Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office

And I'm waiting for a car that runs on unicorn pee. :palm:

PO so you mean EOs . Biden stopped the the Keystone XL by EO.

As of August 30, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 141 executive orders, 206 presidential memoranda, 650 proclamations, and 136 notices.

Thousand of construction jobs were lost. I was looking for a new/used welding machine at that time on RB Brother's auctions. There were literally hundreds being auctioned off. Most likely from a welder that lost his job when the XL project slowed down.

Gulf coast refiners can and DO refine tar sands. I have family that work in refineries that would have refined that Canadian oil. A significant portion of it would have been refined in Texas and Louisiana. We refine oil in compliance with much more strict environmental standards than China . Where would you prefer it be refined. Here by Americans or in China. The oil is currently being produced and sold which was better for the world's environment?

Meh oil companies go bust every day.

What the oil industry watches as a sign of health in the industry is the number of rotary rigs in operation (drilling rigs).

2016 there were 1744
2017 there were 2019tary rigs on line?
here is what I founf

2018 there were 2178
2019 there were 2008
Then COVID hit people drove less and oil prices fell.
2020 there were 1075
2021 there were 1510
2022 there were 1763
2023 there were 1577

So as you can see there were more oil wells being drilled during Trump and Harris/biden still have not got to the peak level Trump hit before COVID.

Trump took over at 8.873 million production and peaked at 13 million. a 146% increase
Biden took over at 11,152 and has peaked at 13,249 a 118% increase

Exxon makes lots of different oil products not just gasoline. :palm: Natural gas kerosene jet fuel refined oils etc etc etc.

It is very obvious that you really don't have a firm grasp of how the oil industry works.
where did you get your info on the number of rotary rigs on line
here is what I found


sure doesn't look like anything your saying
looks like 178 on line in AUG 2020
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Heels Up Harris, who used sex to further her political career.

Flip Flop Harris who changes her positions for political expediency.

Heels Up Harris, who picked a "Valor Thief" and a liar for her VP.

Well done, old man.

All of the misogyny from the right is sure to do wonders for getting women to vote Trump in November.
lets not say a word about the oil industry raking in record profits ,
EXXON up 141 % and raked in over 99 Billion this year,
YEP we sure would want people to know they and a lot of large US industries are raping the American public would we.
Have a nice day
but environmentalists WANT high gas prices.

they say so.
Heels Up Harris, who used sex to further her political career.

Flip Flop Harris who changes her positions for political expediency.

Heels Up Harris, who picked a "Valor Thief" and a liar for her VP.

Well done, old man.
In other words, "I hate everybody who's ever had sex
because I can't even buy it."

TMI, Earl. We don't need to know that.
And I'm waiting for a car that runs on unicorn pee. :palm:

PO so you mean EOs . Biden stopped the the Keystone XL by EO.

As of August 30, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 141 executive orders, 206 presidential memoranda, 650 proclamations, and 136 notices.

Thousand of construction jobs were lost. I was looking for a new/used welding machine at that time on RB Brother's auctions. There were literally hundreds being auctioned off. Most likely from a welder that lost his job when the XL project slowed down.

Gulf coast refiners can and DO refine tar sands. I have family that work in refineries that would have refined that Canadian oil. A significant portion of it would have been refined in Texas and Louisiana. We refine oil in compliance with much more strict environmental standards than China . Where would you prefer it be refined. Here by Americans or in China. The oil is currently being produced and sold which was better for the world's environment?

Meh oil companies go bust every day.

What the oil industry watches as a sign of health in the industry is the number of rotary rigs in operation (drilling rigs).

2016 there were 1744
2017 there were 2019
2018 there were 2178
2019 there were 2008
Then COVID hit people drove less and oil prices fell.
2020 there were 1075
2021 there were 1510
2022 there were 1763
2023 there were 1577

So as you can see there were more oil wells being drilled during Trump and Harris/biden still have not got to the peak level Trump hit before COVID.

Trump took over at 8.873 million production and peaked at 13 million. a 146% increase
Biden took over at 11,152 and has peaked at 13,249 a 118% increase

Exxon makes lots of different oil products not just gasoline. :palm: Natural gas kerosene jet fuel refined oils etc etc etc.

It is very obvious that you really don't have a firm grasp of how the oil industry works.
well again I have NO idea where you are getting your info from
here is the daily production numbers I got.


well again I have NO idea where you are getting your info from
here is the daily production numbers I got.


and I do not know when this was revised but now it looks like it never got to be 13 MBPD under trump
looks like a high of 12. 94 MBPD
most of his time in office it looks like high 11's to low to mid 12's
and as we see it was down 9.93 MBPD in Feb 2021 when Biden first took over and in the high 12's since May 2023
and in the 13 MBPD range all except the month of Jan 2024 .
Have a nice day
and most of the wells that are in the Marcellus natural gas fields do not need to be fracked right now.
the pressure of the gas coming out of a lot of wells in that field are of very high pressure and need regulators on them.
where I live is at the northern end of those fields and the well we have on our land is one of those that has to be regulated because it has so much pressure.
when they drilled it back in the mid 80's the drilling company had to " Blow it off " ( release the pressure ) 4 times a day for over 5 min at a time for almost 2 weeks because the pressure was so high.
it was so high pressure it made so much noise even inside our house we had to put ear plugs in and we are about 700 feet away from it.
The driller told us every time they did that they were releasing enough gas to run over 20 houses for a year.
they can drill in the Marcellus gas fields without fracking and when the Pressure started going down they can " Bale " the wells and then frack them.
Fracking right now in that field is not necessary,
and again why take the chance of destroying peoples water wells . water wells that are their ONLY source of fresh water?
Have a nice day
The Marcellus natural gas trend is a large geographic area of prolific shale gas extraction from the Marcellus Shale or Marcellus Formation, of Devonian age, in the eastern United States.<a href=""><span>[</span>2<span>]</span></a> The shale play encompasses 104,000 square miles and stretches across Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and into eastern Ohio and western New York.<a href=""><span>[</span>3<span>]</span></a> In 2012, it was the largest source of natural gas in the United States, and production was still growing rapidly in 2013. The natural gas is trapped in low-permeability shale, and requires the well completion method of hydraulic fracturing to allow the gas to flow to the well bore. The surge in drilling activity in the Marcellus Shale since 2008 has generated both economic benefits and considerable controversy.

You should inform yourself before you post rather than giving me a thumbs down (n) when I destroy your argument with a well documented post :laugh:
well hows that?
and I already knew where the Marcellus natural gas fields were . as I said I live and have a gas well right on the edge of them
have a nice day
Gas prices in Michigan have dropped since Harris was picked. They are not connected in any way. just that the thread is wrong.
here is what I founf

where did you get your info on the number of rotary rigs on line
here is what I found


sure doesn't look like anything your saying
looks like 178 on line in AUG 2020
You will notice that even with your data Harris/Biden have never peaked at what Trump did.

Harris/Biden peak 616
Trump peak 866
well hows that?
and I already knew where the Marcellus natural gas fields were . as I said I live and have a gas well right on the edge of them
have a nice day
And I just gave you documentation that proves they use fracking to release gas in the Marcellus shale. So PLEASE inform yourself before you post.
You will notice that even with your data Harris/Biden have never peaked at what Trump did.

Harris/Biden peak 616
Trump peak 866
the US oil producers are still out producing any month they had under Trump.
and did you ever think , well that was a stupid question we all know you don't think at all.
any ways when Trump let the US oil industry almost go under completely the oil drillers got rid of a lot of their rigs , some scraped them, some dismantled some, so there were a lot less rigs to put back on line when Biden took over and it takes time to build new ones
Have a nice day
And I just gave you documentation that proves they use fracking to release gas in the Marcellus shale. So PLEASE inform yourself before you post.
and did I ever say they didn't??????
they are doing it now so they don't have to do it later. MY point to you is they really do NOT need to do it now the pressure is very high and it would take years for the wells to drop to levels where they would need to shut them down and frack to get more gas.
as I said they drilled this one back in 1985 or 86 an it still has to be regulated because the pressure is still high.
and that has been almost 40 years .
Have a nice day