
OK, let's start off simple:

Just tell me what this image is and why that valley that is circled in red is appropriate to the climate change conversation. Simple enough. I'll get a sense of how much science you ACTUALLY know.

Do this in another thread, one about climate change preferably. You can even start one. Just don't much up a thread about gender with this sidebar.
OK, let's start off simple:

Just tell me what this image is and why that valley that is circled in red is appropriate to the climate change conversation. Simple enough. I'll get a sense of how much science you ACTUALLY know.

Climate cannot change. Climate is not a wavelength or science.
Mockery. Discard of logic. Discard of history. Fallacy fallacy. No false equivocation took place.

I do support my own opinions. Any fallacies that I call are not by me, but by the person making the fallacy.

Fallacies are not logic puzzles. They are errors in logic, similar to a math error. If someone, for example, tries to argue that 2+2=7, that's a math error. I do not have to explain it.

That is correct. Logic still must be followed, however, or the argument made in the conversation is invalid.

Irrelevant. Logic applies to both conversations and debates. Oh...and I have frequently pointed out that these are not debates, only conversations.

An appeal to emotion can be legit, but only in very narrow circumstances. Outside those circumstances, for example, in attempting a proof of any kind, it is a fallacy.

It might, it might not. Like I said, it is NOT a fallacy for some limited circumstances.

Most commercials have numerous fallacies in them.

If a fallacy occurs, someone may still buy the product, but that doesn't eliminate the fallacy. I think you will find that people buy products not because of a commercial so much, but because the product is sitting there on the store shelf. Frankly, people don't really care whether a particular brand has ingredient 'xyzzy' in it.

It really doesn't take any extra work to avoid committing fallacies, except to take the time to realize why you are making the argument you are making.

I do not call all fallacies. For example, many people here spend their time trying to derail threads and throw insults (that's generally all they do). I don't bother to call the insult fallacy because it's obvious. Such insults do not make any argument. Their only purpose is to derail the thread and to give the poster some meaning in their otherwise meaningless life.

I am not here to 'appear smart'. I let the lefties do that. Many of them deny science, mathematics, logic, philosophy, etc. They do it to push their religion. To them, their religion means all. When they try false authorities to 'prove' their argument, I call them on it. When they try to project their problems on someone else, I call them on it.

Per your request, however, I will try to include an explanation and context more often. It does get tiring with the repetitive chanting of the left, though.

Which doesn't change you add nothing to the conversation by squawking out the names of logical fallacies with no support.

Either participate in the conversation or go to some sight about logic puzzles and proofs. I mean, if you say the name of a logical fallacy and then provide a more powerful and logical argument without fallacy you'd have my total support. Instead you just randomly shout the names of logical fallacies without support and then progress none of the conversation. In short, you try to derail the conversation with sidebar nonsense. Give an opinion on the topic at hand or let the conversation go without your delicate "input"... You aren't helping and we don't need a thread full of shouted fallacy names getting in the way of the actual conversation.
Pro Tip #4: I'm waiting for you to grow a pair and debate your Climate Change religion with me. But take your time; I realize that you are thoroughly ashamed of your faith at present.

Bring it on, Mr. PhD. It will be a lot of fun.
He's frantically scrolling through Wikipedia as we speak... Maybe he should give ChatGPT a try next... :)
Do this in another thread, one about climate change preferably. You can even start one. Just don't much up a thread about gender with this sidebar.

54 pages and some people still think a man isn't a man and a woman isn't a woman. Climate change (global warming) must warp their perception :dunno:
Which doesn't change you add nothing to the conversation by squawking out the names of logical fallacies with no support.

Either participate in the conversation or go to some sight about logic puzzles and proofs. I mean, if you say the name of a logical fallacy and then provide a more powerful and logical argument without fallacy you'd have my total support. Instead you just randomly shout the names of logical fallacies without support and then progress none of the conversation. In short, you try to derail the conversation with sidebar nonsense. Give an opinion on the topic at hand or let the conversation go without your delicate "input"... You aren't helping and we don't need a thread full of shouted fallacy names getting in the way of the actual conversation.

Insults aren't conversation. People projecting their own problems on others is not a conversation. I do not try to change the subject. I think you need to reexamine various threads to see who does.
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Take it to a thread about climate.

Blame Oscillator (with a little encouragement from IBDaMann). He's the one that brought it up.

I think you need to recognize that those who can't identify gender (the Church of Perversion) are the same that believe in other similar religions, such as the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Green, and the Church of Hate. Side comments from each of these religions are going to show up from time to time in any thread, particularly as a thread ages. Haven't you noticed yet that most threads end in insult streams, where no conversation is taking place at all? Haven't you noticed yet that most thread wander from topic to topic as well, particularly as they age?
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Haven't you noticed yet that most thread wander from topic to topic as well, particularly as they age?

The conversation about gender (the thread topic) took place numerous pages ago, and the conversation was concluded numerous pages ago when posters like Oscillator and Poor Richard Saunders (and others) chose to reject etymology re: the words 'sex' and 'gender' and decided to play make believe that there are supposedly a plethora of "other genders" out there, yet those posters can't seem to identify any of them, define any of them, nor even provide a count of how many different "genders" there are. How can a conversation continue when the people who are making an opposing claim refuse to answer any simple questions about their claim?

Ergo, the conversation stopped at that point because the Church of Perversion had nothing intelligent to add, thus it became repetition, became insults, and otherwise became what it is now. It's the natural flow of any thread that involves fundamentalist fanatics who wish to 'convert' others rather than to 'converse' with them.
Take it to a thread about climate.
That was my plan. I have a thread specifically for "Climate Change" and "Global Warming" science. As soon as an attempt is made I'll copy it and respond to it in that thread. Unfortunately, I got all the bluster followed by an abrupt fleeing to the hills, i.e. nothing to take to the other thread.

You don't have to worry about there being any discussion on Global Warming or Climate Change in this thread. The leftists on this board are ashamed that they have to OBEY their thought-masters and regurgitate physics violations, so they will naturally change the subject immediately if it happens to emerge. "Gender" is totally safe.
... only so long as such "gender" discussion is about a make-believe world in which normalizing mental illness is somehow beneficial to society.
I'm going to disagree with you somewhat on semantics. I don't think that "confusion" equates to mental illness. A while back, when you were looking at a certain optical illusion that really convinced your brain that two areas of the exact same color were somehow very different colors, your brain's hard-wiring became confused in that regard. Because of your brain's hard-wired nature, your brain will become confused in that exact same way each and every time you perceive those same conditions. The same is true with dyslexics. Their brains' hard-wiring will become confused with certain lines and shapes that they see and will become confused in the exact same way every single time given those lines and shapes. I can tell you that the colors are the same, and your frontal lobe will totally believe me, but the part of your brain that processes colors and contrast will simply not let you see it that way, just as I can tell a dyslexic that he's looking at the word "timing" and he might totally believe me, but his brain simply won't let him see it that way.

Sexuality is exceedingly complex, being rooted in many parts of the brain (there is no single "sexuality center" of the brain) and so much can possibly develop amiss or askew or "off" that almost any kind of abnormality is possible, from negligible to debilitating. There are many people whose brains experience some sort of "confusion" regarding sexuality. They can look at their bodies and see their respective genders, but their brains might not let them see it that way.

The thing to remember in all this is that just because your brain is confused about the colors in the optical illusion, they are still the same color; your confusion doesn't have the magical superpower to transform the squares into different colors to align reality with your misperception. Words don't actually become unreadable on the page the moment a dyslexic begins reading them. No human body begins developing different genders or transmuting into a different species just because that particular person is gender-confused.

Sexual species have two genders, male and female.
I'm going to disagree with you somewhat on semantics. I don't think that "confusion" equates to mental illness.
I'll somewhat agree with your point on semantics. I likewise wouldn't consider any and every instance of 'confusion' about gender as being a 'mental illness', but when it goes as far as, for instance, people becoming driven to mutilate their genitals as a result of said confusion about their gender, then I'd consider such a state of mind to be a mental illness. Unfortunately, that sort of thing is what the left is trying to normalize, telling people that they'll be "much happier" if they embrace "their true self" (which is actually anything BUT the truth). Such "gender confused" people (as a group) already have a high suicide rate even before making any irreversible decision to mutilate their genitals (which in my view is an indicator of mental illness, because a desire to kill oneself is not what I would consider to be a healthy state of mind).

To give an example of what I'd consider to be "confusion" and an example of what I'd consider to be "mental illness":

E.g. A young boy being brainwashed by woke BS and subsequently asking his parents if he is a girl because he enjoys playing with dolls much more than playing with tractors. I'd consider such an instance to be a bit of confusion rather than a mental illness.

E.g. A college-aged man desperately wanting to undergo, and likely eventually undergoing, hormone injections and various surgeries in order to "transition into a woman" (a biological impossibility). I'd consider such an instance to be a mental illness rather than a bit of confusion.
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I likewise wouldn't consider any and every instance of 'confusion' about gender as being a 'mental illness', but when it goes as far as, for instance, people becoming driven to mutilate their genitals as a result of said confusion about their gender, then I'd consider such a state of mind to be a mental illness.
I think you and I are mostly aligned on this. On the wording, though, I would prefer to say "then I'd consider mental illness a strong possibility" ... at least until I become licensed to make such diagnoses.

Unfortunately, that sort of thing is what the left is trying to normalize,
Yes. The left wants to legitimize strategic errors as the norm.

* Physics violations as thettled thienth
* Sound economics as the root of all evil
* Racism as thwarting racism
* Biology as elective
* Poor English grammar and pronunciation as a culturally rich language called Ebonics
* Defenselessness of law-abiding citizens in the name of protecting law-abiding citizens
* Stealing wealth from those who earn it and redistributing it to those who refuse to ... in the name of fairness
* The right to choose to kill other living humans who have not committed any crime if it will make your life more convenient
* Illegal aliens always paying only in-state tuition due to being victims of a cruel government that won't allow them to have a legal address, whereas you simply have to pay out-of-state tuition (24 States have this type of "tuition equity" law)

... and others.
I think you and I are mostly aligned on this. On the wording, though, I would prefer to say "then I'd consider mental illness a strong possibility" ... at least until I become licensed to make such diagnoses.
Fair enough. :) Agreed that we're mostly aligned.

Yes. The left wants to legitimize strategic errors as the norm.

* Physics violations as thettled thienth
* Sound economics as the root of all evil
* Racism as thwarting racism
* Biology as elective
* Poor English grammar and pronunciation as a culturally rich language called Ebonics
* Defenselessness of law-abiding citizens in the name of protecting law-abiding citizens
* Stealing wealth from those who earn it and redistributing it to those who refuse to ... in the name of fairness
* The right to choose to kill other living humans who have not committed any crime if it will make your life more convenient
* Illegal aliens always paying only in-state tuition due to being victims of a cruel government that won't allow them to have a legal address, whereas you simply have to pay out-of-state tuition (24 States have this type of "tuition equity" law)

... and others.