Genocidal Jews using Palestinian children as shields.


Satire for Sanity
They've been doing it for years.
The Israeli courts ordered them to stop- but they didn't.


Israeli high court bans military use of Palestinians as human shields

· Even 'volunteers' breach Geneva pact, judge rules
· Human rights victory after three-year struggle
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem

The Israeli high court yesterday ruled that the army's long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law. It said the military's claim to have amended the procedure to allow civilians to "volunteer" to work with the army was still unacceptable because it was unlikely anyone would freely do so.

"You cannot exploit the civilian population for the army's military needs, and you cannot force them to collaborate," said the Israeli chief justice, Aharon Barak. "Based on this principle, we rule it illegal to use civilians as human shields."

The case was brought more than three years ago by human rights organisations that said the army routinely forced Palestinian civilians into dangerous situations as a means to protect soldiers. Some of the most common methods were to force Palestinians into buildings to see if they were booby-trapped, or to enter the hideouts of wanted men and tell them to surrender. Soldiers also forced civilians to stand in front of them when on patrol.

At least one human shield was killed, and others have been wounded. Nidal Daraghmeh, a 19-year-old Palestinian student, was shot dead after troops forced him to knock on the door of a wanted Hamas fugitive and shooting broke out.

Seven Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups told the court the use of civilians in any capacity in military operations breached the Geneva conventions.

Israeli high court bans military use of Palestinians as human shields

· Even 'volunteers' breach Geneva pact, judge rules
· Human rights victory after three-year struggle
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem

The Israeli high court yesterday ruled that the army's long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law. It said the military's claim to have amended the procedure to allow civilians to "volunteer" to work with the army was still unacceptable because it was unlikely anyone would freely do so.

"You cannot exploit the civilian population for the army's military needs, and you cannot force them to collaborate," said the Israeli chief justice, Aharon Barak. "Based on this principle, we rule it illegal to use civilians as human shields."

The case was brought more than three years ago by human rights organisations that said the army routinely forced Palestinian civilians into dangerous situations as a means to protect soldiers. Some of the most common methods were to force Palestinians into buildings to see if they were booby-trapped, or to enter the hideouts of wanted men and tell them to surrender. Soldiers also forced civilians to stand in front of them when on patrol.

At least one human shield was killed, and others have been wounded. Nidal Daraghmeh, a 19-year-old Palestinian student, was shot dead after troops forced him to knock on the door of a wanted Hamas fugitive and shooting broke out.

Seven Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups told the court the use of civilians in any capacity in military operations breached the Geneva conventions.

Funny how leftist outrage over things is always feigned and always selective.
There are dumbasses here claiming the Palestinians use Palestinian children as human shields.- when everybody knows that the most dangerous place to be in Gaza is behind a Palestinian kid.
16,000 + killed so far................and Genocide Joe is still arming the Jewish scum
The Jews have killed another ten children today. That's almost a hundred in the past 9 days.

Keep sending the bombs, Joe.
Lest we forget...

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.
Actually it's been Hamas who has been hiding underneath hospitals, in schools, in refugee camps, and among civilians and using noncombatants as shields.
No- that's the genocidal Jews' excuse for murdering over 35,000 people , including over 16,000 kids.

The tunnels in Gaza are quite legal, you know. Any country can build tunnels wherever they like and for whatever reason. In the case of the Palestinian resistance , the genocidal Jews have imposed an ILLEGAL blockade on their country for over ten years - so they built tunnels to bring in equipment , food and medicines from Egypt whenever they could. Again- it is perfectly legal for them to do this.
The genocidal Jews keep watch over Palestine with satellites, drones and overflights. If they see any Palestinians ' acting suspiciously ' then they kill them. Of course, it's perfectly legal for Palestinians to act however they like in their own country. So the resistance tunnels enable the Palestinians to move around , unobserved, in their own country. Should these tunnels be constructed beneath hospitals, schools or anywhere else they are LEGAL. What is ILLEGAL is for the genocidal Jews to incinerate hospitals, schools of anywhere else with men, women and children inside them.
The difference between Palestinians and genocidal Jews ' using human shields ' is that there is absolutely no point in the resistance ' hiding ' among the general population- which it is perfectly legal for them to do- as the genocidal Jews have no qualms about killing any Palestinians that they see, men women or children. On the other hand, genocidal Jews strapping Palestinian children to the fronts of their armored vehicles is ILLEGAL and constitutes a war crime.
So- the claim that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields is a nonsense . The criminals, again, are the genocidal Jews. That is the way it has always been- and that is the way it will remain as long as there is international and humanitarian law- both of which the genocidal Jews want destroyed.

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I'm not the one who tried to justify the brutal October 7 attack.
I'm just enjoying the retribution for it.

Advocate for your side, moondoggie.
That's what most people do.
That includes the people on the other side as well.
October 7th was a reprisal. The genocidal Jews murdered almost 500 Palestinians in 2023, prior to October 7th. Millions enjoyed the retribution for that.
Let's start with 16,000+ murdered children and your enjoyment of it.
Look, moondoggie,
you can't demand "death to the infidels,"
blow up schoolbusses full of children as the PLO did,
and then claim that you didn't opt for a war of genocide.

Neither side, very much including yours, can tolerate the existence of the other.

Just as Europeans stole the indigenous Americans' land,
the Zionists stole yours. It is what it is.
Crying about it on the internet will accomplish nothing.
Fight for your side.
Go down with the ship like the towelhead hero you want to be.
Then fuck those forty-virgins or whatever the hell you believe.:laugh:
Look, moondoggie,
you can't demand "death to the infidels,"
blow up schoolbusses full of children as the PLO did,
and then claim that you didn't opt for a war of genocide.

Neither side, very much including yours, can tolerate the existence of the other.

Just as Europeans stole the indigenous Americans' land,
the Zionists stole yours. It is what it is.
Crying about it on the internet will accomplish nothing.
Fight for your side.
Go down with the ship like the towelhead hero you want to be.
Then fuck those forty-virgins or whatever the hell you believe.:laugh:
So your point is a spurious claim from the past ? You're done, nibbles.

Haw, haw...............................haw.

Hey, how about that time that Palestinians filled a PRAM with explosives and parked it outside a Jewish girls ' school ?

Eh ?

Oh was genocidal Jews that did that outside a Palestinian girls' school.

Now do yourself a favor and fuck off.
So your point is a spurious claim from the past ? You're done, nibbles.

Haw, haw...............................haw.

Hey, how about that time that Palestinians filled a PRAM with explosives and parked it outside a Jewish girls ' school ?

Eh ?

Oh was genocidal Jews that did that outside a Palestinian girls' school.

Now do yourself a favor and fuck off.
Meanwhile, I'm not hearing any news from the front lines from towelhead hero moondoggie.
Let's ensure that this doesn't get overlooked ;

The tunnels in Gaza are quite legal, you know. Any country can build tunnels wherever they like and for whatever reason. In the case of the Palestinian resistance , the genocidal Jews have imposed an ILLEGAL blockade on their country for over ten years - so they built tunnels to bring in equipment , food and medicines from Egypt whenever they could. Again- it is perfectly legal for them to do this.
The genocidal Jews keep watch over Palestine with satellites, drones and overflights. If they see any Palestinians ' acting suspiciously ' then they kill them. Of course, it's perfectly legal for Palestinians to act however they like in their own country. So the resistance tunnels enable the Palestinians to move around , unobserved, in their own country. Should these tunnels be constructed beneath hospitals, schools or anywhere else they are LEGAL. What is ILLEGAL is for the genocidal Jews to incinerate hospitals, schools or anywhere else with men, women and children inside them.
The difference between Palestinians and genocidal Jews ' using human shields ' is that there is absolutely no point in the resistance ' hiding ' among the general population- which it is perfectly legal for them to do- as the genocidal Jews have no qualms about killing any Palestinians that they see, men women or children. On the other hand, genocidal Jews strapping Palestinian children to the fronts of their armored vehicles is ILLEGAL and constitutes a war crime.
So- the claim that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields is a nonsense . The criminals, again, are the genocidal Jews. That is the way it has always been- and that is the way it will remain as long as there is international and humanitarian law- both of which the genocidal Jews want destroyed.
