General Board Discussion: who's the most hated poster on JPP?

I dont seek approval. I also NEVER insult individual forum members EXCEPT in response to their starting with insults. so I think I am fair.. that'll do for me. You may wish to elaborate on what "rebuke" means in your context. I dont mind being rebuked. People REBUKE each other but on respectful disagreements. Insults are another matter and are NOT rebukes.

What you do is insult a specific group of posters in every single one of your threads, then when someone gives it back to you, you cry foul.
I dont seek approval. I also NEVER insult individual forum members EXCEPT in response to their starting with insults. so I think I am fair.. that'll do for me. You may wish to elaborate on what "rebuke" means in your context. I dont mind being rebuked. People REBUKE each other but on respectful disagreements. Insults are another matter and are NOT rebukes.

Is it okay then if I call you (group you) a bunch of willfully-ignorant fascist idiots; you won't take offense? lol
You know a forum has reached the lowest point possible when threads such as this are permitted. I am a free speech absolutist but if a forum has not respect as the mainstay of integrity then it will fade and fade into a simple clique, gossip, point scoring stall.
That said - given my short time on here I would be proud to be voted the most hated - especially when leftie dems are doing the voting.

Da fuq is all this sophistry bullshit?
its a tie for me blow hole dutch the coward or bidenpresident both waste of skin

Now if you wanna go "stupidest" poster, that's a different story. katzgar, Futch Dunkle, and BidenPresident are there.

Legion is probably most hated all-around, though. whether you knew it was him, or not! :laugh:
I don't know if you're the most hated, but you sure have a shitload of posters obsessed...

It's like this with us JPP posters pointing at him.


It's cute that he thinks he has any effect on people.