Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office


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Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office

Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted, especially when they hit the gas pumps, as prices have risen 50 percent since Vice President Kamala Harris has been in the White House.According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, not seasonally adjusted, the cost of gasoline has risen 50 percent since January 2021.

This is a stark reality Americans are all too familiar with. During the second year of the Biden-Harris administration, gas prices actually broke record highs several times.As it stands, the highest recorded average price for regular unleaded gasoline is $5.016, recorded on June 14, 2022. Diesel reached an all-time high five days later, reaching $5.816 on June 19, 2022, according to data from AAA.

Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office

Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted, especially when they hit the gas pumps, as prices have risen 50 percent since Vice President Kamala Harris has been in the White House.According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, not seasonally adjusted, the cost of gasoline has risen 50 percent since January 2021.

This is a stark reality Americans are all too familiar with. During the second year of the Biden-Harris administration, gas prices actually broke record highs several times.As it stands, the highest recorded average price for regular unleaded gasoline is $5.016, recorded on June 14, 2022. Diesel reached an all-time high five days later, reaching $5.816 on June 19, 2022, according to data from AAA.

lets not say a word about the oil industry raking in record profits ,
EXXON up 141 % and raked in over 99 Billion this year,
YEP we sure would want people to know they and a lot of large US industries are raping the American public would we.
Have a nice day
and the price of a barrel of oil is dropping a lot and fast,
wonder if the oil companies will pass the savings on to the American public.
we will have to wait and see, I am sure they don't want to it might help the Dems get elected.
have a nice day
Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office

Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted, especially when they hit the gas pumps, as prices have risen 50 percent since Vice President Kamala Harris has been in the White House.According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, not seasonally adjusted, the cost of gasoline has risen 50 percent since January 2021.

This is a stark reality Americans are all too familiar with. During the second year of the Biden-Harris administration, gas prices actually broke record highs several times.As it stands, the highest recorded average price for regular unleaded gasoline is $5.016, recorded on June 14, 2022. Diesel reached an all-time high five days later, reaching $5.816 on June 19, 2022, according to data from AAA.

Speak for yourself.

My Gasoline is the same cost today, as it was when Biden took office.

Please tell us how Kamala raised the price of your gasoline!
Republicans don’t seem to know why gas prices increase

These idiots actually think it because Harris got elected as VP

lets not say a word about the oil industry raking in record profits ,
EXXON up 141 % and raked in over 99 Billion this year,
YEP we sure would want people to know they and a lot of large US industries are raping the American public would we.
Have a nice day
How much profit should Exxon make? You arent required to buy gas are you? California is going to outlaw the sale of ICEs and make their citizens buy electric cars that need to be charged with electricity. A major ingredient in making electricity is fossil fuels. Funny how the govt is mandating electric cars and removing your choice. No govt official has ever raped the America public have they?

Wake the hell up
How much profit should Exxon make? You arent required to buy gas are you? California is going to outlaw the sale of ICEs and make their citizens buy electric cars that need to be charged with electricity. A major ingredient in making electricity is fossil fuels. Funny how the govt is mandating electric cars and removing your choice. No govt official has ever raped the America public have they?

Wake the hell up

How much profit should Exxon make? You arent required to buy gas are you? California is going to outlaw the sale of ICEs and make their citizens buy electric cars that need to be charged with electricity. A major ingredient in making electricity is fossil fuels. Funny how the govt is mandating electric cars and removing your choice. No govt official has ever raped the America public have they?

Wake the hell up
well as I said in my posts before I an not against them making a profit, it is when they are making exorbitant profits it is out of line.
a 141 % increase this year SO far , and that increase is on a RECORD profit they had LAST year, and ALL during times people are crying it is all inflation.
MY point is you morons keep Blaming Biden for high fuel prices but you don't say one word about the oil companies making RECORD profits year after year.
in one of my posts I shower where Exxon could drop the price of their gas 1 dollar a gallon and it would have only dropped their profit to 85.7 Billion STILL a record profit for this year. ( the year isn't over YET )
and if they did that the price of almost everything else would drop.
Exxon along with some other large corporations are RAPING the American people and you right wing morons are NOT saying a word about it.
PUT at least some of the blame for inflation where it be longs on large corporations that are gouging the American public.
Have a nice day
How much profit should Exxon make? You arent required to buy gas are you? California is going to outlaw the sale of ICEs and make their citizens buy electric cars that need to be charged with electricity. A major ingredient in making electricity is fossil fuels. Funny how the govt is mandating electric cars and removing your choice. No govt official has ever raped the America public have they?

Wake the hell up
now to answer the rest of your question.
I am required to buy gas, and Natural gas, well I could tap into the natural gas well we have here on our land but the Gas company pays me then I take part of that and pay their bill so I make money on selling my natural gas.
we live on the edge of the malicious natural gas fields and the pressure we have here out of our wells has to be reduced before being put in their lines.
NO Fracking needed in this area.
I also live about 3 miles from the nearest store and being well over 70, I am not going to walk that far.
and it is about 25 miles to the nearest Walmart. over 38 to the nearest city so yes I have to buy gas.
and what they are doing in CAL has nothing to do with me , I don't live there.
and our electric is generated by solar , wind , or water , one of the largest hydro generating plants in the world is about 60 miles away.
Have a nice day
Speak for yourself.

My Gasoline is the same cost today, as it was when Biden took office.

Please tell us how Kamala raised the price of your gasoline!
Stop lying Little Lizard

The national average price of gas in January 2021 was $2.391 per gallon. However, prices varied by region, with the Philadelphia area averaging $2.685 per gallon, which was 12.3% higher than the national average.

As of August 26, 2024, the average price of regular gasoline in the United States was $3.35 per gallon, while diesel was $3.70 per gallon. Prices decreased as crude oil benchmarks fell in the third week of August.

BTW: In Texas on January 4 2021 : $1.895 per gallon on average

As of August 26, 2024, the average price of gas in Texas was $2.87 per gallon. This was a 10.2 cent decrease from the previous week.

So it is about a buck more expensive now
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now to answer the rest of your question.
I am required to buy gas, and Natural gas, well I could tap into the natural gas well we have here on our land but the Gas company pays me then I take part of that and pay their bill so I make money on selling my natural gas.
we live on the edge of the malicious natural gas fields and the pressure we have here out of our wells has to be reduced before being put in their lines.
NO Fracking needed in this area.
I also live about 3 miles from the nearest store and being well over 70, I am not going to walk that far.
and it is about 25 miles to the nearest Walmart. over 38 to the nearest city so yes I have to buy gas.
and what they are doing in CAL has nothing to do with me , I don't live there.
and our electric is generated by solar , wind , or water , one of the largest hydro generating plants in the world is about 60 miles away.
Have a nice day
You could drive an EV and since almost all of your electricity is generated by renewable energy you would be raping and pillaging the earth like you are now. Most Americans dependent on fracking for the natural gas in their homes or for the electricity that they use.

According to the U.S. Energy Department, up to 95 percent of new wells drilled today are hydraulically fractured, which, according to the EIA in 2018, accounts for two-thirds of total U.S. marketed natural gas production and about half of U.S. crude oil production.

In 2023, fossil fuels accounted for 60% of electricity generation in the United States:

In 2023, about 4,178 billion kilowatthours (kWh) (or about 4.18 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States. About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases.

There are only 3 major electric grids if you are on one of them you use electricity generated by fossil fuels.

Have an informed day.

  • Eastern Interconnection: Covers the area east of the Rocky Mountains and a portion of Texas

  • Western Interconnection: Covers the area west of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains to the Pacific coast

  • Texas Interconnected system: Covers most of the state of Texas

lets not say a word about the oil industry raking in record profits ,
EXXON up 141 % and raked in over 99 Billion this year,
YEP we sure would want people to know they and a lot of large US industries are raping the American public would we.
Have a nice day
And a LOT of retirement accounts and 401 Ks own Exxon stock.

Biden said he was going to put an end to fossil fuels . Exxon needs to make sure it can afford to continue exploring for oil. Companies like Black rock have made it MUCH harder for oil producer to acquire financing for future oil exploration.

Have an informed day.
You could drive an EV and since almost all of your electricity is generated by renewable energy you would be raping and pillaging the earth like you are now. Most Americans dependent on fracking for the natural gas in their homes or for the electricity that they use.

According to the U.S. Energy Department, up to 95 percent of new wells drilled today are hydraulically fractured, which, according to the EIA in 2018, accounts for two-thirds of total U.S. marketed natural gas production and about half of U.S. crude oil production.

In 2023, fossil fuels accounted for 60% of electricity generation in the United States:

In 2023, about 4,178 billion kilowatthours (kWh) (or about 4.18 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States. About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases.

There are only 3 major electric grids if you are on one of them you use electricity generated by fossil fuels.

Have an informed day.

  • Eastern Interconnection: Covers the area east of the Rocky Mountains and a portion of Texas

  • Western Interconnection: Covers the area west of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains to the Pacific coast

  • Texas Interconnected system: Covers most of the state of Texas
And a LOT of retirement accounts and 401 Ks own Exxon stock.

Biden said he was going to put an end to fossil fuels . Exxon needs to make sure it can afford to continue exploring for oil. Companies like Black rock have made it MUCH harder for oil producer to acquire financing for future oil exploration.

Have an informed day.
well for one thing a EV doesn't go far enough on one battery charge , I drive from NY to Fla. and it would take me 3 or 4 days to get there IF I could find charging stations along the way.
I hope they can get the Nuclear Diamond Battery perfected then we could stop making ICB engines all together.
for your info they are made from nuclear waste, will last hundreds of years do not need charging and will be able to run a car for millions on miles without charging, and when parked you will be able to plug them in and power your house on them or sell the power back to the power companies.
and yes Biden did say that and also put out PO when he first took office and the courts stepped in and told him he could not do them they only let him do one and that was the stopping of the building of the Keystone XL pipeline.
and when he did that the right started up a lie saying he shut down the Keystone pipeline , a pipeline that has NEVER been shut down by the government, it has ONLY been shut down because of leaks and maintenance.
they said he shut down a pipeline that WAS transporting oil when he didn't.
the XL section that Biden shut down was only 6% complete and was only going to transport Tar Sand oil to the gulf to be shipped to China, it is a type of oil we do not use here for the type of gas we use.
and Biden figured out he can achieve his climate change goals and let the oil industry drill all they want.
It still amazes me the the right can't see that it was Trump that almost killed the US oil industry.
back when the Saudis started their oil price war with Russia the US oil drillers and producers went to him and asked him to step in and help stop it but he didn't.
Then OVER 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went BANKRUPT and out of business for GOOD that he went to the Saudis and told them to cut their production and RAISE prices or he was going to stop ALL military aid to them and they did.
US oil production ONLY hit 13 MBPD for ONE month under Trump and averaged being in the mid to high 11 MBPD area. it was 9.9 MBPD when Biden took over and they have made a great comeback under Biden. they have been producing OVER 13 MBPD for over a year now, I believe there was ONLY ONE month where US oil production has been below 13 MBPD in the last year,
MY point to you was Exxon has come out and said they have already made 99.7 Billion this year on sales of 14 Billion gallons of fuel.
so if the drop their price ONE dollar a gallon they would still be making a record profit of 85.7 Billion and that would also help lower the price of almost everything else.
the economy would be doing better and their sales would even go up and they would recover some of that 14 Billion.
have a nice day
and most of the wells that are in the Marcellus natural gas fields do not need to be fracked right now.
the pressure of the gas coming out of a lot of wells in that field are of very high pressure and need regulators on them.
where I live is at the northern end of those fields and the well we have on our land is one of those that has to be regulated because it has so much pressure.
when they drilled it back in the mid 80's the drilling company had to " Blow it off " ( release the pressure ) 4 times a day for over 5 min at a time for almost 2 weeks because the pressure was so high.
it was so high pressure it made so much noise even inside our house we had to put ear plugs in and we are about 700 feet away from it.
The driller told us every time they did that they were releasing enough gas to run over 20 houses for a year.
they can drill in the Marcellus gas fields without fracking and when the Pressure started going down they can " Bale " the wells and then frack them.
Fracking right now in that field is not necessary,
and again why take the chance of destroying peoples water wells . water wells that are their ONLY source of fresh water?
Have a nice day
well for one thing a EV doesn't go far enough on one battery charge , I drive from NY to Fla. and it would take me 3 or 4 days to get there IF I could find charging stations along the way.
I hope they can get the Nuclear Diamond Battery perfected then we could stop making ICB engines all together.
for your info they are made from nuclear waste, will last hundreds of years do not need charging and will be able to run a car for millions on miles without charging, and when parked you will be able to plug them in and power your house on them or sell the power back to the power companies.
And I'm waiting for a car that runs on unicorn pee. :palm:

and yes Biden did say that and also put out PO when he first took office and the courts stepped in and told him he could not do them they only let him do one and that was the stopping of the building of the Keystone XL pipeline.
PO so you mean EOs . Biden stopped the the Keystone XL by EO.

As of August 30, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 141 executive orders, 206 presidential memoranda, 650 proclamations, and 136 notices.

and when he did that the right started up a lie saying he shut down the Keystone pipeline , a pipeline that has NEVER been shut down by the government, it has ONLY been shut down because of leaks and maintenance.
they said he shut down a pipeline that WAS transporting oil when he didn't.
the XL section that Biden shut down was only 6% complete and was only going to transport Tar Sand oil to the gulf to be shipped to China, it is a type of oil we do not use here for the type of gas we use.
Thousand of construction jobs were lost. I was looking for a new/used welding machine at that time on RB Brother's auctions. There were literally hundreds being auctioned off. Most likely from a welder that lost his job when the XL project slowed down.

Gulf coast refiners can and DO refine tar sands. I have family that work in refineries that would have refined that Canadian oil. A significant portion of it would have been refined in Texas and Louisiana. We refine oil in compliance with much more strict environmental standards than China . Where would you prefer it be refined. Here by Americans or in China. The oil is currently being produced and sold which was better for the world's environment?

and Biden figured out he can achieve his climate change goals and let the oil industry drill all they want.
It still amazes me the the right can't see that it was Trump that almost killed the US oil industry.
back when the Saudis started their oil price war with Russia the US oil drillers and producers went to him and asked him to step in and help stop it but he didn't.
Then OVER 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went BANKRUPT and out of business for GOOD that he went to the Saudis and told them to cut their production and RAISE prices or he was going to stop ALL military aid to them and they did.
Meh oil companies go bust every day.

What the oil industry watches as a sign of health in the industry is the number of rotary rigs in operation (drilling rigs).

2016 there were 1744
2017 there were 2019
2018 there were 2178
2019 there were 2008
Then COVID hit people drove less and oil prices fell.
2020 there were 1075
2021 there were 1510
2022 there were 1763
2023 there were 1577

So as you can see there were more oil wells being drilled during Trump and Harris/biden still have not got to the peak level Trump hit before COVID.

US oil production ONLY hit 13 MBPD for ONE month under Trump and averaged being in the mid to high 11 MBPD area. it was 9.9 MBPD when Biden took over and they have made a great comeback under Biden. they have been producing OVER 13 MBPD for over a year now, I believe there was ONLY ONE month where US oil production has been below 13 MBPD in the last year,

Trump took over at 8.873 million production and peaked at 13 million. a 146% increase
Biden took over at 11,152 and has peaked at 13,249 a 118% increase

MY point to you was Exxon has come out and said they have already made 99.7 Billion this year on sales of 14 Billion gallons of fuel.
so if the drop their price ONE dollar a gallon they would still be making a record profit of 85.7 Billion and that would also help lower the price of almost everything else.
the economy would be doing better and their sales would even go up and they would recover some of that 14 Billion.
have a nice day
Exxon makes lots of different oil products not just gasoline. :palm: Natural gas kerosene jet fuel refined oils etc etc etc.

It is very obvious that you really don't have a firm grasp of how the oil industry works.
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I drive about 3500 miles a year these days, if that.
I don't give a fat flying fuck about petrol prices.
I'm voting for Kamala Harris.
Heels Up Harris, who used sex to further her political career.

Flip Flop Harris who changes her positions for political expediency.

Heels Up Harris, who picked a "Valor Thief" and a liar for her VP.

Well done, old man.