Gitmo Detainees to Get Welfare Checks!

It's pretty clear that Team Bush fucked up by incarcerating the Uighers in the first place. How would YOU suggest we unfuck that situation?

Maine, that's a completely unfair question. You know Dixie specializes in fucking things up and not unfucking them. Please try keep things within his god given talents.
Release them in GA , hell we need to practice for the up coming deer season, lol

Come on people be for real, these people were being trained to Kill Americans , do we really want them living next door to us? I don't, for all you good people that feel bad for the poor detainees call the Government and offer your guest room to them.
Release them in GA , hell we need to practice for the up coming deer season, lol

Come on people be for real, these people were being trained to Kill Americans , do we really want them living next door to us? I don't, for all you good people that feel bad for the poor detainees call the Government and offer your guest room to them.

So the current thought is that the Obama administration is going to release the actual terrorists at GITMO into the general population?

Good god you folks are fucked in the head.
Release them in GA , hell we need to practice for the up coming deer season, lol

Come on people be for real, these people were being trained to Kill Americans , do we really want them living next door to us? I don't, for all you good people that feel bad for the poor detainees call the Government and offer your guest room to them.

There's no proof that the Uighurs were being trained to kill Americans. Even the previous administration admitted as much.

There was no question that the Uighurs deserved their freedom; even the Bush administration, after a resounding rebuke by the D.C. federal appeals court, ultimately acknowledged that it lacked any legal basis for continuing to hold them as enemy combatants.
I'm sure they're a nice, wholesome bunch of guys. Nancy Pelosi's district will benefit greatly from their presence there.
Nope, but participating in militaristic training camps with alQaeda, learning how to hijack planes and efficiently kill infidels and jews... ya, I think we need to hunt down those people. I think that's just a degree or two more extreme than discussing terror tactics or cursing government over a beer.

The point is they can do that in almost any country. There are remote areas where camps can be set up. A group of people can even get together in an apartment and discuss things. Are we going to invade every country because a bunch a lunatics are gathering?

Uhm... they have planes now, terrorists are fairly partial to them. Also, we have US citizens all over the world, most of our people enjoy the freedom and liberty to travel abroad. We also have commercial interests, as well as diplomatic interests with our allies.

What are you saying? We have the right to visit any country we want whether or not the people want us? Those commercial and diplomatic interests are not in the interest of some of these countries/people.

I know you puss-whipped liberals just would rather bury your head in your fuzzy pillow and forget all the bad guys... or pretend they are far far away, and can't hurt you... but really, this is about more than your immediate personal safety. But thanks so much, for revealing exactly how most liberals view the war on terror!

It's about common sense. How many times do we have to be told to get out of their country? They will kidnap us. They will kill us. Don't go there. What is so difficult to understand? The governments of those countries don't give enough of a damn to do anything about it.

Well, it was indeed a "mastermind plot" concocted by alQaeda. It stands as the single worst attack on American soil, and resulted in more civilian casualties than any previous enemy assault. The fact that it was relatively easy to pull off, and there weren't many precursor warning signs, only stresses how utterly stupid it is for the Obama Administration to just release Chinese Muslim separatists into the general population!

Again, you miss the point. A group of American citizens could have easily pulled that off just like Timothy McVeigh blew up a building. Running around the world chasing terrorists is crazy because we don't know who the terrorist could be. They move camps because their "camp" is nothing more than a tent or a cave.

My understanding of alQaeda is, everything they do is specifically against the US. But, it sounds as if you want to make this the criteria for action. Only if some group is a direct threat to the US, and we know this for certain, can we take action! That is what you are saying. As long as alQaeda wants to terrorize the rest of the world, you're okay with that. As long as they want to spread their message of radicalism and hate, recruiting thousands each day, teaching their children to strap bombs to themselves and kill as many innocent people as possible, you say... let it ride... who cares?

When the terrorists blew up the transit system in Spain it was to discourage Spain from having troops in their country. Spain withdrew the troops and guess what? No more bombs!! Gee, who would have thought?

Is it really that difficult to connect the dots?

As for the rest of the world to how many countries do American citizens owe their life? To how many countries do mothers and fathers owe their children's lives?

Six years in Iraq! It's a damn shame. It's disgusting. Thousands dead and tens of thousands maimed and the Iraqis can't or won't protect their own country? Or does the US government not want them to protect their own country so they have a reason to stay there? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? But I guess that's OK with you, huh? Or, as you say, just let it ride and just let the US troops die over there? Is that it?

It's the liberal way of thinking.... Poor little misunderstood extremists... they are just protesting injustice, like the liberals! We shouldn't interfere with what they are doing, because you fucking agree with their "right" to do it! The amazing thing is, if they are successful at their objectives, the liberals in America are the first ones they will kill. You see, these people don't believe in "gay rights" or "woman's rights" or "right to choice" or "gay marriage" or any of the other stupid shit liberals adopt as a cause. In fact, much of what they are so pissed off about, is the decadent immoral liberal lifestyle, foist upon us all by the liberals. You morons are backing the wrong side! Those of us on the right, us Bush War Hawks, who you keep bashing and trashing... we're fighting alQaeda extremists so that you may live in a free society, where you can choose to live the lifestyle you prefer. Most liberals simply miss that point, and I suppose, when alQaeda completely takes over the world and implements Sharia law, it might wake you the fuck up... until then, you live in some liberal fantasy world where you don't understand the first thing about our enemy, and had rather spend your time defending and protecting them.

You're right, they don't believe in "gay rights" or "woman's rights" or "right to choice" or "gay marriage" and that's their business in their own country.

As I've said before their way of life consists of a mixture of politics and religion. They don't want the western way foisted on their children any more than if a foreign power came here and said we could vote on the 10 Commandments and women could attend church topless.

Let's free the American woman! What kind of repressive system do we live under where a woman has to cover her breasts and men don't? Why stop at the hijab? Let's uncover the chest. Or do you have a problem with that?

Women can walk the street with their face uncovered but not their breasts? Tell my why?Tell me why you get to draw the line at breasts but Iraqis can't draw the line at faces?

I'd like to know why you think it's worth having our children die for that?
There's no proof that the Uighurs were being trained to kill Americans. Even the previous administration admitted as much.

There was no question that the Uighurs deserved their freedom; even the Bush administration, after a resounding rebuke by the D.C. federal appeals court, ultimately acknowledged that it lacked any legal basis for continuing to hold them as enemy combatants.

Yes and if I recall they let 17 ( I think ) free and how many went right back to terrorist groups? Hell one was leading a group, do you honestly believe these people like us?

As for where they will be released, I don't know you tell me Dungheap, I would say if they are saying they can't just throw them in the street with no money I am guessing yes they are going to let them go free in America, but your right with the Obama administration there is no telling.
The point is they can do that in almost any country. There are remote areas where camps can be set up. A group of people can even get together in an apartment and discuss things. Are we going to invade every country because a bunch a lunatics are gathering? What are you saying? We have the right to visit any country we want whether or not the people want us? Those commercial and diplomatic interests are not in the interest of some of these countries/people. It's about common sense. How many times do we have to be told to get out of their country? They will kidnap us. They will kill us. Don't go there. What is so difficult to understand? The governments of those countries don't give enough of a damn to do anything about it.

Here's the deal, Apple... Before 9/11/01, we didn't really give two hoots what the radical Islamic extremists did in the confines of their own countries. We didn't care how much they preached "Death to America" in their mosques and schools, or even how many other innocent people were being murdered by these fascist theocratic thugs. Watching in horror, as 3,000 of my fellow American citizens die, doing nothing more than what I was doing that morning, going to work, minding my own business.... watching that, changed me, as it did a lot of Americans. Obviously you weren't changed. Obviously, you remain mired in a 1950's isolationist philosophy, where we mind our own business and leave the rest of the world to do as it will.

We have the right to do, pretty much anything in the world we want to do, since we've liberated it twice in world history. We also have the capability to do pretty much anything we set our mind to, worldwide. You are among the simpletons who just don't understand American exceptionalism, or why America is great. You assume we are just another country, no greater than any other. Your answer to the problem of radical Islamic terror, is to ignore it and hope it goes away, but it won't go away.

Again, you miss the point. A group of American citizens could have easily pulled that off just like Timothy McVeigh blew up a building. Running around the world chasing terrorists is crazy because we don't know who the terrorist could be. They move camps because their "camp" is nothing more than a tent or a cave.

But a group of American citizens didn't pull it off, and the 19 people who hijacked those planes, willingly gave their lives for the cause, they were part of a radical extremist movement. We do know who the terrorists are, we've identified them, and we've identified their tactics. We've killed a good many of them, we've decimated their leadership. Your problem is, you don't want to fight them because you don't see the big deal, so what if 3,000 innocent people won't be having Christmas dinner with their family ever again, or watching their children grow up.... Big deal if 3,000 families lives will never be the same again. For you, it is more important to carry the water for some political movement and a bunch of activists.

When the terrorists blew up the transit system in Spain it was to discourage Spain from having troops in their country. Spain withdrew the troops and guess what? No more bombs!! Gee, who would have thought?

*sigh* ....terrorists do not have a country! They opposed Spain's involvement in Iraq, and when Spain withdrew, it was a symbolic slap in America's face, which alQaeda repaid Spain for by not attacking them again....(yet). You have a really innocent naive view of how to deal with terrorists. Many like you, spoke against going to war with Germany in WWII. Winston Churchill said of your viewpoint, it was like feeding an alligator, in hopes he would eat you last.

As for the rest of the world to how many countries do American citizens owe their life? To how many countries do mothers and fathers owe their children's lives?

Six years in Iraq! It's a damn shame. It's disgusting. Thousands dead and tens of thousands maimed and the Iraqis can't or won't protect their own country? Or does the US government not want them to protect their own country so they have a reason to stay there? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? But I guess that's OK with you, huh? Or, as you say, just let it ride and just let the US troops die over there? Is that it?

You're right, they don't believe in "gay rights" or "woman's rights" or "right to choice" or "gay marriage" and that's their business in their own country.

As I've said before their way of life consists of a mixture of politics and religion. They don't want the western way foisted on their children any more than if a foreign power came here and said we could vote on the 10 Commandments and women could attend church topless.

Let's free the American woman! What kind of repressive system do we live under where a woman has to cover her breasts and men don't? Why stop at the hijab? Let's uncover the chest. Or do you have a problem with that?

Women can walk the street with their face uncovered but not their breasts? Tell my why?Tell me why you get to draw the line at breasts but Iraqis can't draw the line at faces?

I'd like to know why you think it's worth having our children die for that?

You are both an idiot and a fool. First off, if you are pissed about the Iraq War, call President Obama, he's in charge now, he's the one who can bring the troops home right now, like he promised, he is the one you need to be bitching and complaining to, not me, it's not up to me!

You don't have a clue of what you are talking about, on a variety of issues, but most importantly, on what Islamic terrorism is, and why we must defeat it. You've discovered that war is unpopular, and you can capitalize politically because of it, and that is what you've done, because again, what is most important to you, is a political movement, an ideology, liberal activists and their causes. Fuck America!
You're right, they don't believe in "gay rights" or "woman's rights" or "right to choice" or "gay marriage" and that's their business in their own country.

Yet they can be granted Constitutional rights, willy-nilly, as you see fit? They can violate every right of human decency known to man, in their country, but we must bestow Constitutional rights to them, if detained by us? Do you not see how utterly absurd the left-wing position is here? They can violate human rights, and we have to give them Constitutional rights... something is really disturbingly wrong about that, don't you think?

As I said, you are a fool and idiot. If liberal principles of rights for women, gays, and other minorities are solid, they would apply to all the people of the world, just as you wish to apply Constitutional rights to all the people of the world. It's all part of the convoluted logic of the left, who still wants to maintain falsehoods about the Iraq war, and the War on Terror in general.

We have an obligation, as THE Leader of the Free World, to advocate for the same freedom and liberty for others as we enjoy for ourselves. Not only should we advocate for it, we should promote it, and interject it where it is needed in the world. We either believe all men are created equal, or we don't. This is a First Principle of America.

Now I realize your young mind has been filled with propaganda, and nothing much I am likely to say will change your opinion, but go do a little research on this in world history if you don't believe me, the record is pretty clear... When America retracts from the world stage, and becomes isolationist, tyranny and oppression flourish and thrive worldwide, eventually causing us to have to act. This is clearly the case since 1911 and WWI, and most evident at the time of WWII... Americans did not favor intervention into the affairs of others, and our delay caused us to eventually lose many good men battling an almost invincible enemy. It always seems to follow long spells of American isolationism, that some radical extremist comes along and decides to rule the world.

I really do wish that I could suspend reality to live in the comfy-cozy world of liberals, where there would be no worries in the world, if we just minded our own business. I'm sorry that your little liberal heart bleeds for alQaeda like you pretend it bleeds for the troops. I wish you shared the same compassion for the oppressed people in the world, being slaughtered for not conforming to radical 5th century insanity.

I would say your compassion stops at the border, but that's more of the convoluted liberal logic, the border is wide open and you want to say... hey, come on in, the more the merrier... can I sign you up to vote in the DNC primaries? would you like a welfare check? do you favor free health care? Huh? Huh? You are all like a bunch of little brainwashed minions, running around spewing this idiocy, day in and day out.
Here's the deal, Apple... Before 9/11/01, we didn't really give two hoots what the radical Islamic extremists did in the confines of their own countries. We didn't care how much they preached "Death to America" in their mosques and schools, or even how many other innocent people were being murdered by these fascist theocratic thugs. Watching in horror, as 3,000 of my fellow American citizens die, doing nothing more than what I was doing that morning, going to work, minding my own business.... watching that, changed me, as it did a lot of Americans. Obviously you weren't changed. Obviously, you remain mired in a 1950's isolationist philosophy, where we mind our own business and leave the rest of the world to do as it will.

You still don't get it, do you? Those fascist theocratic thugs were trying to tell the American people what was happening. America was invading countries, overtly or covertly, and instilling governments.

The Shah of Iran. Saddam. Just to name two from a long, long list. America was bringing their values to them and they didn't want American values but they had no choice because their government was propped up by the US.

So, put yourself in their place. They have a political and religious system and a foreign power, the US, interferes with it. So, what are they going to do? Keep fighting their own governments who are little more than US puppets or go to the source?

We have the right to do, pretty much anything in the world we want to do, since we've liberated it twice in world history. We also have the capability to do pretty much anything we set our mind to, worldwide. You are among the simpletons who just don't understand American exceptionalism, or why America is great. You assume we are just another country, no greater than any other. Your answer to the problem of radical Islamic terror, is to ignore it and hope it goes away, but it won't go away.

That's exactly the problem and that's the misguided belief and attitude Obama is trying to change. Why do you think the "coalition of the willing" consisted of countries people never heard of before and the countries that one would normally think would have joined didn't?

Well, I'll tell you why. It's precisely because of that attitude. You want to be the boss? Fine. No one will interfere but no one is going to help either.

It's like that old saying, "My way or the highway". So the countries took the highway and now the US is left to deal with those problems alone. That's why Obama is trying to get other countries involved but the other countries don't want to get involved unless the US takes it place among the other countries.

But a group of American citizens didn't pull it off, and the 19 people who hijacked those planes, willingly gave their lives for the cause, they were part of a radical extremist movement. We do know who the terrorists are, we've identified them, and we've identified their tactics. We've killed a good many of them, we've decimated their leadership. Your problem is, you don't want to fight them because you don't see the big deal, so what if 3,000 innocent people won't be having Christmas dinner with their family ever again, or watching their children grow up.... Big deal if 3,000 families lives will never be the same again. For you, it is more important to carry the water for some political movement and a bunch of activists.

Oh, please. The only person dreaming is the one who thinks the terrorists have all but been rounded up. There are terrorists in dozens of countries and until the US gets out of those countries and minds it's own business the terrorist recruitment will continue.

*sigh* ....terrorists do not have a country! They opposed Spain's involvement in Iraq, and when Spain withdrew, it was a symbolic slap in America's face, which alQaeda repaid Spain for by not attacking them again....(yet). You have a really innocent naive view of how to deal with terrorists. Many like you, spoke against going to war with Germany in WWII. Winston Churchill said of your viewpoint, it was like feeding an alligator, in hopes he would eat you last.

You really feed into the propaganda, don't you? Most of the countries that the terrorists are in are Muslim countries. They want them to remain that way. It is the west whose creeping takeover is the problem. It is us trying to change them, not the other way around.

You are both an idiot and a fool. First off, if you are pissed about the Iraq War, call President Obama, he's in charge now, he's the one who can bring the troops home right now, like he promised, he is the one you need to be bitching and complaining to, not me, it's not up to me!

He has little choice. Do you think he can say, "Oops, sorry for the mistake. We're leaving now." I'm afraid it's not quite that simple to correct the colossal mistake made by the former administration.

How do you propose he say sorry to the people who have witnessed tens of thousands of their friends and neighbors and fellow citizens killed and blown apart? It's going to take a generation to correct the atrocities committed by the Bush administration. Let's hope people remember that every time they vote.

You don't have a clue of what you are talking about, on a variety of issues, but most importantly, on what Islamic terrorism is, and why we must defeat it. You've discovered that war is unpopular, and you can capitalize politically because of it, and that is what you've done, because again, what is most important to you, is a political movement, an ideology, liberal activists and their causes. Fuck America!

Listen up, Dixie. No one, not even the US, is going to defeat a religion. It's not going to happen and more the west tries to stamp it out the more they will stamp back. Got it?

Either accept their countries and way of life or stay the hell away from them.
Yet they can be granted Constitutional rights, willy-nilly, as you see fit? They can violate every right of human decency known to man, in their country, but we must bestow Constitutional rights to them, if detained by us? Do you not see how utterly absurd the left-wing position is here? They can violate human rights, and we have to give them Constitutional rights... something is really disturbingly wrong about that, don't you think?

Not at all. If you were detained in their country for certain reasons they would cut off your hand or your head. That's their way. They treat their citizens and non-citizens the same way. Why do you find it so strange for us to treat everyone the same?

As I said, you are a fool and idiot. If liberal principles of rights for women, gays, and other minorities are solid, they would apply to all the people of the world, just as you wish to apply Constitutional rights to all the people of the world. It's all part of the convoluted logic of the left, who still wants to maintain falsehoods about the Iraq war, and the War on Terror in general.

As I've mentioned before women are free to go topless in the south of France. If you believe women's rights are solid I suggest you start advocating for women to have the right to attend church topless. Or are you the one who decides who gets what rights?

We have an obligation, as THE Leader of the Free World, to advocate for the same freedom and liberty for others as we enjoy for ourselves. Not only should we advocate for it, we should promote it, and interject it where it is needed in the world. We either believe all men are created equal, or we don't. This is a First Principle of America.

My goodness. We do have an ego, don't we? Well, instead of seeking out little backward countries to exploit why not start with China and Russia. Let's just march right in there and set them straight.

Now I realize your young mind has been filled with propaganda, and nothing much I am likely to say will change your opinion, but go do a little research on this in world history if you don't believe me, the record is pretty clear... When America retracts from the world stage, and becomes isolationist, tyranny and oppression flourish and thrive worldwide, eventually causing us to have to act.

No one is saying retract from the world stage. They're saying don't hog the center stage all the time. Either work together with other countries or you'll end up going it alone and that's exactly what has happened. That's why Obama has been on a world tour. That's why other countries are not sending troops. That's why other countries are not helping out.

Why do you have such difficulty understanding the most basic logic?
You still don't get it, do you? Those fascist theocratic thugs were trying to tell the American people what was happening. America was invading countries, overtly or covertly, and instilling governments.

The Shah of Iran. Saddam. Just to name two from a long, long list. America was bringing their values to them and they didn't want American values but they had no choice because their government was propped up by the US.

So, put yourself in their place. They have a political and religious system and a foreign power, the US, interferes with it. So, what are they going to do? Keep fighting their own governments who are little more than US puppets or go to the source?

Hold up a sec... You are actually going to make the argument, the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, did so because 55 years ago, we propped up a Shah in Iran, who was overthrown and exiled in 1975, and died in 1979? That's like blaming Tim McVeigh's action on US aggression toward Hitler! You know that, right?

Let me clue you in on what the Mullahs and Clerics are speaking out against in radical Islam... It is the 'infiltration' of American ideals, such as "gay rights", "women's rights", "racial equality", "freedom of speech and religion" and non-stop sex and violence in our entertainment culture. These things have, mostly through the internet, infiltrated the lifestyle of the Muslim world, and they don't like their daughters dressing and acting like Madonna and Britney Spears. They don't like American women shaking their asses and tits all over the place, they don't like vulgar and pornographic rap music. They will no longer tolerate their society being bombarded by these American ideals. We represent vile and filth in their eye, we are the Infidels, and their God mandates they eradicate us from the planet, or die trying.

That's exactly the problem and that's the misguided belief and attitude Obama is trying to change. Why do you think the "coalition of the willing" consisted of countries people never heard of before and the countries that one would normally think would have joined didn't?

The coalition of the willing contained every country which participated in the liberation of Kuwait, with the exception of France and Germany. It was later found that Russia, along with France and Germany, had been "bribed" by Saddam to oppose intervention in Iraq. Numerous dossiers have revealed that all these countries had an express interest in not going along with the US, not to mention the fact that most of Europe is grappling with a rising Muslim population.

Obama is not fucking trying to change a damn thing! You have been fed the propaganda, and like a willing dupe, you swallowed it all down. Obama is implementing, essentially the same Bush/Cheney agenda, with regard to Iraq and the War on Terror. As he does so, he is incrementally explaining to your stupid asses, why we have no other choice, a case made by most of us on the right, seven years ago!

Well, I'll tell you why. It's precisely because of that attitude. You want to be the boss? Fine. No one will interfere but no one is going to help either.

It's like that old saying, "My way or the highway". So the countries took the highway and now the US is left to deal with those problems alone. That's why Obama is trying to get other countries involved but the other countries don't want to get involved unless the US takes it place among the other countries.

Tell yourself what you want to, Obama is not trying to do anything, except appease anti-war idiots, while continuing to fight terrorism in the same manner as the previous administration.

Oh, please. The only person dreaming is the one who thinks the terrorists have all but been rounded up. There are terrorists in dozens of countries and until the US gets out of those countries and minds it's own business the terrorist recruitment will continue.

I've not ever said all the terrorists were rounded up. As for alQaeda, they are a shell of the organization they were before 9/11, that's all I said. You continue to want to put words in mouth that I never said, which is typical for pinhead liberals.

You really feed into the propaganda, don't you? Most of the countries that the terrorists are in are Muslim countries. They want them to remain that way. It is the west whose creeping takeover is the problem. It is us trying to change them, not the other way around.

WHERE THE FUCK HAVE WE "TAKEN OVER?" I don't see the US flag flying over ANY foreign capital! We trade, we have business interests, just like the rest of the world has business interests, in places who don't seem to mind American money, investment, and capitalism. We are not going around the world taking over other countries and running them our way, that is simply NOT the case, and you are living in a fucking fantasy, if that is what you believe to be the case.

He has little choice. Do you think he can say, "Oops, sorry for the mistake. We're leaving now." I'm afraid it's not quite that simple to correct the colossal mistake made by the former administration.

WTF? He has "little choice" but Bush could do whatever he wanted and didn't? I don't fucking get how that works!! Obama is the PRESIDENT, he can do any goddamn thing he wants to do! Don't cop out and blame the last administration for what Obama ISN'T doing now!

How do you propose he say sorry to the people who have witnessed tens of thousands of their friends and neighbors and fellow citizens killed and blown apart? It's going to take a generation to correct the atrocities committed by the Bush administration. Let's hope people remember that every time they vote.

I don't propose he say "sorry" for me or any other American! I am not sorry we liberated 50 million people and gave them freedom for the first time in world history... IF you are ashamed of that, YOU go tell alQaeda you're sorry!

Listen up, Dixie. No one, not even the US, is going to defeat a religion. It's not going to happen and more the west tries to stamp it out the more they will stamp back. Got it?

Either accept their countries and way of life or stay the hell away from them.

Again, no one has EVER suggested defeating a religion! Is THAT what you think we are trying to do here? If so, you are not only an idiot and fool, you are fucking insane too! This is not about the Muslim religion... never has been! It's about a perversion of the Muslim religion, into a radical extremist movement which has swept the middle east and parts of Europe. It is religious crazies we are after, not regular, law-abiding peaceful Muslim people!

I can argue with you about how best to defeat the radical ideology, but you indicate you simply don't want to fight and defeat it, you want to allow it to continue to grow. What I would like to know is, at what point will you change your mind and believe we should fight? When 1-2 million people die in an American city from a nuke set off by terrorists? Would that change your mind? What about 10 million people?

I'm sure you will say... Aww... they ain't got no nuke... blah blah... well, there are at least two radical Muslim countries over there, who indeed have nukes. You want to bet some money that terrorists aren't trying to get their hands on one? If they succeed, they WILL use it, they won't hesitate.

But..... You and Obama have it all under control, I'm sure!
Again, no one has EVER suggested defeating a religion! Is THAT what you think we are trying to do here? If so, you are not only an idiot and fool, you are fucking insane too! This is not about the Muslim religion... never has been! It's about a perversion of the Muslim religion, into a radical extremist movement which has swept the middle east and parts of Europe. It is religious crazies we are after, not regular, law-abiding peaceful Muslim people!

There's little point going through your entire post line by line when the meat of it lies in the above paragraph.

When the west enters Muslim countries they change laws. Why do you think Muslim women are not obliged to wear the hijab anymore in certain countries. Who changed those laws?

I gave an example in previous posts. If a foreign power came here and changed laws so woman could attend church topless and the authorities here couldn't do anything about it what do you think would happen?

The west thinks they set Muslim women free so they don't have to cover their face. What would you think of a foreign power coming here and setting American women free so they don't have to cover their breasts? Would that be fine with you or do you get to decide what body parts should or should not be covered?

Why all the talk about freeing people from Sharia law or other oppressive religious laws? What business is it of ours? Maybe a foreign power needs to come here and free people from oppressive marijuana laws. How many US citizens are in jail for smoking a weed? (No, I do not partake myself. I prefer something a little stronger.):cof1:

We are in their country interfering with them and they don't want us there. Can it be explained in any simpler terms? What is it you can't grasp? We are there. They are not here.

Solution? Get out!

Why are they not bombing and plotting against Russia and China the way they are supposedly doing against us? Why isn't China invading countries? They're closer to the "crazies", the terrorists, the people who you claim want to blow up the world.

Why aren't Russia or China sweating over North Korea? Why aren't they going on and on about Iran and the threat of nuclear weapons considering they're a lot closer?

Have you given any thought to logic? Common sense? Do you think at all?

Do you ever say to yourself, "Something doesn't add up here?" or "Why does a country or a number of countries 1/2 way around the world hate us?"

Gee, Dixie. Get a grip. Use your head. It's no more difficult than adding 1 + 1. Start by asking yourself some basic questions.

This bullshit about them not liking our way of life is just that, bullshit. Women in the south of France go topless. If the problem was women exposing their bodies the south of France would be a war zone.

People in Holland smoke pot in local cafes. If drugs or a decadent lifestyle pissed off the "terrorists" Holland would be a war zone.

The problem is our interference in their life. They don't give a damn what we do as long as we do it in our country and not in theirs. Is this so difficult to understand?

Take drugs. Go naked. They don't care. Just don't go to their country and tell them to do it. That's all. Is that so difficult?
There's little point going through your entire post line by line when the meat of it lies in the above paragraph.

When the west enters Muslim countries they change laws. Why do you think Muslim women are not obliged to wear the hijab anymore in certain countries. Who changed those laws?

I gave an example in previous posts. If a foreign power came here and changed laws so woman could attend church topless and the authorities here couldn't do anything about it what do you think would happen?

The west thinks they set Muslim women free so they don't have to cover their face. What would you think of a foreign power coming here and setting American women free so they don't have to cover their breasts? Would that be fine with you or do you get to decide what body parts should or should not be covered?

Why all the talk about freeing people from Sharia law or other oppressive religious laws? What business is it of ours? Maybe a foreign power needs to come here and free people from oppressive marijuana laws. How many US citizens are in jail for smoking a weed? (No, I do not partake myself. I prefer something a little stronger.):cof1:

We are in their country interfering with them and they don't want us there. Can it be explained in any simpler terms? What is it you can't grasp? We are there. They are not here.

Solution? Get out!

Why are they not bombing and plotting against Russia and China the way they are supposedly doing against us? Why isn't China invading countries? They're closer to the "crazies", the terrorists, the people who you claim want to blow up the world.

Why aren't Russia or China sweating over North Korea? Why aren't they going on and on about Iran and the threat of nuclear weapons considering they're a lot closer?

Have you given any thought to logic? Common sense? Do you think at all?

Do you ever say to yourself, "Something doesn't add up here?" or "Why does a country or a number of countries 1/2 way around the world hate us?"

Gee, Dixie. Get a grip. Use your head. It's no more difficult than adding 1 + 1. Start by asking yourself some basic questions.

This bullshit about them not liking our way of life is just that, bullshit. Women in the south of France go topless. If the problem was women exposing their bodies the south of France would be a war zone.

People in Holland smoke pot in local cafes. If drugs or a decadent lifestyle pissed off the "terrorists" Holland would be a war zone.

The problem is our interference in their life. They don't give a damn what we do as long as we do it in our country and not in theirs. Is this so difficult to understand?

Take drugs. Go naked. They don't care. Just don't go to their country and tell them to do it. That's all. Is that so difficult?

:hand: You couldn't have made it easier to understand!
There's little point going through your entire post line by line when the meat of it lies in the above paragraph.

When the west enters Muslim countries they change laws. Why do you think Muslim women are not obliged to wear the hijab anymore in certain countries. Who changed those laws?

I gave an example in previous posts. If a foreign power came here and changed laws so woman could attend church topless and the authorities here couldn't do anything about it what do you think would happen?

The west thinks they set Muslim women free so they don't have to cover their face. What would you think of a foreign power coming here and setting American women free so they don't have to cover their breasts? Would that be fine with you or do you get to decide what body parts should or should not be covered?

Why all the talk about freeing people from Sharia law or other oppressive religious laws? What business is it of ours? Maybe a foreign power needs to come here and free people from oppressive marijuana laws. How many US citizens are in jail for smoking a weed? (No, I do not partake myself. I prefer something a little stronger.):cof1:

We are in their country interfering with them and they don't want us there. Can it be explained in any simpler terms? What is it you can't grasp? We are there. They are not here.

Solution? Get out!

Why are they not bombing and plotting against Russia and China the way they are supposedly doing against us? Why isn't China invading countries? They're closer to the "crazies", the terrorists, the people who you claim want to blow up the world.

Why aren't Russia or China sweating over North Korea? Why aren't they going on and on about Iran and the threat of nuclear weapons considering they're a lot closer?

Have you given any thought to logic? Common sense? Do you think at all?

Do you ever say to yourself, "Something doesn't add up here?" or "Why does a country or a number of countries 1/2 way around the world hate us?"

Gee, Dixie. Get a grip. Use your head. It's no more difficult than adding 1 + 1. Start by asking yourself some basic questions.

This bullshit about them not liking our way of life is just that, bullshit. Women in the south of France go topless. If the problem was women exposing their bodies the south of France would be a war zone.

People in Holland smoke pot in local cafes. If drugs or a decadent lifestyle pissed off the "terrorists" Holland would be a war zone.

The problem is our interference in their life. They don't give a damn what we do as long as we do it in our country and not in theirs. Is this so difficult to understand?

Take drugs. Go naked. They don't care. Just don't go to their country and tell them to do it. That's all. Is that so difficult?

Why aren't they plotting against Russia or China?

You don't remember the terrorists who took all those kids hostage in the Russian School?

You don't realize that the terrorists that would get this welfare were being trained to attack in China?

I'm not saying we shouldn't do a bit of introspection here. But we should at least be realistic about things like who is getting attacked by Radical Muslim Extremists.
Damo you're arguing about unintended consequences with a Liberal who can't see beyond the next election cycle.
Oh, now come on apple is delicious!

And when I see the connies turning on him in this fashion, well, it just means they aren't winning the debate.