Gay pride parade 'bumping and grinding' offend Tea Party hero & NY governor hopeful


Loyal to the end
Gay pride parade 'bumping and grinding' offend Tea Party hero & NY governor hopeful

Carl Paladino says it's the bumping and grinding he finds disgusting.

Appearing on NBC's "Today" Monday morning, the Republican gubernatorial candidate Paladino said he has nothing against gay people in his work or personal life - he just doesn't want to be exposed to their culture.

He specifically signaled out gay pride parades, with marchers wearing "Speedos and grinding against each other."

Paladino reiterated his opposition to same-sex marriage and said children shouldn't be exposed to gay culture.

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the libtards in NYC will see this as nothing more than a shameless attack on their gay and lesbian friends and will revolt in large numbers. I know many NYC folks, it sounds just like them.

This race is against Up v Down anyway. And I don't think there's as many gay supporters in NYC as you think, at least not enough who can't look at what he said at face value instead of what the gay lobby wants you to think he said.

Do you think children should be exposed to gay parades and taught that gays are normal moral natural and healthy?
Honestly, I do think this may consolidate the rural NY (or, upstate) vote and Paladino may pull it out. I read a blind item in today's Daily News that said that the Cuomo campaign shit their pants when they got a look at their over-the-weekend internal polling. Amazingly, NY may go R and put Paladino in the Governor's seat in this national wave.

I'm really upset about it.
Honestly, I do think this may consolidate the rural NY (or, upstate) vote and Paladino may pull it out. I read a blind item in today's Daily News that said that the Cuomo campaign shit their pants when they got a look at their over-the-weekend internal polling. Amazingly, NY may go R and put Paladino in the Governor's seat in this national wave.

I'm really upset about it.

Paladino isn't going to win. He will get clobbered. That latest poll I've seen has him down by 18 points.
Honestly, I do think this may consolidate the rural NY (or, upstate) vote and Paladino may pull it out. I read a blind item in today's Daily News that said that the Cuomo campaign shit their pants when they got a look at their over-the-weekend internal polling. Amazingly, NY may go R and put Paladino in the Governor's seat in this national wave.

I'm really upset about it.
I thought there was enough liberals in NYC to overcome any upstate voting by a mile.
Paladino isn't going to win. He will get clobbered. That latest poll I've seen has him down by 18 points.

I know, I was just having some fun with the righties. Thought it might get some of them all hopeful. Like, oh man, did you hear we're going to take NY? I saw a lefty crying about it on a message board today. She was really upset.
I thought there was enough liberals in NYC to overcome any upstate voting by a mile.

Yep. Well, and plus, there's plenty of parts around here outside of the city that don't take to gay-bashing too well. At this point I don't even know a Republican who gay bashes or likes to hear it. Not around here.
This race is against Up v Down anyway. And I don't think there's as many gay supporters in NYC as you think, at least not enough who can't look at what he said at face value instead of what the gay lobby wants you to think he said.
I think you're giving far too much credit to most of the people in NYC.

Do you think children should be exposed to gay parades and taught that gays are normal moral natural and healthy?

I don't think gay parades should exist anymore than I think that cinco de mayo parades should exist. memorial day, 4th of july, even veterans day, great. but other BS occasions to have a parade is useless. I also think that children should be exposed to every form and identity of person out there in the real world so that they can learn from it. We've sheltered our children for far too long and it's the reason why this country is a cesspool of idiocy.
I think you're giving far too much credit to most of the people in NYC.

I don't think gay parades should exist anymore than I think that cinco de mayo parades should exist. memorial day, 4th of july, even veterans day, great. but other BS occasions to have a parade is useless. I also think that children should be exposed to every form and identity of person out there in the real world so that they can learn from it. We've sheltered our children for far too long and it's the reason why this country is a cesspool of idiocy.

Having married someone from there and knowing many folks who still live there, I think I'm giving them the credit that they deserve.

Exposure, yes, but taught the lie that gay is normal moral natural and healthy?
thinking it is a 'lie' is a personal opinion. the same as normal, moral, natural, or healthy. That is something that a parent(s) alone should teach their children and never the government.
But government schools are doing just that, and that's what Paladino was referring to.

Unless The Dick Is iN You, Shut The Fuck Up.

Funny, but what about this?: some gay dude getting to cover his butt-buddy on his health insurance for less than it would cost his butt-buddy to pay for the same insurance is driving the cost of insurance up for everyone.

When your penis-activity-definition-status stops allowing you to keep trying to get into my wallet, I'll STFU

Gayness is a behavior. It's not a condition. It's not racial class. It's not some noble activity. It's people getting their jollies with other people.

Why should this entitle anyone special status?
Are we going back to the "normal, moral, natural, or healthy" again? *sigh* jeez
Funny, but what about this?: some gay dude getting to cover his butt-buddy on his health insurance for less than it would cost his butt-buddy to pay for the same insurance is driving the cost of insurance up for everyone.

When your penis-activity-definition-status stops allowing you to keep trying to get into my wallet, I'll STFU

Gayness is a behavior. It's not a condition. It's not racial class. It's not some noble activity. It's people getting their jollies with other people.

Why should this entitle anyone special status?

Special status? WTF? Its treating them like every other married couple or straight couple in a long term relationship. That is not special status.