Georgia's Conservative Politicians Want More Death


Is there anything that arouses a righty more than death?

Georgia's Conservative Politicians Want More Death
By TChris, Section Death Penalty
Posted on Wed Dec 17, 2008 at 11:17:07 PM EST
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If a unanimous verdict is required to convict, it is sensible to think that a unanimous verdict should be required to impose a death sentence. Sensible thought has eluded Georgia's conservative politicians who (as Jeralyn noted here) have declared war on the unanimity requirement because only nine jurors voted to kill Brian Nichols.

Now, just days after the decision, Georgia legislators have begun lining up to introduce bills eliminating the requirement that juries be unanimous for a death sentence. Hard-on-crime lawmakers have long favored easier rules on death sentencing, but the Nichols sentence has given new urgency to their cause.

The argument that some "death qualified" jurors are secretly opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances would be easier to swallow if only one juror dissented from death. When a quarter of the jurors think the case for death hasn't been made, only those overcome by blood lust could believe the defendant should be executed. [more ...]

Basing the ultimate punishment on anything less than unanimity is of dubious constitutionality.

Carol Steiker, a death penalty expert at Harvard Law School, said it could violate the 14th Amendment guarantee of due process and the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Although the Supreme Court allows non-unanimous juries in many cases, Ms. Steiker said, death sentences require the highest standards.

“As the Supreme Court tends to say, ‘Death is different,’ ” she said. “It’s different in severity and it’s different in finality. This case really illustrates one of the problems with states trying to maintain thoughtful and circumscribed death penalty rules. There’s incredible pressure on these legislatures to change the laws at critical moments after high-profile cases.”

Rather than recognizing that Nichols' lawyers did an outstanding job of persuading jurors that there was more to Nichols than than his horrific actions on a single day of his life, Georgia's conservatives are blaming the defense attorneys for getting in the way of a nice clean execution.

State Senator Preston W. Smith, a Rome Republican, accused defense lawyers of spending like “drunken sailors on shore leave” to provide an “O. J. Simpson-style defense, all on the taxpayer’s dime.”

Never mind that the prosecution spent $3 million to convict Nichols. It's always the cost of defense that's viewed as a waste of money -- particularly when the defense is successful.
Brian Gene Nichols (born December 10, 1971) is known for his escape and killing spree in the Fulton county courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia on March 11, 2005. Nichols was on trial for rape when he escaped from custody and murdered the judge presiding over his trial, a court reporter, a Sheriff's Deputy and later a Federal agent. A huge manhunt was launched in metro Atlanta and Nichols was taken into custody 26 hours later. The prosecution charged him with committing 54 crimes during the escape and he was found guilty on all counts on November 7, 2008.
Brian Gene Nichols (born December 10, 1971) is known for his escape and killing spree in the Fulton county courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia on March 11, 2005. Nichols was on trial for rape when he escaped from custody and murdered the judge presiding over his trial, a court reporter, a Sheriff's Deputy and later a Federal agent. A huge manhunt was launched in metro Atlanta and Nichols was taken into custody 26 hours later. The prosecution charged him with committing 54 crimes during the escape and he was found guilty on all counts on November 7, 2008.

And a jury (not) of his peers, death proofed, found the death penalty inapplicable. The death penalty should be abolished, but in any case, when even you and your despicable brethren get together and not all of you decide to murder, it says something. Sorry you don't get your erection for today, but the laws the law.
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And a jury (not) of his peers, death proofed, found the death penalty inapplicable. The death penalty should be abolished, but in any case, when even you and your despicable brethren get together and not all of you decide to murder, it says something. Sorry you don't get your erection for today, but the laws the law.

And that's why they are changing the law. It's a very good change, you shouldn't need double unanimity.
Waterdork wants to see law-abiding innocent Conservatives die but not guilty raping, murdering wastes of life like this dolt.
Note that in this case the loser escpaped and killed someone, that's what soft on crime gets you, end the fucker's life and he cannot escape.
The death penalty should be expanded to rapists and child molesters.
Seems to me, the judge, court reporter, sheriff's deputy, and federal agent, didn't get a trial by any jury except for Nichols, and they were executed by gunshot for the crime of being in his way. Nichols isn't going to get the punishment he sentenced these people to, because the law is the law. That's why the people of Georgia are trying to change it.
And that's why they are changing the law. It's a very good change, you shouldn't need double unanimity.
Waterdork wants to see law-abiding innocent Conservatives die but not guilty raping, murdering wastes of life like this dolt.
Note that in this case the loser escpaped and killed someone, that's what soft on crime gets you, end the fucker's life and he cannot escape.
The death penalty should be expanded to rapists and child molesters.

You shouldn't even have the option to put a person to death. Murder without unanimity is a double atrocity. The death penalty is an atrocity. You are a dispicably evil person and that's why I have you on ignore.
You shouldn't even have the option to put a person to death. Murder without unanimity is a double atrocity. The death penalty is an atrocity. You are a dispicably evil person and that's why I have you on ignore.

It doesn't do much good to put him on ignore if you are going to read his posts anyway, and then respond. What a retard!

You're an atrocity, Nichols is a despicably evil person... let's put things in perspective!
This is nothing more than government agents trying to wrest control and power from the minds and hands of the people. These so called conservatives are nothing more than totalitarians wearing a conservative disguise and should be railroaded out of town.

If this guy committed all these crimes with witnesses and a jury of his peers still couldn't give the death penalty, let him rot in jail the rest of his life.
You shouldn't even have the option to put a person to death. Murder without unanimity is a double atrocity. The death penalty is an atrocity. You are a dispicably evil person and that's why I have you on ignore.
You are just going by what you think is right and you think I am too, but it's not my opinion or yours that matters here, it's about justice for the victim and ensuring there is ZERO chance of a person killing again. The death penalty does both.
And if you really had me on ignore, you wouldn't have been able to read what I wrote, dork.
This is nothing more than government agents trying to wrest control and power from the minds and hands of the people. These so called conservatives are nothing more than totalitarians wearing a conservative disguise and should be railroaded out of town.

If this guy committed all these crimes with witnesses and a jury of his peers still couldn't give the death penalty, let him rot in jail the rest of his life.

Let's get something straight here... Nichols has been sentenced already. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Nichols or him getting the Death Penalty. Are we clear on that? This is about changing the law which gave him life in prison instead of the death penalty, but his case has already been decided, and will never be changed.
Let's get something straight here... Nichols has been sentenced already. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Nichols or him getting the Death Penalty. Are we clear on that? This is about changing the law which gave him life in prison instead of the death penalty, but his case has already been decided, and will never be changed.

I'm straight on that too. What is happening here is the government machine didn't get a death sentence because THE PEOPLE didn't give him the death penalty. So the government machine wants to ease the burden to make getting their way easier. It takes the power of the justice system out of the peoples hands and puts it in the hands of that government's wrong.
Let's get something straight here... Nichols has been sentenced already. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Nichols or him getting the Death Penalty. Are we clear on that? This is about changing the law which gave him life in prison instead of the death penalty, but his case has already been decided, and will never be changed.

Some states have supermajority requirements for the death penalty. I don't think any put that requirement at a bare 8 though. Three dissenting jurors is pretty solid.
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You are just going by what you think is right and you think I am too, but it's not my opinion or yours that matters here, it's about justice for the victim and ensuring there is ZERO chance of a person killing again. The death penalty does both.
And if you really had me on ignore, you wouldn't have been able to read what I wrote, dork.

And that's why they are changing the law. It's a very good change, you shouldn't need double unanimity.
Waterdork wants to see law-abiding innocent Conservatives die but not guilty raping, murdering wastes of life like this dolt.
Note that in this case the loser escpaped and killed someone, that's what soft on crime gets you, end the fucker's life and he cannot escape.
The death penalty should be expanded to rapists and child molesters.

actually I agree with Water on this one. Yes, what he did was horrible. But a jury of his peers decided not to hand down the death sentence. When using capital punishment it should most definitely be a unanimous decision by the jury.
actually I agree with Water on this one. Yes, what he did was horrible. But a jury of his peers decided not to hand down the death sentence. When using capital punishment it should most definitely be a unanimous decision by the jury.
Then we may as well do away with it, even in Conservative areas, I doubt there is not at least 1 out of 12 on the jury who like Watermark would simply never use the death penalty.