George W Bush responsible for the highest DOW and real estate market ever

Spurt obviously dems have a lot of economic morons on thier side.
Rather than a reasoned approach you pull this weak ass shit.
Change your name to Mr.Twowrongsmakesaright
what heck are you talking about?

Clear out the fog and look again to see that was in reply to cawacko's comment about Chairman Cox. Shall I repeat that post for you to read once again? I replied to your challenge and, no surprise, you are silent except to misread my reply to cawacko.
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Clear out the fog and look again to see that was in reply to cawacko's comment about Chairman Cox. Shall I repeat that post for you to read once again? I replied to your challenge and, no surprise, you are silent except to misread my reply to cawacko. didn't see your post, i replied to a recent post and left the board and you throw a fucking hissy fit....sheesh....especially after i come back and ask you what you are talking about you still claim i ignored you....

you're demented want to blame him for all the problems....then you must admit that the dow soared to a 14,000 point record under bush and the real estate market soared to an all time high....

yet the dishonest lib hacks like to blame only bush for the economic woes of the past year and half....

fact is, no president controls the economy alone and no dem can point to a single bush policy that caused the economy to falter....what economic policy(s) did bush change from clinton?

Are you serious? Good fucking lord. Let's just establish this up front: non-inflation or GDP adjusted figures are economic nonsense from the point of view of comparing different administrations over time.
what exactly is your point? are you asking a question? it sounds like mumble jumble....can you articulate what it is you want?

I want a reply to a challenge you made.
You asked for examples of bush changing Clinton economic policies, but CAN'T reply so you obfuscate. It's typical for you. want to blame him for all the problems....then you must admit that the dow soared to a 14,000 point record under bush and the real estate market soared to an all time high....

yet the dishonest lib hacks like to blame only bush for the economic woes of the past year and half....

fact is, no president controls the economy alone and no dem can point to a single bush policy that caused the economy to falter....what economic policy(s) did bush change from clinton?

Post #1, your thread. You asked for examples, I gave you two for starters. No reply to counter.
I want a reply to a challenge you made.
You asked for examples of bush changing Clinton economic policies, but CAN'T reply so you obfuscate. It's typical for you.

you really are stupid and have no desire to debate...i've asked at least two times now for you to clarify what you are saying and what you want me to have failed each time....and then claim i ignore your questions...

you spent two posts whining like a baby when you could have simply clarified what you want me to address....are you saying that all capped mumble jumble was the policies that bush changed? why can't you just say that instead of acting having a temper tamtrum?
has obama brought back teh uptick rule? and has it been conclusively shown that its elimination damaged the economy?

My sense is that the guy cheering Bush for presiding over teh highest DOW evah and highest home prices evah has about zero credibility to assess what has damaged the economy, let alone what has been "conclusively shown" to have damaged the economy.

But that's just me.
My sense is that the guy cheering Bush for presiding over teh highest DOW evah and highest home prices evah has about zero credibility to assess what has damaged the economy, let alone what has been "conclusively shown" to have damaged the economy.

But that's just me.

if you read the thread you would see it is somewhat tongue in cheek....but i can understand your political bias in wanting to blame bush for all the bad and not give him credit for anything positive while giving obama and dems all the credit for things positive and blame them for really have credibility

and fact is, bush did preside over those how that loses credibility is beyond me

i when the dot com had nothing to do with clinton, yet you libs give him all sorts of whacko credit for its economic boost.....same thing happens with bush, except unlike clinton he doesn't get to leave office until after the bubble burst and hack libs blame bush but give clinton mad love.....

Actually, that is not quite accurate. The tech bubble burst in March of 2000. That led to the recession that began in the latter half of 2000. But because the recession wasn't 'official' until March of 2001, many on the left pretend that began under Bush.
has obama brought back teh uptick rule? and has it been conclusively shown that its elimination damaged the economy?

You did everything you could to obfuscate your own thread, you didn't need an explanation, it was all there for you to see from your own first post and my reply as well as the subsequent chain of posts.

Was your question about Obama? Now that Bear Stearns and Lehman are down the tubes, will re-instatement bring back the dead? I can guarantee you the current Chairman will do a far better oversight job than the sold out bush appointee, Cox. However,You asked about bush in relation to Clinton policies, not Obama.
From your reply, it appears that you agree wiith my second example regarding the uptick rule discarded by bush's SEC Chairman, now let's deal with the first. My primary example was the application of Supply Side Economics at the same time as declaring 2 wars while adding a new gov department, and the effect it had on spending, waste, debt, and the budget deficit. No effect on the economy? Why then are all these GOP Congressional spendthrifts suddenly railing about deficits?

(We'll ignore the non-economic consequences to the US of thousands needlessly dying during the bush years.)
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