Gender bender...

SF, Damo has a long history of coming to your aid and visa versa.

LMAO... he and I share a similar political viewpoint. Given the numbers of lefties vs. those on the right, I imagine it can seem that way to you. Now turn that around and look at it from our point of view at how many times the left forms a little circle jerk.... usually in defense of the moronic little leg humper.

I won't speak for Damo, but when Gumby comes out with his newest line of idiocy, I am going to call him out on it. He has a constant need to create strawmen so that he can "win" an argument. He is the single most dishonest person on this board. Bar none. The "McCain refused to pay his taxes thread" is a prime example of that. Do note that he won't address his blatant lie on that thread. Then do continue defending that moron... that is your right.
LoL did usc just accuse SF and Damo of being circle jerk buddies?

That's rich coming from a standing member of the Cypress-Darla-LadyT-USC Idiot Alliance.
Well I would have included you but you have nothing to jerk.

Please just yesterday Ob and I were schooling SF on inflation.

It's the libs on this board who march in lockstep. The only time you see differing opinons among libs are when discussing Hillary or lately Obama.

And even those are muted compared to how conservatives and libertarians argue among each other.
Please just yesterday Ob and I were schooling SF on inflation.

It's the libs on this board who march in lockstep. The only time you see differing opinons among libs are when discussing Hillary or lately Obama.

And even those are muted compared to how conservatives and libertarians argue among each other.

This must be the biggest bullshit post I have ever seen on this board, starting with “me and Ob schooled sf yesterday” when in fact, you added nothing except a couple of “me too!”s, and ending with the laughable claim that the right argues among itself and the left marches in lockstep. The reverse is true on this board, and within the actual political parties themselves.

You must be smoking some good shit.
This must be the biggest bullshit post I have ever seen on this board, starting with “me and Ob schooled sf yesterday” when in fact, you added nothing except a couple of “me too!”s, and ending with the laughable claim that the right argues among itself and the left marches in lockstep. The reverse is true on this board, and within the actual political parties themselves.

You must be smoking some good shit.

I am. :)
You both get carried away with each other, and I’m not scared of either of you trying to murder me or something, SF, sorry.

Wow, did you actually just critize gumby? That has to be a first. Good to see you are following my instructions and putting some distance between you and him.

True dat on Libertarians for sure they are a mixed up mess and will never go far.
Some of them think we should have no laws and cops, some are somewhat republican right wing and some just bounce all over in between.
Please just yesterday Ob and I were schooling SF on inflation.

It's the libs on this board who march in lockstep. The only time you see differing opinons among libs are when discussing Hillary or lately Obama.

And even those are muted compared to how conservatives and libertarians argue among each other.

This has to be the funniest post of the day. You weren't even a part of the conversation. Not to mention the fact that he was flat out wrong... hence his desire to continually try to create a strawman in a vain attempt to be correct.
Wow, did you actually just critize gumby? That has to be a first. Good to see you are following my instructions and putting some distance between you and him.


I should totally kick your ass right now for twisting that. I just ate an apple too. I’m juiced!
Okay I need to stop trying to infuriate people and go write my paper.

More infuriation to come laters.

I think I shall call you Gumby 2.0.... an upgraded gumby to be sure... but a gumby all the same. You two have an odd sense of when someone is "infuriated" or "angry".
SF, Damo has a long history of coming to your aid and visa versa.
So far no less than 5 of you have "come to his aid". It is interesting how differently people view their own action when it is exactly the same as an action they are denigrating.

So now we are supposed to make some sort insult out of homosexuality and then point it in your direction, if I follow the regular pattern. Thankfully I don't usually play that game, and wouldn't use something like that as an "insult". It seems like calling somebody "Native American" or some other thing that wouldn't be insulting unless it was something bad to be. I just can't imagine why it would be insulting.
Damo explain how "I came to his aid" please.

as I recall I agreed with one of his posts, I then proceded to make fun of you and SF.
Which is a common activity of mine.
So far no less than 5 of you have "come to his aid". It is interesting how differently people view their own action when it is exactly the same as an action they are denigrating.

So now we are supposed to make some sort insult out of homosexuality and then point it in your direction, if I follow the regular pattern. Thankfully I don't usually play that game, and wouldn't use something like that as an "insult". It seems like calling somebody "Native American" or some other thing that wouldn't be insulting unless it was something bad to be. I just can't imagine why it would be insulting.

Jesus, get out the smelling salts and the fainting couch for Damo. Can you be anymore of a girl?

I'm not taking any lectures on gay rights, from someone who spends their adult life voting for fringe right extremist Tom Tancredo. And I will mock the lack of heterosexual sensibilities of Cons when its merited. Toe tapping behaviour of Cons is extremely hilarious.
Jesus, get out the smelling salts and the fainting couch for Damo. Can you be anymore of a girl?

I'm not taking any lectures on gay rights, from someone who spends their adult life voting for fringe right extremist Tom Tancredo. And I will mock the lack of heterosexual sensibilities of Cons when its merited. Toe tapping behaviour of Cons is extremely hilarious.

No one has a problem with you mocking the hypocritical Reps that are so vocal against the Gay community and are then subsequently caught in homesexual acts/advances etc....

But that isn't what we were referring to now was it Gumby. We are referring to the fact that when you feel beaten and embarrassed, which is quite often.... you go to your standby.... "your gay" type comments. When you do so in an attempt to "insult" someone.... THEN you have a problem. A homophobic problem that is.