General Board Discussion: who's the most hated poster on JPP?

You know a forum has reached the lowest point possible when threads such as this are permitted. I am a free speech absolutist but if a forum has not respect as the mainstay of integrity then it will fade and fade into a simple clique, gossip, point scoring stall.
That said - given my short time on here I would be proud to be voted the most hated - especially when leftie dems are doing the voting.
You. By a nose.

A very large nose. lol

I vote for the way I am jelly of Legion......he's got a tribute thread about how close he is to 100k posts and nobody even noticed I passed that mark this month......

do you realize that means that lib'ruls said something stupid a hundred thousand times on this board since I got here?...../sits quietly and waits for #100, won't be long.....
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You know a forum has reached the lowest point possible when threads such as this are permitted. I am a free speech absolutist but if a forum has not respect as the mainstay of integrity then it will fade and fade into a simple clique, gossip, point scoring stall.
That said - given my short time on here I would be proud to be voted the most hated - especially when leftie dems are doing the voting.

Democrats are not really haters. We see you people as potential Democrats someday- AFTER WE SAVE YOUR SOUL FROM THE DEVIL and wash your mouths out with a little soap!