George Stephanopoulos Shuts Down Interview With Sen. J.D. Vance

Sen. J.D. Vance's interview on ABC's "This Week" gets cut short after he made a comment implying he believes Trump can defy the Supreme Court.:whoa:

During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” with Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) Sunday, George Stephanopoulos abruptly ended the interview after Vance implied that Donald Trump can defy Supreme Court rulings.

“The Constitution says that the Supreme Court can make rulings, but if the Supreme Court ― and look, I hope that they would not do this ― but if the Supreme Court said that the president of the United States can’t fire a general, that would be an illegitimate ruling and the president has to have Article 2 prerogative under the Constitution to actually run the military as he sees fit,” Vance said.

Wow. Stephanopoulos shuts down his interview with Vance and cuts him off after Vance insists that the president can defy the Supreme Court.

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) Vance’s comment was made after Stephanopoulos asked Vance about his comments on a 2021 podcast, where Vance said that if Trump is reelected in 2024, he would advise Trump to “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people,” according to ABC News, and then when the courts tried to stop Trump, he should “stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did, and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”

Such ignorance, I had hopes for him to be a reasonable, moderate Republican, but now he’s just another Trump mongrel.
Grow up, Boy.
Already did, Boy. I'm as tall as I'm ever gonna be.

If others want to play your silly, childish games with you...fine with me.
If you can't answer a simple question asked of you... fine with me.

I'm laughing at you...
No you're not. You're hurling cuss words at me. You're very angry right now.

and your frustrations.
The frustrations belong to you, dude. You can't even answer a simple question, and it angers you that I keep pointing that out.
I am old enough to remember when Americans were opposed to censorship.
You’re really damn old…”[FONT=&quot]The first federal attempt to censor seditious speech occurred with the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 under President John Adams. These acts made it a federal crime to speak, write, or print criticisms of the government that were false, scandalous, or malicious.”[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Jan 12, 2024[/FONT]
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[h=3]Censorship - The Free Speech Center - MTSU[/h]

Already did, Boy. I'm as tall as I'm ever gonna be.

Only stupid people think that "growing up" is primarily about being tall.

If you can't answer a simple question asked of you... fine with me.

I can easily answer a simple question. Your questions, while coming from a simple person, are not simple question. They are pretend questions. And I imagine you sucker some people into playing your game. I am not one of them.

No you're not. You're hurling cuss words at me. You're very angry right now.

If it makes you better able to tolerate your sad life to think that I am angry right now...go for it. If you saw the smile on my face as I type these words, it would make you even sadder though.

Suggestion: Don't use "cuss." You sound like a fucking childish hick. Use vulgarity, if you must. Or...just grow up.

The frustrations belong to you, dude. You can't even answer a simple question, and it angers you that I keep pointing that out.

I am enjoying the frustration I see in your posts. Please keep posting...I'll keep enjoying.
Only stupid people think that "growing up" is primarily about being tall.
Aweeeee, Fwanky didn't like my response?! :rofl2:

I can easily answer a simple question.
Yet, you can't seem to find a way to do it.

Your questions, while coming from a simple person, are not simple question.
So my question is too complicated for you to handle, eh? And where are all of these additional questions coming from? I only asked you one question.

They are pretend questions.
Now you can't even make up your mind as to whether or not the question exists. Again, there's only one question, so idk where you're finding all of these additional questions as they didn't come from me.

And I imagine you sucker some people into playing your game. I am not one of them.
So my question is too complicated for you to handle, eh?

If it makes you better able to tolerate your sad life to think that I am angry right now...go for it. If you saw the smile on my face as I type these words, it would make you even sadder though.
Your issue, not mine. Your anger is on full display.

Suggestion: Don't use "cuss." You sound like a fucking childish hick. Use vulgarity, if you must. Or...just grow up.
Still cussing, eh?

I am enjoying the frustration I see in your posts. Please keep posting...I'll keep enjoying.
You seem to be confusing my posts for your own. The frustration lies with you. That's why you're cussing in every single one of your posts. You're angry. You hate it that you're incapable of answering a single simple question without receiving programming from your mind masters.
Liz Cheney rips Vance after Jan. 6 remarks: Not ‘fit to serve’

I agree with Ms. Cheney, this clownish hillbilly is unfit to serve in the senate?!!

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) went after Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) on Monday, saying he is not “fit to serve” after he said he would have chosen not to certify the 2020 election results without pro-Trump electors.

Vance said Sunday in an ABC “This Week” interview he would have allowed states to send multiple slates of electors to Washington after the 2020 election and “Congress should have fought over it from there,” adding there “were problems” in the 2020 election.

“Yesterday, J.D. Vance claimed that Trump could defy rulings of the Supreme Court as President,” Cheney , formerly Twitter. “Vance also admitted he would have done what VP Pence refused to do on January 6th — help Trump illegally seize power.”
“That’s tyranny,” she continued. “Neither Trump nor Vance is fit to serve.”

Then-Vice President Mike Pence refused to allow multiple slates of electors for the certification of the 2020 election, as the Constitution lays out, and did ultimately certify the results after thousands of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to stop it.

Vance also doubled down on September 2021 comments that the president can ignore “illegitimate” Supreme Court rulings, quoting President Andrew Jackson.
Aweeeee, Fwanky didn't like my response?! :rofl2:

Actually, I loved it! Gave me a chance to respond about what stupid people do.

Yet, you can't seem to find a way to do it.

I can answer a simple question. I just won't answer yours, mostly because if someone does not know what the democratic experiment of America is...that person is too stupid to understand an explanation. And if the person does know what is meant by that, but is pretending...I will not play his/her game.

You lose.

So my question is too complicated for you to handle, eh? And where are all of these additional questions coming from? I only asked you one question.

Your question is a pretence...and I am getting a kick out of you trying, and failing, to get me to play your game.

You lose.

Now you can't even make up your mind as to whether or not the question exists. Again, there's only one question, so idk where you're finding all of these additional questions as they didn't come from me.

Okay, that one I will give you. I should not have pluralized that comment.

That one you win.

So my question is too complicated for you to handle, eh?

Nope...I'm just not willing to play your game.

You lose.

Your issue, not mine. Your anger is on full display.

Smile still on my face.

You lose on this one big time.

Still cussing, eh?

Ahhh...maybe you are a childish hick.

I'll resolve it that way.

You lose.

You seem to be confusing my posts for your own. The frustration lies with you. That's why you're cussing in every single one of your posts. You're angry.

If it makes your sad life more worth living to think that shit...have at it. I still have the smile on my anger. You cannot help that you are a hick...nor that you are a loser. It would make no sense for me to be angry at you for that.

You hate it that you're incapable of answering a single simple question without receiving programming from your mind masters.

Project much lately?
Actually, I loved it! Gave me a chance to respond about what stupid people do.
Nah, you're quite angry right now. It's all too apparent. I love exposing people like you, so I'm laughing all the way to the bank. :rofl2:

I can answer a simple question.
No you can't.

I just won't answer yours,
Continued paradoxes. You can't seem to make up your mind as to whether there's one question or multiple questions, or whether the question(s) is(are) simple or complicated.

Such paradoxes are all too common whenever people wish to be dishonest.

mostly because if someone does not know what the democratic experiment of America is...that person is too stupid to understand an explanation.
... or are YOU too stupid to PROVIDE an explanation? C'mon... just give it a try...

And if the person does know what is meant by that, but is pretending...I will not play his/her game.
Irrelevant. You should be able to define your own terminology either way.

You lose.
... says the person who cannot define his own terminology. What do you mean when you say "democratic experiment (of America)"?

Your question is a pretence...and I am getting a kick out of you trying, and failing, to get me to play your game.

You lose.
Continued whining. Continued evasion. Continued claims of victory.

Okay, that one I will give you. I should not have pluralized that comment.

That one you win.
Okay, so I'll assume that you've now cleared your paradox about the number of questions and are sticking with it being one question from here on out.

Nope...I'm just not willing to play your game.

You lose.
Continued whining. Continued evasion. Continued claims of victory.

Smile still on my face.

You lose on this one big time.

Ahhh...maybe you are a childish hick.

I'll resolve it that way.

You lose.

If it makes your sad life more worth living to think that shit...have at it. I still have the smile on my anger. You cannot help that you are a hick...nor that you are a loser. It would make no sense for me to be angry at you for that.

Project much lately?
Continues lies. Continued projections. Continued anger. Continued evasion.
Nah, you're quite angry right now. It's all too apparent. I love exposing people like you, so I'm laughing all the way to the bank. :rofl2:

You do not sound as though you are laughing...and I doubt any laugh at my expense would have "all the way to the bank" seem reasonable.

You lose.

No you can't.

Yes I can. Is London the capital of England, Frank?

Yes it is.

You lose.

Continued paradoxes. You can't seem to make up your mind as to whether there's one question or multiple questions, or whether the question(s) is(are) simple or complicated.

Such paradoxes are all too common whenever people wish to be dishonest.

No paraoxes there except in your imagination.

You lose.

... or are YOU too stupid to PROVIDE an explanation? C'mon... just give it a try...

Sorry. Not going to play your game.

You lose.

Irrelevant. You should be able to define your own terminology either way.

VERY relevant...and apparently VERY irritating for you.

Too bad, Boy.

You lose.

... says the person who cannot define his own terminology. What do you mean when you say "democratic experiment (of America)"?

Because I will not play your game does not mean I cannot define my own terminology. Most school kids know what that comment means when used in the context in which I used it.

You lose.

Continued whining. Continued evasion. Continued claims of victory.

Oh, you are now losing your cool... well as just plain losing!

Gotta get that under control, Boy.

Okay, so I'll assume that you've now cleared your paradox about the number of questions and are sticking with it being one question from here on out.

Assume whatever you want.

You are still a loser. But...I'll also give you this: You lose in a way that can easily be enjoyed.


Continued whining. Continued evasion. Continued claims of victory.

Continues lies. Continued projections. Continued anger. Continued evasion.

C'mon. You can do better than this.
