Gitmo Detainees to Get Welfare Checks!

Not at all. If you were detained in their country for certain reasons they would cut off your hand or your head. That's their way. They treat their citizens and non-citizens the same way. Why do you find it so strange for us to treat everyone the same?

As I've mentioned before women are free to go topless in the south of France. If you believe women's rights are solid I suggest you start advocating for women to have the right to attend church topless. Or are you the one who decides who gets what rights?

My goodness. We do have an ego, don't we? Well, instead of seeking out little backward countries to exploit why not start with China and Russia. Let's just march right in there and set them straight.

No one is saying retract from the world stage. They're saying don't hog the center stage all the time. Either work together with other countries or you'll end up going it alone and that's exactly what has happened. That's why Obama has been on a world tour. That's why other countries are not sending troops. That's why other countries are not helping out.

Why do you have such difficulty understanding the most basic logic?
I laughing so hard, you make sense with such a great sense of humor!

how about them Apples!
Originally Posted by Southern Man
Duncie, are you jealous because your gut hangs over so much that you can't see your dick?

I would say most liberals have that gross problem.

Well, now we get into Plane Geometry, specifically Right Angled Triangles.

Let's imagine a straight line from the eye to the dick and a straight line from the base to the head of said dick. Depending on the length of the second line and the protrusion of the gut, looking along the imaginary Hypotenuse, one will see ones dick.
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Well, now we get into Plane Geometry, specifically Right Angled Triangles.

Let's imagine a straight line from the eye to the dick and a straight line from the base to the head of said dick. Depending on the length of the second line and the protrusion of the gut, looking along the imaginary Hypotenuse, one will see ones dick.

Heh, heh, good one. BTW, obviously you weren't included in my comment, adorable one.
Well, now we get into Plane Geometry, specifically Right Angled Triangles.

Let's imagine a straight line from the eye to the dick and a straight line from the base to the head of said dick. Depending on the length of the second line and the protrusion of the gut, looking along the imaginary Hypotenuse, one will see ones dick.
It depends on the angle of the dangle.