
Here you go again...

Here, you are "baiting" a discussion about Jesus' viewpoint on sexual relations between two people of the same sex. I've already told you what The Bible CLEARLY says, MULTIPLE times, in BOTH the Old AND New Testament, about this very topic. Jesus himself clearly does not approve of it, per the reasoning I've already provided. You are well aware of this.

I was not "baiting." I was responding to something Tink mentioned. Sorry you missed that part...or just didn't understand it.

I have no idea if Jesus disapproved of homosexuality...and neither do you.

In any case, it is not recorded that he ever said a word about it.

ALSO...you cannot find a single word Jesus ever said about abortion. NOT ONE.

Yet today's "Christians" seem obsessed with those two things.

Here, you are slyly "switching", now focusing on the etymology of the word 'homosexual' (that the specific word wasn't used during Jesus' time) rather than Jesus' thoughts on sexual relations between two people of the same sex.

I don't do many things "slyly." I am pretty much "out front." You are correct, the word "homosexuality" was not used during Jesus' time. Neither was any other word in that paragraph of yours. They are English words, gfm. NO ENGLISH words were used back then. There was no England...and no English language.


You pulled a bait and switch. Congratulations.

Thank you for the congratulations, but I did not pull a bait and switch.

You got me to waste my time. Congratulations.

Oh, is that what you are doing? Wasting your time?

I was wondering.
I note that you have still not provided one passage where Jesus is quoted as using the word "homosexuality"...and you cannot, because I am totally correct in saying there is no such passage. You obviously are not capable of acknowledging being wrong on this...so...continue to be wrong...thereby making a further fool of yourself.
You've already been called out for this "bait and switch" of yours, dude... I'm discussing Jesus' views on sexual relations between people of the same sex. That's how you "baited" me into this discussion. You have since "switched" over to hyperfocusing on when the word 'homosexual' was coined.

I do appreciate you sharing your blind guesses about gods and scripture and such. Do you wonder how much of it is true...and how much misses the mark by a huge amount?
The recorded words are the recorded words. There's no "guessing" about that.
Yes, that's what you're trying to do. It isn't working.

(1) Jesus (while on Earth in human flesh) described the construct of marriage, as recorded in the book of Matthew. While not specifically mentioning homosexuality, one can logically put 2 and 2 together and conclude that homosexuality is not included within his description of marriage.

(2) Jesus said a wholeeeeeee bunch of other stuff that was not recorded in the Gospels. The book of John concludes with this little factoid. Nobody alive today has any clue what Jesus may or may not have said specifically about homosexuality while he was here on Earth.

(3) The entirety of the Bible is "god-breathed", meaning that the ultimate author of the entirety of the Bible is God (which includes Jesus). Thus, the Leviticus passage that outright stands against homosexuality is the Word of God (Jesus). Jesus, while in human flesh, testified to the legitimacy of every little jot and tittle of the OT.
I was not "baiting."

I was responding to something Tink mentioned. Sorry you missed that part...or just didn't understand it.
Half-truth (iow, a lie).

I have no idea if Jesus disapproved of homosexuality...and neither do you.
Jesus did not approve of same-sex sexual relations. That is very clear, as already identified via various GOD-BREATHED scriptures (that means that these are all ultimately the words of God the Father, God the Son (that's Jesus, btw), and the Holy Ghost) ---

Leviticus 18:22 (NIV) -- “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV) -- "(9) Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men (10) nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Romans 1:25-27 (NIV) -- "(25) They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. (26) Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. (27) In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

This is where you now "switch" back to discussing when the word 'homosexual' became a word instead of discussing the concept itself (of same-sex sexual relations).

In any case, it is not recorded that he ever said a word about it.
Yup. This is where you go switching back to that, as mentioned just above.

ALSO...you cannot find a single word Jesus ever said about abortion. NOT ONE.

Yet today's "Christians" seem obsessed with those two things.
Here, you are attempting to play the very same game that you've been playing with me on 'homosexuality'. You already got me to bite on that one. I'm not stupid enough to bite again on this one.

I don't do many things "slyly." I am pretty much "out front."
No, you are being a dishonest weasel about this conversation.

You are correct, the word "homosexuality" was not used during Jesus' time. Neither was any other word in that paragraph of yours. They are English words, gfm. NO ENGLISH words were used back then. There was no England...and no English language.

Now you're pretending that this "switch" isn't what your main point is, even though it is. You, in your dishonesty, will continue to keep moving back and forth between the "bait" and the "switch". It's all you have. You're toast at this point.

Thank you for the congratulations, but I did not pull a bait and switch.

Oh, is that what you are doing? Wasting your time?

I was wondering.
No you weren't, and your "pretending not to know" is fooling nobody. You intended to bait me into wasting my time discussing something that you have absolutely no intention of discussing and you succeeded at it. Congratulations.
You've already been called out for this "bait and switch" of yours, dude... I'm discussing Jesus' views on sexual relations between people of the same sex. That's how you "baited" me into this discussion. You have since "switched" over to hyperfocusing on when the word 'homosexual' was coined.

The recorded words are the recorded words. There's no "guessing" about that.

There is no bait and switch.

I asserted that there is no record in the Bible of Jesus ever using the word "Homosexual".

You seem to be disputing it...and losing ground with each post.

Either post a passage with Jesus using the word...or shut up. You are making yourself look like a jackass.

Fuck you.

Half-truth (iow, a lie).

Fuck you.

Jesus did not approve of same-sex sexual relations. That is very clear, as already identified via various GOD-BREATHED scriptures (that means that these are all ultimately the words of God the Father, God the Son (that's Jesus, btw), and the Holy Ghost) ---

Leviticus 18:22 (NIV) -- “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV) -- "(9) Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men (10) nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Romans 1:25-27 (NIV) -- "(25) They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. (26) Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. (27) In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

This is where you now "switch" back to discussing when the word 'homosexual' became a word instead of discussing the concept itself (of same-sex sexual relations).

Yup. This is where you go switching back to that, as mentioned just above.

Here, you are attempting to play the very same game that you've been playing with me on 'homosexuality'. You already got me to bite on that one. I'm not stupid enough to bite again on this one.

No, you are being a dishonest weasel about this conversation.

Now you're pretending that this "switch" isn't what your main point is, even though it is. You, in your dishonesty, will continue to keep moving back and forth between the "bait" and the "switch". It's all you have. You're toast at this point.


No you weren't, and your "pretending not to know" is fooling nobody. You intended to bait me into wasting my time discussing something that you have absolutely no intention of discussing and you succeeded at it. Congratulations.

I've asserted that there is not a recorded instance of Jesus using the word "homosexual" in the Bible. I've also asserted that there is not a recorded instance of Jesus using the word "abortion" in the Bible.

You want so badly for me to be wrong about that...but you know that I am correct.

Cite a passage with Jesus using either...or shut the fuck up. You are making a jackass out of yourself.

(I am enjoying watching you do it, though.)

There is no bait and switch.

I asserted that there is no record in the Bible of Jesus ever using the word "Homosexual".

You seem to be disputing it...and losing ground with each post.

Either post a passage with Jesus using the word...or shut up. You are making yourself look like a jackass.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: TOO FUNNY!!!!
Fuck you. Fuck you.
Liar. Liar.

I've asserted that there is not a recorded instance of Jesus using the word "homosexual" in the Bible.
Yes, this is what you've since switched over to asserting. It was not your original assertion.

I've also asserted that there is not a recorded instance of Jesus using the word "abortion" in the Bible.
Yes, you wish for me to waste my time in the very same way that I just got done wasting my time before. Not going to happen.

You want so badly for me to be wrong about that...but you know that I am correct.
The only thing that I want you to be is honest. You refuse to be.

Cite a passage with Jesus using either...or shut the fuck up. You are making a jackass out of yourself.

(I am enjoying watching you do it, though.)

"Jesus didn't make use of a specific word from today's lexicon that didn't exist in the lexicon of 2,000 years ago... That somehow means that he approves of homosexuality... tee hee hee"

You're being exceptionally retarded at this point.
Who wants to bet that Frank will now feign taking offense at my "exceptionally retarded" comment, and maybe even feign "being above personal attacks"?

Same old song and dance...
Liar. Liar.

Fuck you.

Yes, this is what you've since switched over to asserting. It was not your original assertion.

There was no bait and switch.

There have been two conversations going on.

One...Jesus never mentioned the word(s) homosexual in the Bible...which clearly is the case.

Two...it can be implied that Jesus condemned homosexuality via the Matthew 5:17 comments. And I agreed to that out front. I have agreed to that MANY times on the Internet over the last 25 years. See my entry #600 in this thread.

No bait and switch. You are too much of a pussy to even try to show me to be wrong.

Yes, you wish for me to waste my time in the very same way that I just got done wasting my time before. Not going to happen.

I wish for you to entertain me.

You never fail to do so.

The only thing that I want you to be is honest. You refuse to be.

I am being honest with you. Calling me a liar is your way of dealing with the fact that you are having your ass handed to you.

"Jesus didn't make use of a specific word from today's lexicon that didn't exist in the lexicon of 2,000 years ago... That somehow means that he approves of homosexuality... tee hee hee"

I certainly never said or implied that.

You're being exceptionally retarded at this point.

You are being a jerkoff...but a loveable jerkoff...and a very entertaining one.

Who wants to bet that Frank will now feign taking offense at my "exceptionally retarded" comment, and maybe even feign "being above personal attacks"?

Same old song and dance...

Take offense???

I love ya.

You are one of the most entertaining fools here.

Yes, that's what you're trying to do. It isn't working.

(1) Jesus (while on Earth in human flesh) described the construct of marriage, as recorded in the book of Matthew. While not specifically mentioning homosexuality, one can logically put 2 and 2 together and conclude that homosexuality is not included within his description of marriage.

(2) Jesus said a wholeeeeeee bunch of other stuff that was not recorded in the Gospels. The book of John concludes with this little factoid. Nobody alive today has any clue what Jesus may or may not have said specifically about homosexuality while he was here on Earth.

(3) The entirety of the Bible is "god-breathed", meaning that the ultimate author of the entirety of the Bible is God (which includes Jesus). Thus, the Leviticus passage that outright stands against homosexuality is the Word of God (Jesus). Jesus, while in human flesh, testified to the legitimacy of every little jot and tittle of the OT.

" While not specifically mentioned "!
Everything after that is your spin.5be44a3fd6aaf7cfe5c636fd754a6f9e--judging-quotes-true-words.jpg
Who wants to bet that Frank will now feign taking offense at my "exceptionally retarded" comment, and maybe even feign "being above personal attacks"?

Same old song and dance...
I've never seen Frank feign offense at anything and, AFAIK, has never taken offense at stupid remarks from schizos on JPP. :thup:
Fuck you.

There was no bait and switch.

There have been two conversations going on.

One...Jesus never mentioned the word(s) homosexual in the Bible...which clearly is the case.

Two...it can be implied that Jesus condemned homosexuality via the Matthew 5:17 comments. And I agreed to that out front. I have agreed to that MANY times on the Internet over the last 25 years. See my entry #600 in this thread.

No bait and switch. You are too much of a pussy to even try to show me to be wrong.

I wish for you to entertain me.

You never fail to do so.

I am being honest with you. Calling me a liar is your way of dealing with the fact that you are having your ass handed to you.

I certainly never said or implied that.

You are being a jerkoff...but a loveable jerkoff...and a very entertaining one.


Jesus is God just in a different form and God spoke directly against homosexuality in the OT.

Are you implying that God changed His mind?
Are you implying that God changed His mind?

Are you saying you take the Bible literally, Tink? Because if you don't, then you understand why the writers of the OT fucked up.

Jesus is God just in a different form and God spoke directly against homosexuality in the OT.
Not all Christians accept the Trinity as the truth, Tink. Muslims see Jesus as a prophet, but not the Son of God...which used to be a funny comic book in National Lampoon magazine.

Are you saying you take the Bible literally, Tink? Because if you don't, then you understand why the writers of the OT fucked up.

Not all Christians accept the Trinity as the truth, Tink. Muslims see Jesus as a prophet, but not the Son of God...which used to be a funny comic book in National Lampoon magazine.


Nobody messed up anything, God wrote the Bible using humans to put His words on paper

And the Bible is extremely clear on the trinity

If people choose to ignore that then that’s on them

The fact is that Jesus didn’t need to mention homosexuality because He had already addressed it
Nobody messed up anything, God wrote the Bible using humans to put His words on paper

And the Bible is extremely clear on the trinity

If people choose to ignore that then that’s on them

The fact is that Jesus didn’t need to mention homosexuality because He had already addressed it

Did Jesus tell you that is why he didn't address homosexuality? Or is that your spin?
Nobody messed up anything, God wrote the Bible using humans to put His words on paper

And the Bible is extremely clear on the trinity

If people choose to ignore that then that’s on them

The fact is that Jesus didn’t need to mention homosexuality because He had already addressed it

I strongly doubt God is as stupid and fucked up as you are claiming, Tink. God is perfect.

Once again you are making claims without evidence, dear.

Yes, free will. Not your place to judge no matter how many times you seek to do so.

Soooo....according to the Holy Priestess Tinkerbell, Jesus loved everyone but homos and trannies? Maybe Democrats?