Globalization = security threat

Our founding principles are based on fighting foreign control not encouraging it via globalist idiocy like you espouse. woah. I just jizzed on you again. My nuts are almost on E.

Natural Rights. You reject them. You reject the idea that one man's absolute right to manage his property completely trumps your envy of him, and your overarching ideology. You cannot stand watching your fellow citizens going about their lives, doing what they please, and being more successful than you. Yes, you hate our founding principles.
Natural Rights. You reject them. You reject the idea that one man's absolute right to manage his property completely trumps your envy of him, and your overarching ideology. You cannot stand watching your fellow citizens going about their lives, doing what they please, and being more successful than you. Yes, you hate our founding principles.

I have not engaged on the discussion of natural rights due to it's irrelevance.

We get the rights we fight for. That's the reality. Academic delusions hold no interest for me.
how? we've seen that countries can be fascist on a one nation scale without globalization....i don't see how globalization in and of itself will necessarily lead to fascism....

and i somewhat i agree with the trade thought...

with globalization OUR DOLLARS are used to bribe local dictators to enslave their people ON BEHALF OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS. Slave labor is incentivized. and it's justified based on corporate profit.

Internationalist Fascism.
with globalization OUR DOLLARS are used to bribe local dictators to enslave their people ON BEHALF OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS. Slave labor is incentivized. and it's justified based on corporate profit.

Internationalist Fascism.

Your concern for the welfare of people in other nations is touching as well as hilarious. :lol:
They were given shitty jobs, but hey, they were employed, and it wasn't furriners working and taking away jobs from Americans...

It was. And first they're lives are ruined and they are made to work for a few large foreign corporations in monopsonistic wage slavery situation.
The stupidy of globalization is the belief that some how society owes it to corporations to make policy in their favor at all times. thats why globalization = fascism.
The stupidity of barter is the belief that somehow society owes it to an ignorant prole to make policy that will annihilate the entire world's economy. That's why barter = neolithic stupidity.
The stupidity of barter is the belief that somehow society owes it to an ignorant prole to make policy that will annihilate the entire world's economy. That's why barter = neolithic stupidity.

The fake currency control freaks are doing just fine ruining the economy on their own. It's how they enslave people. they remove them from traditional sensible lifestyles, get them dependant on the resource supply matrix they control, then collapse it, leaving the people left in a technocratic prison of starvation. Supporting that makes you stupid.
The fake currency control freaks are doing just fine ruining the economy on their own. It's how they enslave people. they remove them from traditional sensible lifestyles, get them dependant on the resource supply matrix they control, then collapse it, leaving the people left in a technocratic prison of starvation. Supporting that makes you stupid.

What traditional lifestyles would you like to see come back? This should be rich... And as for starvation, that's a charge better made against barter. Under the current system, we are able to develop a shitload of agricultural assistance to places such as Africa and India, helping to prevent millions from starving to death.
What traditional lifestyles would you like to see come back? This should be rich... And as for starvation, that's a charge better made against barter. Under the current system, we are able to develop a shitload of agricultural assistance to places such as Africa and India, helping to prevent millions from starving to death.

It's a charge made against barter but it's unfounded.

I would like to see all individuals trained in agriculture so they are not dependant for the necessities of life on fascists.

Combining modern technology with a new individualistic personal attitude towards agricultural could render the global central supply matrix unnecessary, and we would all be free forever. This is why the enlightened scientists of the military industrial complex wasted their brilliance developing fruits that won't yield viable seeds, to guarantee dependance on the seed corporation itself, year after year.

these fascists are removing life sustaining functionality from nature to make our prison more complete. Just like the oil spill.