Goerge Will - The Fairness Doctrine Strikes OUt



Broadcast 'Fairness' Fouls Out

Reactionary liberalism, the ideology of many Democrats, holds that inconvenient rights, such as secret ballots in unionization elections, should be repealed; that existing failures, such as GM, should be preserved; and, with special perversity, that repealed mistakes, such as the "fairness doctrine," should be repeated. That Orwellian name was designed to disguise the doctrine's use as the government's instrument for preventing fair competition in the broadcasting of political commentary.

Because liberals have been even less successful in competing with conservatives on talk radio than Detroit has been in competing with its rivals, liberals are seeking intellectual protectionism in the form of regulations that suppress ideological rivals. If liberals advertise their illiberalism by reimposing the fairness doctrine, the Supreme Court might revisit its 1969 ruling that the fairness doctrine is constitutional. The court probably would dismay reactionary liberals by reversing that decision on the ground that the world has changed vastly, pertinently and for the better.

Until the Reagan administration extinguished it, the doctrine required broadcasters to devote reasonable time to fairly presenting all sides of any controversial issue discussed on the air. The government decided the meaning of the italicized words.

When government regulation of the content of broadcasts began in 1927, the supposed justification was the scarcity of radio spectrum. In 1928 and 1929, when Republicans ran Washington, a New York station owned by the Socialist Party was warned to show "due regard" for others' opinions, and the government blocked the Chicago Federation of Labor's attempted purchase of a station because all stations should serve "the general public." In 1939, when Democrats ran Washington, the government conditioned renewal of one station's license on that station's promise to desist from anti-FDR editorials.

In 1969, when the Supreme Court declared the fairness doctrine constitutional, it probably did not know the Kennedy administration's use of it, as one official described it: "Our massive strategy was to use the fairness doctrine to challenge and harass the right-wing broadcasters and hope that the challenges would be so costly to them that they would be inhibited and decide it was too expensive to continue." Richard Nixon emulated this practice. In 1973, Supreme Court Justice William Douglas, a liberal, said the doctrine "has no place in our First Amendment regime" because it "enables administration after administration to toy with TV or radio."

The court's 1969 ruling relied heavily on the scarcity rationale. But Brian Anderson and Adam Thierer, in their book "A Manifesto for Media Freedom," note that today there are about 14,000 radio stations, twice as many as in 1969; 18.9 million subscribers to satellite radio, up 17 percent in 12 months; and that 86 percent of households with either cable or satellite television receive an average of 102 of the 500 available channels. Because daily newspapers are much more scarce than are radio and television choices, should there be a fairness doctrine for the New York Times?

The 1969 court dismissed as "speculative" the possibility that the fairness doctrine would cause broadcasters to "eliminate coverage of controversial issues." But the proper worry was that the doctrine would continue to stifle the flowering of controversy. A court that considers the doctrine today will note that whereas in 1980 there were fewer than 100 talk radio programs, today there are more than 1,500 news or talk radio stations.

Further subverting the "scarcity" rationale for government supervision of broadcast content, some liberals now say: The problem is not maldistribution of opinion and information but too much of both. Until recently, liberals fretted that the media were homogenizing America into blandness. Now they say speech management by government is needed because of a different scarcity -- the public's attention, which supposedly is overloaded by today's information cornucopia.

And these worrywarts say the proliferation of radio, cable, satellite broadcasting and Internet choices allows people to choose their own universe of commentary, which takes us far from the good old days when everyone had the communitarian delight of gathering around the cozy campfire of the NBC-ABC-CBS oligopoly. Being a liberal is exhausting when you must simultaneously argue for illiberal policies on the basis of dangerous scarcity and menacing abundance.

If reactionary liberals, unsatisfied with dominating the mainstream media, academia and Hollywood, were competitive on talk radio, they would be uninterested in reviving the fairness doctrine. Having so sullied liberalism's name that they have taken to calling themselves progressives, liberals are now ruining the reputation of reactionaries, which really is unfair.
Watermark's obsessions:
Liberal - Paul Krugman
Libertarian - RStringfield
Conservative - George Will

Did you ever consider that you aren't really understanding what forms the foundation of a philosophy and just like to lazily latch on to whomever you think makes the most intellectually sounding arguments that you can comfortably idolize?
Watermark's obsessions:
Liberal - Paul Krugman
Libertarian - RStringfield
Conservative - George Will

Did you ever consider that you aren't really understanding what forms the foundation of a philosophy and just like to lazily latch on to whomever you think makes the most intellectually sounding arguments that you can comfortably idolize?

No, he's just one of the two commentators that I've chosen to throw in my RSS feeds. Sometimes he makes good points and I post them.
The only two I ever post.

Well I've decided to apply to be your idol for right-wing posts, just repost anything I say, don't bother understanding it, I'll use lots of $100 words and verbally sneer at my enemies. You'll be a happy customer and hopefully get influenced the right way.

Stick with me kid, you're going places.
Well I've decided to apply to be your idol for right-wing posts, just repost anything I say, don't bother understanding it, I'll use lots of $100 words and verbally sneer at my enemies. You'll be a happy customer and hopefully get influenced the right way.

Stick with me kid, you're going places.

The only people talking about the Fairness Doctrine are right-wing ideologues that are scrambling for a victory so they gin up this nonsense that no one is talking about so they can claim victory when something no one is advocating for doesn't pass. And if that isn't the case then I'm just confused. Tilting against windmills is all this is.

But this quote has to be my favorite:

If reactionary liberals, unsatisfied with dominating the mainstream media, academia and Hollywood, were competitive on talk radio, they would be uninterested in reviving the fairness doctrine. Having so sullied liberalism's name that they have taken to calling themselves progressives, liberals are now ruining the reputation of reactionaries, which really is unfair.

If only liberals, progressives and reactionaries could use their domination of the mainstream media to keep George Will's horseshit out of newspapers and off the Sunday show circuit we'd all be better off.
The only people talking about the Fairness Doctrine are right-wing ideologues that are scrambling for a victory so they gin up this nonsense that no one is talking about so they can claim victory when something no one is advocating for doesn't pass. And if that isn't the case then I'm just confused. Tilting against windmills is all this is.

But this quote has to be my favorite:

If only liberals, progressives and reactionaries could use their domination of the mainstream media to keep George Will's horseshit out of newspapers and off the Sunday show circuit we'd all be better off.

Oh is that what's going on? I was wondering why I never hear anybody on the left talking about this.
What are you 2 on about? Pelosi has said (this year) that Yes she supports a return of the Fairness Doctrine, she is the house speaker so obviously the right is concerned and would be talking strongly about and against it.

It's not tilting at windmills but quashing something before it grows.
Pelosi was asked this summer if she supported the return of the Fairness doctrine. She said yes. That sparked the discussion.

Asked by whom? My bet is some wing-nut that is prattling on about this horseshit that no one gives a damn about.

I've been down this road before and I'd rather not re-tread it (this is the third time I've had to write that in two days of posting). The bottom line is that no one is talking about it at all except for the wing-nuts.

I previously posted the language from the most recent budget bill that not only did not attempt to revive the Fairness Doctrine but explicitly stated that the FCC cannot use any appropriated funds for purposes of reinstituting the doctrine. It was offered as an amendment that passed the House 309-115.

It'll never pass because no one really supports it.
Asked by whom? My bet is some wing-nut that is prattling on about this horseshit that no one gives a damn about.

It'll never pass because no one really supports it.

Wouldn't know it from the posters on here.

And people do give a damn about censoring the press.
Whether an issue is up for being pushed right now or not is not why posters make it relevant.

Its an issue that people worry about, are concerned about, or want to make people aware of.

Perhaps the bad press and discussions BEFORE its included in any bill will make sure it doesn't rear its ugly head again.
Whether an issue is up for being pushed right now or not is not why posters make it relevant.

Its an issue that people worry about, are concerned about, or want to make people aware of.

Perhaps the bad press and discussions BEFORE its included in any bill will make sure it doesn't rear its ugly head again.

Whether an issue is up for being pushed right now or not is not why posters make it relevant.

Its an issue that people worry about, are concerned about, or want to make people aware of.

Perhaps the bad press and discussions BEFORE its included in any bill will make sure it doesn't rear its ugly head again.

The last time it "reared its ugly head" was in 2004 when a Democratic beck-bencher proposed a bill to reinstate it that didn't even get the majority support of her caucus.

It's a non-issue. It's one of those issues that the wing-nuts keep alive because they are out of ideas and have no agenda. Instead of focusing on things that actually matter they dream up these horseshit fantasies about the evil liberals that don't exist.

Notice that George Fucking Will doesn't identify a single "liberal" in Congress that has actually proposed a bill to reinstitute the measure. Surely if there was a powerful reactionary liberal cohort that we should all be afraid of because George Fucking Will said they want to steal our RushHaninityO'Reilley he could name at least one of them and maybe even identify a piece of legislation designed to reinstitute the doctrine. He didn't' because he can't.

As I said above, the last time a vote was taken on affirmatively preventing the FCC from reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine (and Congress could have said nothing at all since the FCC wasn't going to reinstitute it anyway) it was overwhelmingly supported.
Just out of curiosity, if you are slamming George Will so hard I am curious if there are ANY intellectual conservatives you have respect for.
Asked by whom? My bet is some wing-nut that is prattling on about this horseshit that no one gives a damn about.

I've been down this road before and I'd rather not re-tread it (this is the third time I've had to write that in two days of posting). The bottom line is that no one is talking about it at all except for the wing-nuts.

I previously posted the language from the most recent budget bill that not only did not attempt to revive the Fairness Doctrine but explicitly stated that the FCC cannot use any appropriated funds for purposes of reinstituting the doctrine. It was offered as an amendment that passed the House 309-115.

It'll never pass because no one really supports it.

Google it. I don't recall who asked her the question. Doesn't really matter. The fact is she said YES. That is the last I have heard about it from any of the Dems. They did not bring it up since then (as far as I know)

As far as you typing "i don't want to rehash topic 'x'" No one here gives a shit whether you want to discuss particular topics. If you choose to discuss, feel free. If you don't want to... then DON'T. But do quit whining like a five year old about topics that have "already been discussed".

I agree that the MAJORITY don't support it... but to say nobody does is dishonest as clearly Pelosi does support bringing it back. The fact that she doesn't have the votes to do so does not mean no one supports it.
Just out of curiosity, if you are slamming George Will so hard I am curious if there are ANY intellectual conservatives you have respect for.

I do generally respect Will when he is honest. This piece by Will is not honest or truthful. It's basically a column length strawman argument designed to smear liberals. There is nothing to respect in the column.