Gay Adoption banned in Arkansas - Kids get ripped from foster homes


on indefiniate mod break
"Arkansas voters passed by a 57% majority, a vile proposition making adoption by homosexual couples illegal. As a result, 400 children are required to be moved out of homes they were already placed in and into group homes or orphanages, immediately. Arkansas already has three times as many children needing foster care & adoption as it has homes."

K this is total bullshit. Idiot voters.
This is why I think social conservatives are the most disgusting, evil, abominable creatures imaginable. That isn't even an exaggeration, or me spazzing out. This is disgusting.
Ahh those conservative family values just warm me on a cold cold day. Thank god we got all those kids away from the homos.
This needs to be appealed to the US supreme court. I hope the fuckers wake up for once and decide to grant cert rather than go golfing, and I hope Anthony Kennedy takes his pills the morning beforehand.
This is the reason we are not a democracy. Mob rule is too often ignorant sheep following the leader who yells the loudest and evokes the greatest fear.
Jesus loves the little children. And he loves them so much that he does not want them in those horrible sin filled homes with those awful misguided homosexuals. Better they spend their childhood in group homes than with a loving couple that will make sure they get the proper amount of attention. Jesus knows that Homosexuals only want to adopt kids so that they can train them up right and convert them to their horrible dispicable ungodly and unnatural ways. This is all part of gods plan.
"Arkansas voters passed by a 57% majority, a vile proposition making adoption by homosexual couples illegal. As a result, 400 children are required to be moved out of homes they were already placed in and into group homes or orphanages, immediately. Arkansas already has three times as many children needing foster care & adoption as it has homes."

K this is total bullshit. Idiot voters.

oh wow this is so awful i can't even imagine how anyone could do it.
oh wow this is so awful i can't even imagine how anyone could do it.

It has been remarkably easy and rewarding throught recorded history for followers of God to do horrible things to others. Heck it gets lots of them into heaven....
This needs to be appealed to the US supreme court. I hope the fuckers wake up for once and decide to grant cert rather than go golfing, and I hope Anthony Kennedy takes his pills the morning beforehand.

just so I can get you to show what a total emotional dumbass you are and how you have diarhea of the brain, what would YOU recommend as the case points for court action on this?
I think they need to take the kids that they remove from adoptive families and foster care and drop them off at the churches who campaigned for this measure.

Funny that they don't want "certain" people to adopt kids, but they are not willing to step up and do it themselves.
just so I can get you to show what a total emotional dumbass you are and how you have diarhea of the brain, what would YOU recommend as the case points for court action on this?

Republican form of government clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Anyway, as horrible as the amendment is, it doesn't do what the OP claims it does. I don't see how they could remove children already placed with co-habiting couples. Rather, it seems they can only prevent placement with co-habiting folks in the future (which is really bad, but not pure evil).
Republican form of government clause of the U.S. Constitution.
doesn't follow. The state has a republican form of government already. The court would dismiss it out of hand.

Anyway, as horrible as the amendment is, it doesn't do what the OP claims it does. I don't see how they could remove children already placed with co-habiting couples. Rather, it seems they can only prevent placement with co-habiting folks in the future (which is really bad, but not pure evil).

One would think, but even though ex-post facto laws are supposed to be illegal doesn't prevent them from being enacted and enforced.
doesn't follow. The state has a republican form of government already. The court would dismiss it out of hand.

One would think, but even though ex-post facto laws are supposed to be illegal doesn't prevent them from being enacted and enforced.

Those words don't mean what you think they mean.
just so I can get you to show what a total emotional dumbass you are and how you have diarhea of the brain, what would YOU recommend as the case points for court action on this?

Whoa...hold the phone! Are those personal insults I'm seeing?

Isn't that a testament to the weakness of your argument?