Georgia's Conservative Politicians Want More Death

Georgia has some of the most outrageous laws in the country .. I know, I live here.

Such as the "Seven Deadly Sins Law"

Trying and Sentencing Juveniles/Kids in Adult Court

Under current Georgia law, youth ages 13 to 17 may be tried as adults for allegedly committing one of seven crimes. The crimes, otherwise known as the "Seven Deadly Sins" include: murder, rape, armed robbery (with a firearm), aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, aggravated sexual battery and voluntary manslaughter.

The law that allows youth to be tried as adults is often referred to as "SB440".

Keep in mind "rape" is considered consenual sex between teenagers .. escpecially if the girl is white and the boy is not ..

Serving Ten Years for Oral Sex

Free Genarlow Wilson!

(Young Spartacus pages)

In a case exemplifying racist and anti-sex bigotry in the U.S., Genarlow Wilson, a 20-year-old black man, languishes in a Georgia prison on a mandatory ten-year sentence with no hope of parole for engaging in consensual oral sex three years ago with a younger schoolmate. In December, the Georgia Supreme Court refused to reconsider Wilson’s conviction for “aggravated child molestation” after earlier turning down his appeal by a four-to-three vote in which each of the court’s four white justices voted to keep him locked up. Wilson faces spending the rest of his young adulthood behind bars.

As Wilson and a group of friends were celebrating New Year’s Eve in 2004 in a hotel room, he and others were caught on videotape having oral sex with a 15-year-old girl. Even the girl’s mother testified in court that her daughter initiated the activity. But under Georgia law, where the age of consent is 16, she could not be considered to be “legally consenting.” Jury foreman Marie Manigault has complained bitterly about the jury being misled to believe that they had to convict Wilson. She told Atlanta Magazine (January 2006) that only after announcing the verdict was the jury informed that Wilson would spend at least ten years behind bars. “I just went limp. They had to help me to a chair.” She added, “Because we were ignorant we sent this child to jail.”

The son of a single mother, Wilson was an honor high school student with a 3.2 grade point average, an all-conference football player and track star who was being recruited by Ivy League colleges like Columbia and Brown. His case recalls that of Marcus Dixon, an 18-year-old black high school athlete and an A student who was thrown into prison in 2003 under the same law for having consensual sex with a white girl just shy of 16 (see “Racist Frame-Up in ‘New South’: Free Marcus Dixon!” WV No. 819, 6 February 2004). Even Tyrone Brooks, a black Democratic state legislator who co-sponsored that law, had to admit that the Dixon case was used to send a message that “young black boys better not have sexual relationships with young white girls.”

Amid much publicity over Dixon’s blatantly racist prosecution, the Georgia Supreme Court reduced his conviction to “statutory rape,” cutting his sentence to the 15 months he had already served. Dixon’s case has helped to call attention to Wilson’s imprisonment, which has been widely denounced. A New York Times (21 December 2006) editorial calling for Wilson’s freedom noted: “What makes this case more absurd is that if Mr. Wilson and the young woman had sexual intercourse, he would have been guilty only of a misdemeanor and not required to register as a sex offender, thanks to a provision in the law meant to avoid just this type of draconian punishment for consensual youthful indiscretions, the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ exception. And since Mr. Wilson’s conviction, the law has been changed to exempt oral sex as well. But the courts say that can’t help Mr. Wilson retroactively.”

.. but here's the kicker .. the law was sponsored by a democrat, then Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor .. who then went on to run for governor and lost wondering why blacks didn't support him. After all, he was a democrat. .. good riddance.

But the good news is the demographics are rapidly changing. Blacks make up about a third of the population now, but the numbvers vare less significant than the changing character of blacks in Georgia as blacks from the north continue to migrate here. Southern blacks allow this bullshit to stand .. in fact, they even participate in it.

Hope no one considers that "self-hating" :0
actually I agree with Water on this one. Yes, what he did was horrible. But a jury of his peers decided not to hand down the death sentence. When using capital punishment it should most definitely be a unanimous decision by the jury.

The verdict in this case honestly wasn't very reasonable. What happened here was that Nichols "asked forgiveness" from god and turned himself in. That'll make some Christians sop up. If a Buddhist had, say, reached Nirvana or something during the middle of a spree, I doubt they'd get similar treatment. People have been sentenced to death for far less heinous crimes. But one single incident isn't enough ground to change the system.
Then we may as well do away with it, even in Conservative areas, I doubt there is not at least 1 out of 12 on the jury who like Watermark would simply never use the death penalty.

But Dano, juries are already death proofed. The people who let him off weren't people against the death penalty, they were sopping Christians.
YES! We want to give death to scum buckets who take the life of other innocent people! Unlike Liberals like you, who just want to kill the mentally retarded and unborn.

Where did I ever indicate I want to kill the mentally retarded and unborn
Georgia has some of the most outrageous laws in the country .. I know, I live here.

Such as the "Seven Deadly Sins Law"

Trying and Sentencing Juveniles/Kids in Adult Court

Under current Georgia law, youth ages 13 to 17 may be tried as adults for allegedly committing one of seven crimes. The crimes, otherwise known as the "Seven Deadly Sins" include: murder, rape, armed robbery (with a firearm), aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, aggravated sexual battery and voluntary manslaughter.

The law that allows youth to be tried as adults is often referred to as "SB440".

Keep in mind "rape" is considered consenual sex between teenagers .. escpecially if the girl is white and the boy is not ..

Serving Ten Years for Oral Sex

Free Genarlow Wilson!

(Young Spartacus pages)

In a case exemplifying racist and anti-sex bigotry in the U.S., Genarlow Wilson, a 20-year-old black man, languishes in a Georgia prison on a mandatory ten-year sentence with no hope of parole for engaging in consensual oral sex three years ago with a younger schoolmate. In December, the Georgia Supreme Court refused to reconsider Wilson’s conviction for “aggravated child molestation” after earlier turning down his appeal by a four-to-three vote in which each of the court’s four white justices voted to keep him locked up. Wilson faces spending the rest of his young adulthood behind bars.

As Wilson and a group of friends were celebrating New Year’s Eve in 2004 in a hotel room, he and others were caught on videotape having oral sex with a 15-year-old girl. Even the girl’s mother testified in court that her daughter initiated the activity. But under Georgia law, where the age of consent is 16, she could not be considered to be “legally consenting.” Jury foreman Marie Manigault has complained bitterly about the jury being misled to believe that they had to convict Wilson. She told Atlanta Magazine (January 2006) that only after announcing the verdict was the jury informed that Wilson would spend at least ten years behind bars. “I just went limp. They had to help me to a chair.” She added, “Because we were ignorant we sent this child to jail.”

The son of a single mother, Wilson was an honor high school student with a 3.2 grade point average, an all-conference football player and track star who was being recruited by Ivy League colleges like Columbia and Brown. His case recalls that of Marcus Dixon, an 18-year-old black high school athlete and an A student who was thrown into prison in 2003 under the same law for having consensual sex with a white girl just shy of 16 (see “Racist Frame-Up in ‘New South’: Free Marcus Dixon!” WV No. 819, 6 February 2004). Even Tyrone Brooks, a black Democratic state legislator who co-sponsored that law, had to admit that the Dixon case was used to send a message that “young black boys better not have sexual relationships with young white girls.”

Amid much publicity over Dixon’s blatantly racist prosecution, the Georgia Supreme Court reduced his conviction to “statutory rape,” cutting his sentence to the 15 months he had already served. Dixon’s case has helped to call attention to Wilson’s imprisonment, which has been widely denounced. A New York Times (21 December 2006) editorial calling for Wilson’s freedom noted: “What makes this case more absurd is that if Mr. Wilson and the young woman had sexual intercourse, he would have been guilty only of a misdemeanor and not required to register as a sex offender, thanks to a provision in the law meant to avoid just this type of draconian punishment for consensual youthful indiscretions, the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ exception. And since Mr. Wilson’s conviction, the law has been changed to exempt oral sex as well. But the courts say that can’t help Mr. Wilson retroactively.”

.. but here's the kicker .. the law was sponsored by a democrat, then Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor .. who then went on to run for governor and lost wondering why blacks didn't support him. After all, he was a democrat. .. good riddance.

But the good news is the demographics are rapidly changing. Blacks make up about a third of the population now, but the numbvers vare less significant than the changing character of blacks in Georgia as blacks from the north continue to migrate here. Southern blacks allow this bullshit to stand .. in fact, they even participate in it.

Hope no one considers that "self-hating" :0

Bac, you do realize you just posted 2 cases one where a black guy had relations with an underage black girl and one with an underage white girl.
In both cases they received a ten year sentence and in fact in the white girl's case it was reduced, so how on earth can you view that as racist?

Maybe southern blacks are just like southern whites and want strong justice.
You said you once lived in Liberal California but moved to Conservative Georgia, can it really be that bad?
Then we may as well do away with it, even in Conservative areas, I doubt there is not at least 1 out of 12 on the jury who like Watermark would simply never use the death penalty.

That may be the case, but when dealing with a person's life, even an asshole like this, you should err on the side of life.
Bac, you do realize you just posted 2 cases one where a black guy had relations with an underage black girl and one with an underage white girl.
In both cases they received a ten year sentence and in fact in the white girl's case it was reduced, so how on earth can you view that as racist?

Maybe southern blacks are just like southern whites and want strong justice.
You said you once lived in Liberal California but moved to Conservative Georgia, can it really be that bad?

Yes sir, I am fully aware of the specifics of the cases I posted. There are other cases that are more specific to the point about the difference, but I posted these two because they got more attention .. and, the very reason the case with the white girl was reduced was because it was so blatantly racist and in line with many blatantly racist cases in Georgia.

What made it racist ... demonstrated court cases where white teens were treated much differently and did not face the Deadly Sins Law.

Maybe it's because I ain't from here .. but sending teenagers to jail for ten years for engaging in what millions of people see as simply growing up does not qualify as "strong justice" but rather just more senseless moronic barbaric thought that has contributed to America becoming the greatest prison nation in human history.
Abortion supporters want to allow pregnant women to have a choice.

Death penalty advocates want the Judicial branch to have the choice.
Yes sir, I am fully aware of the specifics of the cases I posted. There are other cases that are more specific to the point about the difference, but I posted these two because they got more attention .. and, the very reason the case with the white girl was reduced was because it was so blatantly racist and in line with many blatantly racist cases in Georgia.
I guess I still don't see why if they both got 10 years, that the white girls case involved more racism? I mean that was outright sex and not just a blowjob so it's not like it was less relations than the first case you posted.

Maybe it's because I ain't from here .. but sending teenagers to jail for ten years for engaging in what millions of people see as simply growing up does not qualify as "strong justice" but rather just more senseless moronic barbaric thought that has contributed to America becoming the greatest prison nation in human history.
I would never use the death penalty for statutory rape at least with any consensual "victim" over 12.
Bac, you do realize you just posted 2 cases one where a black guy had relations with an underage black girl and one with an underage white girl.
In both cases they received a ten year sentence and in fact in the white girl's case it was reduced, so how on earth can you view that as racist?

Maybe southern blacks are just like southern whites and want strong justice.
You said you once lived in Liberal California but moved to Conservative Georgia, can it really be that bad?

Dano, you can't honestly be justifying 10 years for an 18 year old having sex with a 16 year old. If that should be punished at all the sentence should be months, not years.
Dano, you can't honestly be justifying 10 years for an 18 year old having sex with a 16 year old. If that should be punished at all the sentence should be months, not years.

That should not be punished, if it were consentual.
Dano, you can't honestly be justifying 10 years for an 18 year old having sex with a 16 year old. If that should be punished at all the sentence should be months, not years.
NO I'm not, the sentences were BOTH silly and should be like a weekend in jail at the most.
I am only interested in punishing real crime more severely.
Abortion supporters want to allow pregnant women to have a choice.

Death penalty advocates want the Judicial branch to have the choice.

Women to "have the choice" to murder the unborn. Like I said, you are a cheerleader for them.

Yes, I do advocate for the Judicial branch to have the choice to put someone to death who has taken the life of another. From my perspective, this is far less unethical than advocating for the Judicial branch to have the choice of death for hospice patients who are mentally retarded.