Georgia's Conservative Politicians Want More Death

Women to "have the choice" to murder the unborn. Like I said, you are a cheerleader for them.

Yes, I do advocate for the Judicial branch to have the choice to put someone to death who has taken the life of another. From my perspective, this is far less unethical than advocating for the Judicial branch to have the choice of death for hospice patients who are mentally retarded.

She wasn't mentally retarded. She was brain dead.

My cousin had down syndrome, Dix, and I'm disgusted that you're trying to compare the two conditions.
She wasn't mentally retarded. She was brain dead.

My cousin had down syndrome, Dix, and I'm disgusted that you're trying to compare the two conditions.

According to her parents and the caregivers, along with the video of her smiling and responding to a balloon floating around the room, which was not allowed in the "judicial case" brought by her husband, she was mentally retarded and not brain dead.
Women to "have the choice" to murder the unborn. Like I said, you are a cheerleader for them.

Yes, I do advocate for the Judicial branch to have the choice to put someone to death who has taken the life of another. From my perspective, this is far less unethical than advocating for the Judicial branch to have the choice of death for hospice patients who are mentally retarded.

You said I want to kill retarded and unborn. Not true.

Wanting someting to be legal, and cheerleading for it are two different things. Cheerleading for something is different than doing it yourself.

You are a drama queen who overstates everything.
According to her parents and the caregivers, along with the video of her smiling and responding to a balloon floating around the room, which was not allowed in the "judicial case" brought by her husband, she was mentally retarded and not brain dead.

According to her husband and her doctors and the people who did her autopsy, the response was the involuntary activity of her brainstem, which was the only part of her brain left.
Women to "have the choice" to murder the unborn. Like I said, you are a cheerleader for them.

Yes, I do advocate for the Judicial branch to have the choice to put someone to death who has taken the life of another. From my perspective, this is far less unethical than advocating for the Judicial branch to have the choice of death for hospice patients who are mentally retarded.

You did not say I was a cheerleader, you said I wanted to kill.
According to her parents and the caregivers, along with the video of her smiling and responding to a balloon floating around the room, which was not allowed in the "judicial case" brought by her husband, she was mentally retarded and not brain dead.

The autoposy revealed that her cerabal cortex was liquidfied.
According to her parents and the caregivers, along with the video of her smiling and responding to a balloon floating around the room, which was not allowed in the "judicial case" brought by her husband, she was mentally retarded and not brain dead.

Also noone killed Shivo... she died of natural causes.
I guess I still don't see why if they both got 10 years, that the white girls case involved more racism? I mean that was outright sex and not just a blowjob so it's not like it was less relations than the first case you posted.

I would never use the death penalty for statutory rape at least with any consensual "victim" over 12.

What made the case racist is the demonstrated cases where white teens were never charged with the law and at best, only got the statutory charge.

Ga. Supreme Court overturns black teen's sex charge

ATLANTA (AP) — The Georgia Supreme Court on Monday threw out a black high school football star's conviction and 10-year prison sentence for having sex with an underage white girl — a case that led to allegations of racism and heavy-handed prosecution.

Marcus Dixon, 19, was released on his own recognizance later Monday after 15 months behind bars.

"Marcus is thrilled to be with his family, and we're thrilled to have him out of jail," said his attorney, David Balser, after Dixon was freed by a Floyd County judge from the jail in Rome, in northwest Georgia.

The court ruled 4-3 that Dixon should have been prosecuted solely on the lesser charge of misdemeanor statutory rape rather than aggravated child molestation.

Dixon had claimed he was targeted by prosecutors because he is black and the girl, who was 15 at the time, is white. His case drew protests from the NAACP.

Dixon was acquitted of rape but found guilty of aggravated child molestation, which carries a mandatory 10-year sentence, and statutory rape. The high court let stand the statutory rape conviction, punishable by up to a year behind bars — more time than Dixon served.

Dixon was an honor student and star athlete at Pepperell High School in Rome, and his scholarship to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, was revoked after his arrest.

The good news is bpth Dixon and Wilson have restarted their lives and are doing fine.

It isn't always the law my brother .. it's also the application of the law.
According to her husband and her doctors and the people who did her autopsy, the response was the involuntary activity of her brainstem, which was the only part of her brain left.

Yes, her brain involuntarily knew how to smile and follow a balloon around the room with her eyes. Her brain also caused her eyes and face to light up like a Christmas tree when she heard her mother's voice. But I am sure if some quack and her philandering hubby said it was "involuntary" it certainly must have been!
Also noone killed Shivo... she died of natural causes.

LMAO... Yeah, the natural cause of starvation because they stopped feeding her. If Nichols had gotten the electric chair, he would have died from natural causes as well, heart failure due to massive electrical shock! LMFAOOOOooo!
What made the case racist is the demonstrated cases where white teens were never charged with the law and at best, only got the statutory charge.

Ga. Supreme Court overturns black teen's sex charge

ATLANTA (AP) — The Georgia Supreme Court on Monday threw out a black high school football star's conviction and 10-year prison sentence for having sex with an underage white girl — a case that led to allegations of racism and heavy-handed prosecution.

Marcus Dixon, 19, was released on his own recognizance later Monday after 15 months behind bars.

"Marcus is thrilled to be with his family, and we're thrilled to have him out of jail," said his attorney, David Balser, after Dixon was freed by a Floyd County judge from the jail in Rome, in northwest Georgia.

The court ruled 4-3 that Dixon should have been prosecuted solely on the lesser charge of misdemeanor statutory rape rather than aggravated child molestation.

Dixon had claimed he was targeted by prosecutors because he is black and the girl, who was 15 at the time, is white. His case drew protests from the NAACP.

Dixon was acquitted of rape but found guilty of aggravated child molestation, which carries a mandatory 10-year sentence, and statutory rape. The high court let stand the statutory rape conviction, punishable by up to a year behind bars — more time than Dixon served.

Dixon was an honor student and star athlete at Pepperell High School in Rome, and his scholarship to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, was revoked after his arrest.

The good news is bpth Dixon and Wilson have restarted their lives and are doing fine.

It isn't always the law my brother .. it's also the application of the law.

In one of the cases the DA had to use some "creative interpretation" of the law to convict that black guy with the 10 year mandatory minimum. Actual vaginal sex wouldn't have gotten him the sentence.
LMAO... Yeah, the natural cause of starvation because they stopped feeding her. If Nichols had gotten the electric chair, he would have died from natural causes as well, heart failure due to massive electrical shock! LMFAOOOOooo!

SHe died when her brain liquified.
Yes, her brain involuntarily knew how to smile and follow a balloon around the room with her eyes. Her brain also caused her eyes and face to light up like a Christmas tree when she heard her mother's voice. But I am sure if some quack and her philandering hubby said it was "involuntary" it certainly must have been!

Dixie, you are doing some creative interpretation to say that that was "lighting up like a Christmas tree". Her brain stem was following the balloon around occasionally. There was no Schaivo left.
you want to take two minutes of video, out of HOURS of taped video, and use that as proof she was cognizant? Dude, don't even try. I'm prolife myself but she was braindead except for the most minute of auditory responses
you want to take two minutes of video, out of HOURS of taped video, and use that as proof she was cognizant? Dude, don't even try. I'm prolife myself but she was braindead except for the most minute of auditory responses

According to her parents and the people who cared for her daily, she was responsive to her mother's voice. I don't know how many hours of video were made of Schiavo, I know the two minutes I saw, indicated her brain was functioning enough to recognize something floating around the room. Her brain was not "liquefied" her cerebral cortex had begun to liquefy, as a result of her condition, but this doesn't indicate brain function, nor does it mean she was "brain dead," and every person who has ever been "brain dead" was unconscious and unresponsive to balloons in the room or parents voices. Now, she wasn't going to recover, she wasn't going to win the Hospice Spelling Bee, she wasn't going to jump up out of the bed and start dancing one day, but those things also do not make her "brain dead" and to continue to lie about it, illustrates how far liberals will go to press a point.
According to her parents and the people who cared for her daily, she was responsive to her mother's voice. I don't know how many hours of video were made of Schiavo, I know the two minutes I saw, indicated her brain was functioning enough to recognize something floating around the room. Her brain was not "liquefied" her cerebral cortex had begun to liquefy, as a result of her condition, but this doesn't indicate brain function, nor does it mean she was "brain dead," and every person who has ever been "brain dead" was unconscious and unresponsive to balloons in the room or parents voices. Now, she wasn't going to recover, she wasn't going to win the Hospice Spelling Bee, she wasn't going to jump up out of the bed and start dancing one day, but those things also do not make her "brain dead" and to continue to lie about it, illustrates how far liberals will go to press a point.

Dr. Dix.

View the videos of Terri interacting with her parents and doctors. (Real Player required)

Video of Terri responding to the doctor asking her to open her eyes.
Video of Terri enjoying her father reminiscencing about her childhood.
Video of Terri interacting with her mother.
Video of Terri reacting to music.
Video of Terri trying to communicate with her mother.
Abortion supporters want to allow pregnant women to have a choice.

Death penalty advocates want the Judicial branch to have the choice.
Reductive Fallacy....

Here let me apply the same fallacy in the other direction.

"Death Penalty advocates (I am not one of them) want the guilty to pay the ultimate price for the most heinous crimes, Abortion advocates want the most innocent to pay the ultimate price for their own convenience and without a hearing..."

Fun, isn't it?


After her death, Schiavo's body was taken to the Office of the District 6 Medical Examiner for Pinellas and Pasco counties, based in Largo, Fla. The autopsy occurred on April 1, 2005. It revealed extensive brain damage. The manner of death was certified as "undetermined". The autopsy was led by Chief Medical Examiner Jon R. Thogmartin, M.D. In addition to consultation with a neuropathologist (Stephen J. Nelson, M.D.), Dr. Thogmartin also arranged for specialized cardiac and genetic examinations to be made. The official autopsy report[25] was released on June 15, 2005. In addition to studying Mrs. Schiavo's remains, Thogmartin scoured court, medical and other records and interviewed her family members, doctors and other relevant parties.

Examination of Schiavo’s nervous system by neuropathologist Stephen J. Nelson, M.D., revealed extensive injury. The brain itself weighed only 615 g, only half the weight expected for a female of her age, height, and weight, an effect caused by the loss of a massive amount of neurons. Microscopic examination revealed extensive damage to nearly all brain regions, including the cerebral cortex, the thalami, the basal ganglia, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, and the midbrain. The neuropathologic changes in her brain were precisely of the type seen in patients who enter a PVS following cardiac arrest. Throughout the cerebral cortex, the large pyramidal neurons that comprise some 70% of cortical cells – critical to the functioning of the cortex – were completely lost. The pattern of damage to the cortex, with injury tending to worsen from the front of the cortex to the back, is also typical. There was marked damage to important relay circuits deep in the brain (the thalami) – another common pathologic finding in cases of PVS. The damage was, in the words of Thogmartin, "irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons."[59]