?.....
No his position is that government shouldn't be involved at all, same as mine.

Bullshit. You were adamantly against having gays get unions in nonreligious ceremonies. And you have been adamantly against allowing any religion which has no laws against homosexuality to marry gays.
Johnson's position on smoking in restaurants must have you boiling with anger. :)

I disagree with him on it. But I doubt I will agree 100% with any candidate.

The main thing Johnson offers is a mostly libertarian view and he focuses on being a fiscal conservative instead of a social conservative.
Bullshit. You were adamantly against having gays get unions in nonreligious ceremonies. And you have been adamantly against allowing any religion which has no laws against homosexuality to marry gays.

It must suck to claim to be a strict constitutionalist and be willing to toss it aside when you want something.
Laws against smoking in public places are in accordance with the NC State Constitution.
Hiring freezes are pretty standard in times of recession, but they aren't much of a help to the governments here in WA. DSHS has had a hiring freeze for 2.5 years, for example, and the state is still badly in debt, thanks to our totally awesome governor. Local cities are using hiring freezes just to survive, which isn't really saying much. Meanwhile, my hometown of Lake Forest Park wanted to continue to have an assistant to the mayor, and pay it like $100k annual, so there's still a lot of retards out there trying to fuck up budgets.
Article 14 Section 5.

"Sec. 5. Conservation of natural resources.

It shall be the policy of this State to conserve and protect its lands and waters for the benefit of all its citizenry, and to this end it shall be a proper function of the State of North Carolina and its political subdivisions to acquire and preserve park, recreational, and scenic areas, to control and limit the pollution of our air and water, to control excessive noise, and in every other appropriate way to preserve as a part of the common heritage of this State its forests, wetlands, estuaries, beaches, historical sites, openlands, and places of beauty.

To accomplish the aforementioned public purposes, the State and its counties, cities and towns, and other units of local government may acquire by purchase or gift properties or interests in properties which shall, upon their special dedication to and acceptance by a law enacted by a vote of three-fifths of the members of each house of the General Assembly for those public purposes, constitute part of the 'State Nature and Historic Preserve,' and which shall not be used for other purposes except as authorized by law enacted by a vote of three-fifths of the members of each house of the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall prescribe by general law the conditions and procedures under which such properties or interests therein shall be dedicated for the aforementioned public purposes. (1971, c. 630, s. 1; S.L. 1999-268, ss 3-5; S.L. 2001‑217, s. 3; S.L. 2002-3 Extra Session.)"

Yeah, but the NC Constitution also forbids anyone but christians from holding office. And that didn't hold up.

Same should happen with this. It probably won't, but it should.
this just proves to the board that you're a liberal in conservative clothing. that you'd distort the state constitution for your own selfish purposes. how's that general welfare clause looking to you now?

How is that distortion? My concern was always about air pollution. Why do you want people to breathe dirty air?